Vampire Emerald's for Melissa (Chapter 20)

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so i really liked this chapter and couldnt stop. so its long. and i want to say thanks to everyone who comments and votes on my story. you guys are my insperation to write. also tell me who you like and what you think. so Vote and COMMENT. remember the more comments the faster i write and post. and also woo-hoo for reaching 20 chapters on my first story!


Chapter 20

*****Melissa's POV*****

The water was amazing. I had slept pretty good. I probably would still be asleep if it hadn't been for Jake barging into my room. I drug out the shower as long as possible it felt great. When I got out I was fully awake and ready to shop I got dressed, fixed my hair, and opened the door. Derek had apparently left but Max sure hadn't.

"Wow." that was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw Max. he had stripped his clothes off leaving him in only his boxers. He was facing away from me, towel in hand. His muscles rippled as he moved ready to spring when needed. He turned towards me. My eyes moved from his shoulders down to his perfect abs. wash board. Better than anyone could get at the beach or gym.

"What?" my eyes moved back to his face I barely noticed that his boxers were emerald green.

"Nothing just admiring the guy standing in the room from Men's Fitness Magazine." he smirked.

"Well I don't think that maxium appreciates that one of their models has gone missing."

"Ha. I am not model material." he stepped forward.


"Yeah. Prove it."

"Fine. That's easy. Your eyes are as soft as new snow and are deeper than the ocean. Your hair shimmers brighter than any diamond, and your lips are the perfect shade of pink." he smiled. I blushed harder and deeper than anyone could have possibly ever had before.

"Are you serious?" I actually thought he was kidding. That was way to cute to be describing me.

"Yes I am." by now we were a few inches apart. I didn't even notice how close Max had actually gotten.

"Thank You. Its your turn to get in the shower."

"Ok. But there is one thing I want to do first." he leaned in so fast but the moment felt so slow. Our lips met. I stood there a mili-second before I reacted. This just felt right to be kissing Max. he picked me up moving to towards the bed. He laid on top of me as he laid me on the bed. We kissed for five minutes before we both breathed. Although it wasn't necessary it felt good to just breath. We were both flushed and our breathing came in short gasps.

"That was interesting to say the least." was all I could say. He was still laying on top of me.

"I would say the same thing." he leaned back in to kiss me again his hands moving down to the hem of my shirt.

"Max. Stop." he didn't he just moved to the hallow of my neck. "You need to get in the shower before someone comes in here namely my brother. So get in there." he looked up at me and pouted.

"Fine. But just to let you know I was enjoying myself plus I don't think anyone would have come up stairs for at least another 30 mins." I smiled. He got off of me so I sat up.

"I can tell you were enjoying your self." I laughed I couldn't help it. I mean have you ever seen a guy that had a pop up tent in his pants.

"Ok. I blame you for that."

"Will you just get in the shower." he left and shut the door behind himself.

I waited a little while hearing the shower turn on. My breathing slowed and my heart beat returned to normal. I got up and left walking down the hall.

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