Vampire Emerald's for Melissa (Chapter 4)

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yes it does get better. i promise. still writeing chapter 5 but as soon as i get done i will post it. comment and tell me what you think of the story so far.


Chapter 4

*****Max's POV*****

"Melissa!" I woke up from a dream, sweat dripping from my hair. It seemed so real on minute I was with her telling her I loved her, and the next she was being attacked by a werewolf. God today was going to be a pain in the ass. I rolled over to look at the clock. 6:00 Am. I would have to have been up in 10 minutes anyway. So I got up and showered. Threw on some blue jeans and a white shirt. And went to wake the guys.


"I don't think so I still have 5 more minutes. " Derek said from his room.

"fine." that was Will.

"Sure. But I'm driving today." of course Rob.

"ok. But like I said were leaving in 20 and anyone not ready is going to have to run."

*****Melissa's POV*****

I was already in first period with my "goon squad" in place. Ugh....this sucks. But what I hadn't noticed was Blake's approach.

"Melissa. Have you decided?"

All of the guys were giving me a look like they were playing 20 questions with each other. God that was creepy.

"Yes. I have. And it's a no."

He stepped closer. That was a mistake. All four guys got up.

"Keep away from her, Mutt." Max said.

"if that is what our prince of the night wants." he bent a little mocking Max. and turned to me. "This isn't over Melissa not by a long shot."

When the bell rang I bolted from the class room and ran for the girls bathroom I went into the nearest open stall locked the door and sank into the wall I couldn't help it. I sat there for I don't know how long wondering if I could handle this year with all four of those guys in one class and Blake being here. When I finally decided to come out of the stall the halls were empty. I didn't even notice that the bell had rang. I started to walk to my next class I had Chemistry with Mrs. Marks next.

Before I could look up I had been pushed into a wall only to be cornered by my ex Blake Edwards. He was the captain of the football team, practice on the wrestling team, and could probably throw me down the hall had short auburn hair, hazel eyes, the body of a guy that went to the gym 6 days a week and a caramel tan.

"What do you want Blake?" I said with a hint of malice.

"I want another chance with you."

"why? So you can cheat on me again with some other girl then tell me she meant nothing to you when I caught you kissing her." I saw his jaw clench.

"I didn't kiss her she kissed me."

"Like I believe that one. You had your tongue down her throat." I knew that I shouldn't have said that I saw his hands curl into a fist then uncurl. The next thing he had me pined on the wall my back against the wall and him holding me there with his hands on either side of my head and his body pressing against mine.

"Fine be difficult this is only going to end badly for you." before I even realize what he is doing he has me around the waist carrying me out of the building and towards the parking lot. I go to scream, I open my mouth and only get a little cry out before his hand is over my mouth.

"Don't try that again or you will be sorry."

We continue our journey walking out of the parking lot towards the park. him still carrying me. I knew that no one would be there all the classes had started for the middle school and the high school. We were going in the direction of the park. It was about 12 blocks from the school which meant whatever happened no one would be to help me. The area around both schools had houses that were far apart so even if I could have screamed they wouldn't be able to help.

We got to the park which was covered in trees. Everywhere lush grass grew, and a small play ground. There was a pavilion hidden by most of the trees. He put me down. Without letting go he held onto my wrist. He turned to face me.

"if you make a peep or try to run I will hurt you." I knew from the sound of his voice he would do it too.

We continued to walk until we got to a spot that was hidden from view no matter which direction you were facing. I was cornered with Blake and he knew it. I looked back at him only to find that he was right in front of me. I backed up until I was pressed up against a tree. He laughed when I looked at him. He saw the fear in my eyes.

"see I told you this was going to be fun." Blake moved forward coming as close as physically possible crushing himself to me.

"get off of me..." it was getting hard to breath he had pushed so close I felt dizzy.

"if I get another chance with you." convinced I would say yes.

"not if my life depended on going out with you again. You don't deserve anything you get, you only get it because your parents give it to you and you pick on everyone else that doesn't. you're a jerk, a pig, and I hope you end up old and alone." his face turned red with fury. He back handed me on my right cheek. I could already feel the bruise and the heat from where his fingers left a welt. I let out a whimper of pain, his smile returned bigger than before.

"all I'm asking for is another chance, say yes and everything can go back to normal."

"why so when you get pissed because I'm not doing something the way you want it done you can hit me like you just did? NO! now get off." I shoved him hard. He wasn't expecting it. He stumbled and fell backwards when his head hit the grass it made an audible thunk. I took a second to breath. I bolted running as hard as I could. I knew that he would catch me.

"Melissa, your gonna pay for that you know that you cant out run me. And no one is here to help you get away." Blake sounded really close behind me. I didn't want to think about that I just wanted to make it till tomorrow.


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