Ch. 30 - Trust +1

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The rumor has died down a bit after Trisha was suspended due to the set of the rumor. Some girls still stared, and some guys are just jerks as they're making sexual movements with their pelvis, but it has died down throughout the week.

Today was the play. Something to be excited about. No more rehearsing with Dan so... yay?

"Alright, students, you know the drill," Sydney shouted, teens running around the stage, getting things ready. As you stood at the corner of the back of the stage, you were looking through the clip board you had.

Daniels timing: + 30 seconds.
       + 30 seconds.
       - 10 seconds.

Remembering the way he kissed you made you wonder where he was today. Because the play was first thing in the morning, the teacher was going insane because he wasn't here.

"Has anyone seen Daniel," She'd ask, occasionally. The play was starting in five minutes and students have already started walking in. "If Howell doesn't get here, then we're gonna have to cancel," Sydney worries. "We never got a double; he was for sure going to-"

"Sorry I'm late," Daniels' voice shouted from the curtains.

Turning towards him, your mouth had slightly dropped, but you closed it quickly. He was wearing his costume with some gold eyeliner to match and dress shoes. Though, what really caught your eye was the bouquet of flowers in his hand.

"Dan, you're so lucky you're dressed, get to your place," the teacher shouted.

Dan then nodded and walked over to you. "I know this isn't the best apology in the world but... it's something," he smiled, handing you the flowers.

Taking them, you rub your eyes, trying not to cry. You were just thinking about him and how you wanted him but couldn't trust him and here he is, bringing you a bouquet of flowers dressed in the old, Medieval outfit with dress shoes on.

Taking the flowers, you smile at them. "Did you bring a change of clothes," you laugh.

"No. I have clothes in my locker but I have no extra shoes." He does the cheeky smile, leaning his forehead against yours. "I understand you can't trust me because of what I've done to other girls and my first impression this year was of me groping your ass, but," he chuckles at the memory. "But I'm here trying to say that I'm sorry for the inconvenience." He then kisses your head and smiles. "Keep those as I get ready and go sugoi-anime, like you said."

"Ready, Howell," Sydney calls.

He nods at her as he bounces up and down, getting his energy boosted.

"Okay," you start. "Narrator," you command as the freshman runs to the front and starts to speak. Once Dan's que was said, he jumped out on stage, making the audience laugh and hoot. Smiling at his actions, you cue the other actors to the main stage.

As your job was done, you sit on the chair waiting to time Dan for his change of clothes. As he runs into the backstage, he sprints to the changing room. "Go, go, go," you shout, checking the time.

You hear him groan, "ahh, Y/N! I can't find the— wait I got it!"

Laughing, he finally walks out, giving you two thumbs up and walking back to the stage. You set the bouquet on the seat you sat in as you watched Dan act his heart out.

After the show of the first play (out of three), Sydney walks out, thanking and giving credit to the actors.

"For the first scene, thank you Y/N for getting everything set," Sydney calls as you run out to the stage, smiling as the mix of grades applaud. "Thank you, Daniel for playing the lead roll," she shouts as Dan jogs out in his ending Hamlet outfit, waving and bowing.

He stands by you as you look up at him. Did he really care about me? Or was the bouquet just for show?

He looks back down at you, smiling, grasping your hand behind his back. "You know I love you, right," he mouthed the words like when he was driving.

He cares.

You nodded and looked back at the audience, applauding.

After curtain call, new kids started pouring into the cafeteria. Dan goes back to the changing area and quickly switches his clothes. As he walks out, we were notified that we had a few minutes before the next play started.

Dan walks towards you and takes your hands.
"Will you finally allow me into your life and forget about the stupid, childish things I did to others?"

You dramatically sigh. "I don't know, Howell. Maybe if you have arrived in a tux," you ask, smiling. He gives a peck on your forehead and gets to his place for the next group.


"He did that," Phil asked, pouring water into the beaker in science class.

"He did that! Didn't you see him today? He hasn't changed out of his outfit," you laugh. "I told him that he should come to school in dress shoes and not change. And he did."

"Okay, he didn't confess his love for you in front of the whole school, so, there's no reason to forgive him," he shrugs as you hit him playfully. "Are you willing to trust him, though?"

"Yeah." You nod, "I think he's a good guy who just couldn't control his emotions."

"So he decided to bone all the girls in the school. Got it."

"Shut up, Phil, and finish the lab," you command, flicking his forehead.

Jerk, Sophomore, Howell. (Dan Howell X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now