Vampire Emerald's for Melissa (Chapter 35)

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Chapter 35

*****Jake's POV*****

It has been a few hours since Max disappeared into his room. Leaving us wondering what he was doing. The lasting effects of what he had left in his wake still haunted us. The blank expression on his face. The way he just stopped and left things the way they were. He finally reappeared after hours of being locked in the room.

"What the hell dude. First you go mental on Derek, then you drop him like week old garbage and disappear in the room. What in the hell is your problem. You should be worried about where my sister is. You deluded fool."

"Watch your tongue young one. You forget that I may look as old as you are but I am at least 5 times your age." Who was he calling a young one. My temper flared. "Why should I look any further for your sister when I already know where she is."

"Where is she." I was beyond pissed right now.

"Jake Calm Down!" Rob was beside me but I barely heard him over the roar of the wind outside.

"Uncle Jake." I looked down into the eyes of Iris. "Calm Down. Relax. Good things come to people that are polite in this house." she was right I did need to calm down.

"Your right Iris that is true. Please Max where is Melissa." I looked at him expectantly.

"Shes in our room resting." everyone made a bee line for the room Derek followed closely behind me. "Only one person at a time she needs to rest and I don't even know if she will allow visitors." he disappeared into the room only to return a few minutes later. "Only one person like I said. Rob your first."

"Why him first." I asked.

"Because that's what she said. Deal with it you can ask her yourself when its your turn." Rob walked into the room leaving the door ajar.

*****Rob's POV*****

the lights were all off. As I walked in my vision adjusting to the dim light that filtered throught the now drawn curtains.

"Melissa..." The covers stirred. As she sat up in the bed.

"Can you open the curtains for me. Please. Max closed them and I didn't want them drawn" I walked over past the beds and to the curtains opening them until she told me to stop. "Thank You."

"Your Welcome." I turned around looking at her for the first time. "Melissa Oh My God." I walked over towards her. Resting my palm on her cheek tracing the outline of the black eye she had. She turned away from my hand.

"Please Don't."

"It's ok. Your going to be fine. You don't have to turn away from me. You know Derek got hell when you sent him back and you didn't come back with him."

"I wouldn't have been able to send us both back. If I had tried neither of us would have made it back here."

"Melissa. What happened after you sent Derek back?"


"The injuries tell a different story."

"I said nothing. I'm done talking to you. Please go, and tell everyone else if they are going to ask that same question they can stay out too. Let Will in on your way out."

with that I got up and left. Knowing I had pushed my luck too far.

"Jake you may as well not go in. she said if anyone was going to ask what happened they may as well just stay out. She isn't going to answer that question for anyone. Will your next."

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