Vampire Emeralds for Melissa (Chapter 10)

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first off i wanted to say thanks to smileycircus818, Jessicar84, and kiki 353. i love your support and comments along with your excitement. it took me some thought to decide on which way i wanted to take this story. but i finally figured it out. hope you enjoy it. vote and comment :) and like normal i will post the next chapter asap.


Chapter 10

***** Robert's POV *****

The drive back from the restaurant was quiet for the most part. Will stared out the window day dreaming, Derek was driving but I didn't know what he was thinking about he just stared at the road.

We pulled up the driveway to see Max standing outside the front door. He looked sad and upset. We couldn't all but think the same thing. That Melissa hadn't made it. Derek was the first to speak up.

"Is Melissa ok?"

"I don't know." Max Said.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Derek said. His fists were clenched at his sides we all knew what would happen if he got pissed. Max took and explained fast.

"I'm telling you I don't know because she hasn't woken up yet. June said she did everything that she could but it would be up to Melissa to decide if she herself would wake up or die. Listen can we all just go inside and talk about this.

"Fine. But we want to see her." Derek said.

"As long as June says its ok."

I thought about all the times I had seen her in class the way she blushed when she was embarrassed, the way when she laughed it sounded like the tinkling of bells, the way her eyes went on farther than the depths of the ocean. In that instant through those memories I realized she was the only reason I went to school or got up in the morning. She was my reason to live in this eternal hell they call vampirism.

*****Will's POV*****

We all took the short trip from the living room up the stairs to Max's room after seeing if it was ok with June that Melissa had some visitors.

"Why is she in your room? We have plenty of other rooms but she ends up in your room. Why." Derek looked like he wanted to kill Max right there.

"it was the first place that came to my mind."

We all felt that it would be better to see Melissa than argue in the hallway over who's room she was in. so very gently Max pushed the door open making sure that he didn't make too much noise. Walking over to the bed was like seeing the sun for the first time. Her hair was pooling around her shoulders as she lay their looking so peaceful. I just wanted to go over and listen to her heart beat until she woke up. I could feel all of our hearts just break. Watching her basically fight for her life while laying in a bed looking like she was just asleep. At that moment I realized that I loved her, and I would do anything to see those beautiful blue eyes of hers again.

*****Derek's POV*****

How could he say that he didn't know how she was. He was the one who brought her here, and put her life in June's hands. But of all things to say I don't know shouldn't have fell in that category. If she died I would blame him for the rest of eternity.

After getting the ok from June I realized that I would be able to see her and know for sure if she was ok. I would read her mind, her thoughts, her dreams to know. I wanted to be able to hug her and see the warm glow that her face gave off. The last time the three of us had seen her she was white and pasty colored the warm glow had all but faded from her. It was while we were walking up the stairs that I realized that I loved her and would give anything if she would just wake up.

*****Max's POV*****

I had realized long ago that I loved her. From the first moment I met her I felt a tug for her. The way her hair shone in the light. The way she lit up when she saw her best friend. I just wished she would wake up. To hear her voice. For her to tell me she was fine. That everything would be ok. I couldn't stand to look at her like this unmoving just laying there. It made my heart shatter every time I looked from the guys back to her.

"lets leave and give her some time to come back."

4 Days Later

*****Derek's POV*****

We had been discussing Melissa for the past 4 days. Her parents thought she was dead. The police already had come by and asked if we knew were she was since she had disappeared from school that day. We told them that we had to go out of town to see an aunt who was sick that day that's why we left. They said that was ok. And that if we heard anything or saw her to give them a call. They left. We went back to sit on the couch in the living room.

"What if she doesn't wake up. What if she doesn't want to come back?" Rob Asked.

"Right now all we can do is hope. There is nothing more we can do. June said that she had been giving Melissa transfusions' of blood so that the blood she lost could be replenished." Max said.

"Which refrigerator did she use?" Will asked.

"The one closest to the door." Max said.

"That doesn't help. There are two different doors into the kitchen remember." Will said.

Will had take our blood multiple times and was using it to see if he could find a way for our blood to regenerate itself instead of deteriorating like it did. That's why we had to drink animal blood. But our blood contained small amounts of our powers and our senses. If she gave Melissa our blood this was going to turn out bad.


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