Vampire Emerald's for Melissa (Chapter 30)

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ok so i hope this clears some confusion. as always vote and COMMENT!!!!


Chapter 30

*****Melissa's POV*****

I thought life couldn't get any worse. First the attacks on the house, the kidnappings, Dante, and now the twins. Although they were the best part of the whole thing. I still couldn't believe it. I actually remember finding out like it was yesterday.

*Flash Back 2 ½ Months Earlier)*

I had gotten up that morning feeling like I had been out at see for 3 weeks on nothing but rocking ocean. My equilibrium was totally off. I was lucky that I made it to the toilet as I heaved up everything in my stomach. I sad on the tile floor for the longest time. Waiting for the nausea to go away. I finally got up off the floor, flushing the toilet as I brushed the taste out of my mouth.

"Hey Mel. You want something to eat?" Will came in with a breakfast burrito in his hand. I swear if he didn't get out soon I was going to barf again all over him this time. I turned and hurled into the toilet again.

"You ok?"

"Will get the fuck out of the bathroom with that burrito in your hand or I swear that will be the last solid food that you ever eat in your life again!"

He was gone and when I finally thought I had a reprieve from him....he was back.

"Hey. What's going on?" he came over holding my hair out of the way rubbing circles on my back. The churning subsided and I re-flushed the toilet and started brushing my teeth again.

"I don't know. If I did then I would tell you."

"well someone is a little hormonal today aren't they?" those words were like setting a fire off in my brain. And a little light went off in the back of my head.

"Will.....What is today?"

"Thursday? I think....why?"

"Not today as in the day, but today as in the date."

"Umm.....the 18th. Why?"

"Oh Fuck, Oh Fuck. Damn It. Idiotic Dumb Blonde." I started pacing back and forth across the carpet that laid in front of the sink.

"Hold on miss sailor in training. What is your problem."

"I'm Late."

"Its only like noon. How can you be late? Did you have an appointment with someone today?"

"No Stupid. Not that kind of late. I meant I'm late as in late.....late, like mother nature late."

"OH CRAP! Omg what do we do? Do I call the emergency that's always good....and relax....also don't break my hand."

"GOD WILL! You're acting worse than a little girl. Stop panicking. Lets think rationally. Go and get a test and I will take and use that to double check."

"Good idea...I will uh be back just don't go anywhere and stay away from sharp stuff." and then he was gone.

I started to laugh at myself I should have realized this sooner. I am such a blonde. I looked down at my stomach rubbing playful circles around while I waited for will to come back.....I didn't need the test I could feel them...more like their subconscious. Little giggles playing around in my head, and whispered words. I was wondering if I was actually delusional or not when I hear a faint high pitched voice.

"your not delusional mommy." the voice sounded like the prettiest bells I had ever heard. I sat up in the bed looking around for the voice and the one it belonged too.

"She's right your not mommy." I looked to my left and still no one was there. The voice caressed me like the gentle warm summer's breeze.

"Actually I am because I'm hearing voices and no one is here."

"Melissa who are you talking too?" Max walked in the room.

"It was just the wind."

"Daddy!" "Daddy!" the voices chimed in unison. That was when I realized I was pregnant with the twins. I didn't need the test...I just wanted to prove it to myself.

"Hey what are you doing here? I thought you were going hunting with the rest of the guys." he pulled me into a hug. Happiness just radiated off of me I knew this is how things should be.

"I was but then I decided to stay here." he lifted me up by my hips.

"Put Me Down!" he put my feet back on the floor.

"What's wrong?" a quizzical look passing over his face.

"Stomach Cramps." I lied easily. I didn't know how to tell him. I wasn't sure if I really could.

"I know just the perfect thing to do." he picked me up bridal style laying me on the bed and him next to me as he started rubbing circles over the same spot as I had before.

* End Flashback *

I was now sitting in the Denver Airport waiting for my plane to Hawaii. Were I would try to stay as inconspicuous as I could. When my phone rings. Playing Drives My Soul By Lights. Max's ring tone I picked up the phone on the fifth ring.


"Where are you? And you know you could have told me anything. All I want to know is Why?"

"Max. I'm the reason that the house keeps getting attacked, the reason you almost drowned, Everyone in that house at some point in time was in danger of being killed because of me. I wont be the reason that someone in that house dies."

"We don't care about that we care about you. Will practically had a panic attack when you teleported out of the room you scared the crap out of him. He was scared about the strain it was going to put on you. I didn't get why he freaked out so bad until I read the note. Derek and Jake are completely Pissed and are still giving Will funny looks. You need to come back here and explain to me what in the hell is going on in your brain because it doesn't make sense to put yourself in more danger by leaving just to keep it away from us. We have already been through so much why wont you stay in one place longer than a few months, especially with the twins. The strain that you put on yourself could kill you and them."

"I...don't's the first thing that I could think of. I wont fight and lose them or anyone else."

"Your not going to lose us. We can help. We can fight. Its your turn to stop and sit down and relax for a while. At least wait until after the twins are born."

"Fine. Have everyone pack all the things they need. Send Jake and Rob to the Salt Lake City Airport and book a flight to Hawaii. Derek and Will should find another airport and do the same. You come and meet me in Denver."

"Ok I will see you in a few hours, and Melissa."


"Be careful and keep a good eye on our kids."

"I will just hurry up. Their anxious to see their dad again."

"I will. I love you and them."

©vampire vixen

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