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Louis nervously rung the doorbell to the Bright household, shifting on his feet as Sheila opened the door, eyes widening at the sight of Louis.

"Um... Louis! How... What are you doing here!?" Sheila looked behind her as Ed approached, smiling at Louis.

"Lou? You should've gave me a rang, I could've been here to answer the door," Ed said, avoiding the glare his mother was sending him.

"You two are friends again?" Sheila asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Something like that," Ed replied, intertwining his fingers with Louis's and pulling him inside. "We'll be in my room if you need us, Mum."

Ed's mother just watched as the two went upstairs and into Ed's room.

"Your mum looks so different," Louis noted.

"She's had a few jobs done," Ed said with a roll of his hazel eyes, plopping onto his bed- which was really just a mattress on the floor despite the amount of money the family had- and closing his song book. He must've been writing before Louis showed up.

"So she's still happy with Scott?"

"As if Scott is ever home," Ed mumbled.

It hasn't always been that way. Ed's dad died when Ed was only two. Sheila met Scott Bright a year later and they moved here to Doncaster, to this house. Jay Tomlinson was Sheila's first friend and Louis was Ed's.

Back then, Scott was always home. He owned a few car lots and many houses so the family was doing well with money.

Louis supposed that it was different now, but he hasn't been around for three and a half years. Not that it was his fault.

"Do you remember that day?" Ed asked suddenly. "The day that you left?"

Louis blinked slowly, the summer day drifting back into his mind. "I do."

"That's the thing I regret the most in my life. You were my best friend, the one who pulled me from my shell and I hurt you so bad because I was scared to be different!"


"Let me finish... I was so wrong and even if you forgive me, I feel like shit because it wasn't right for me to do what I did, to hurt you because I know you'd never hurt me."

Louis blushed, looking at his feet. "It's really alright, Ed. Everyone makes mistakes-"

"Louis, won't you understand! I lost the most important thing in my life because of what other people think. I... I don't care what they think anymore. I want to come out."

Louis and Ed stared at each other for a second before Louis broke into a smile. "Really?"

"Yeah... Yeah, I do. I want to throw a party or something and make it an announcement but at the same time I just want to tweet it or something."

"Don't make it a big deal," Louis said immediately. "Not like me or Har-Um... Just tweet it."

Louis crinkled his eyebrows together when Ed grabbed his cell phone.

"You're doing it now?" Louis asked in surprise.

"Yes," Ed said simply and Louis crawled onto the bed beside Ed, who laced their fingers together and used one hand to type out a tweet before taking a deep breath and sending it.

Louis squeezed Ed's hand and the ginger looked at him, smiled, and pulled him in for a kiss. Louis sighed happily into Ed's mouth, pulling away to bump their noses together. Ed smiled fondly and handed Louis the phone so he could read the tweet.

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