Vampire Emerald's for Melissa (Chapter 14)

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i decided to make this a little more interesting and add some issues in with the mix. i also tried to make it longer. hope you enjoy chapter 14, Vote and Comment. :) tell me what you think. i will post 15 asap. and also i would like to thank HuntedAngel, Secrets101 and midnightsun who have joined the mix of the people who are my insperation to write.


Chapter 14

*****Rob's POV*****

What was wrong with her? She drank over half a bottle of blood and said it was good...she raced around faster than even Max can, and now is probably having a panic attack in her room. And now she won't come out of the room. Max's room. So either he sleeps in another room tonight or she lets him have his room back.

I thought she took it relatively calmly. I mean who could be told they were drinking blood and still be calm about it.

*****Derek's POV*****

I watched her sit there and take gulps of blood she though it was actually a raspberry smoothie. I mean it was actually really hot watching her drink it with no problems everyone thought it was. But for her it scared the shit out of her.

She froze on the spot.

But her reaction was even more shocking. She got up and just washed her dish. But when Max approached her she freaked out. Although I have to admit the whole vampire speed thing to her side probably didn't make her feel any better either.

*****Will's POV*****

I knew I needed to tell her what was going on. She needed to know about us. And what was the night world. She was in more danger than she knew.

I walked up to Max's room. I knocked on the door. I knew she wouldn't answer so I just opened the door. It wasn't hard but I know that I owe Max a new door knob. She had locked herself in the bathroom.

*knock, knock*

"Melissa it's Will can you please open the door..."

No answer just some more sniffling.

"Mel please I need to talk to you it might help."

"ok. But I don't want anyone else in here."

"that's fine just open the door. No one is out here but me."

She unlocked the door, and let me in the bathroom. I slipped inside easily. Now all that was left was to explain. And I feared that would take a while.

*****Max's POV*****


I was pissed I wanted to know what was going on. I wanted to know what was happening to her.

"yes max."

"What blood did you give Melissa?"

"The blood from the refrigerator by the door."

"Which door?"

"the door closest to us." at the time we were in the living room. So the refrigerator closest to us was the donated blood that we got from the hospital. But that didn't explain why Melissa was showing signs of being a vampire.

*****Derek's POV*****

That's impossible. She isn't a vampire so how in the hell is she running faster than Max.

I was going to get to the bottom of this. I listened in on the conversation that Max had with June. She didn't give Melissa our blood so what happened.

I had to go hunting. I couldn't stay here and risk hurting Melissa. I told Rob that I was leaving and that I should be back later.

I ran from the house trying to for get. I soon was near my normal hunting grounds. I spotted a buck.

My fangs elongated in the delight of a fresh meal. it had been almost 2 weeks since I had last hunted, I had been feeding off that packaged stuff that we got from the humans, tasted horrible not like the fresh stuff. Which was warm and salty with a very rich taste to it. The promise of it gliding down my throat only made the burning worse. I pounced easily taking down the young buck, flavor exploded in my mouth as I sank my fangs into the pulsing vein below my teeth. I soon had drained my meal.

I decided to take a detour back to the house.

*****Melissa's POV*****

I was dumbfounded I had been talking to Will for almost 5 hours. I had learned about the night world. How not only did Vampire's existed but also werewolf's, shape shifters and other creatures of the night. It was amazing how many different creatures lived in my world just hiding in front of everyone.

The only thing will couldn't explain was my super speed that I used in the kitchen this morning. Which brought me to where I was now. Will had left and I was in Max's room thinking on what would happen next. I wanted to go home and talk to my mom and see if she knew anything about this.

I went to sleep.

I knew I was dreaming what person wakes up in a room floating off the bed. My teeth were hurting so bad it felt like I was having them pulled everything in the room was going funny. The walls were sprouting flowers, the candles exploded into flames, the ceiling started to rain and the wind whipped my face. I screamed. The next thing I know the door bursts open with max, rob, and will all staring at me.

"Melissa!" Max jumped for me catching me in mid air pulling me onto the bed with him. "You need to relax. I don't know what is happening but your experiencing a rapid burst of powers, like what we all went through when we got our powers. Try to relax. Think of how the room was before and concentrate."

Slowly the flowers disappeared, the water went away, the wind stopped, the candles died, I sat there cradled in Max's arms.

"Are you ok. Your not hurt are you? Rob go get a bottle of blood." rob dashed from the doorway Will came and sat with Max and I.

"Melissa I'm so sorry I didn't know that was going to happen." Max said.

"I just want to be home. With my mom and my brother. I don't understand what is happening maybe they do. I'm going home." I got off the bed and ran from the room for the door Will caught me just as I reached the front door. Max came in the room.

"Melissa just stay a little longer maybe we can figure it out."

I couldn't take it all I wanted was to be at home. i felt a power rising within myself, at that moment i knew i could get what i wanted."Max, Will. I'm sorry but I'm going to go home tonight I will see you tomorrow morning here." I thought about my room the color of the walls the texture of the sheets, the scent. When I opened my eyes I was in my room.


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