Vampire Emerald's for Melissa (Chapter 2)

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Chapter 2

I still had fifteen minutes before class started as I drove onto campus grounds and parked. So I decided to try and find my best friend since 4th grade. I grabbed my backpack from the passenger seat and my navy colored hoodie locked the doors, and started walking giving my beautiful black with red stripped Chevy Camaro a backwards glance.

"Angel!" I practically screamed in joy. She was the only one who had guessed that my step mom had beat me because I had forgotten to cover a bruise that was on my cheek last year. I told everyone that it happened because I fell. I should have known she wouldn't have believed that.

"Melissa!" I saw a smile spread across her face faster than humanly possible. As she ran across the outside quad that lead from the cafeteria.

"OMG, Melissa did you see the 4 new hot guys?" she squealed.

" No. I haven't, why? "

"Because they are totally deliciously yummy."

I couldn't help but give her a look of surprise, because since I have known her she has never called anything "deliciously yummy."

Before I could answer the bell rang and with that came a "See you later." as Angel ran off to her first period. As I stood there I wondered if I would see these mysterious new guys. With that I walked to my first period which happened to be my least favorite subject History.

I quickly walked in the door to Mr. Jackson's room and found a seat in the back. Turns out there weren't that many people in the class there were about twenty-five seats and most of them were empty. Mr. Jackson took roll.

"Ok so instead of everyone hating me on the first day back at school which you probably will with the rest of your teachers, were going to have a you period do what you want but if I see a cell phone or and ipod I'm taking it. And that was a hint to everyone so just sit back and..." Mr. Jackson stopped mid-sentence I wondered why.

I decided to look up from my phone.

I saw 4 guys standing in the door and to my surprise they were hot, extremely hot.

"I'm sorry, were we interrupting anything?" one said.

"No, you four must be the new students. Please come in and introduce yourself to the class then take a seat." I looked down before they noticed I was practically drooling on my desk. Then looked back.

"ok. Well my name is Max and we just moved here from Colorado."

Max must have been the one that talked. The first thing that I noticed about Max was his eyes the were a beautiful emerald green that sparkled even though there was no light coming from the window, about 6'2 black spiked hair with fiery red tips in the front. I could tell he was built by his tight black shirt which hugged every muscle with dark blue jeans.

"I'm Robert, but you can call me rob and my worst subject is English." that wise crack got a laugh from the whole class. Rob was a little taller than Max, sandy blonde hair, what looked like blue eyes with fewer muscles than max.

"I'm Will and I can't think of anything to say." he smiled, it was cute when he smiled like you just wanted to get up and hug him, but he did seem kind of shy. Will had brown hair he was shorter than max but not my much, lean like a jungle cat and reminded me of will turner from Pirates of the Caribbean.

"Derek." that was a quick answer and it had a lot of attitude put into it. I think he may be the ass out of the group. Blazing red hair brighter than fire taller than Will but shorter than Max, eyes the color of honey, and I thought to myself "if looks could kill the whole class would be dead." The entire time I had looked at him his face looked like he was pissed off. The next thing I know he changed to a smile....I was so shocked it wasn't even funny.


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