Vampire Emerald's for Melissa (Chapter 9)

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lol ok so heres chapter 9. hope you enjoy it along with comment and vote. :) thx and as i always say i will post the next chapter asap.


Chapter 9

*****Blake's POV*****

I woke up slumped over near the tree where I had last been with Melissa before his royal pain in the ass had come along and ruined the moment. I had a pounding headache and there was dried blood from when he had broken my nose. It wasn't broken anymore since werewolf's are notorious for being one of the many of quick healers. The only reminder was the fain black and blue bruises that remained on the skin.

She dead that much I was sure from the puddle of blood that laid at my feet. He was probably crying over that pasty corpse probably still cradled in his arms. Just the thought brought a smile to my face. I finally picked myself off of the ground. Realizing that someone was probably losing their job over my disappearance, but what did I care anyway. Its not like others wouldn't be employed to take their place.

So I headed home....for now. Its not like I wouldn't find someone else to take as my partner.

It wasn't far from the school. That was one of the pleasures of being so close to school is I could sleep in and then be there 5 minutes before the bell rang. I never used a key because it want necessary. I pitied the person unlucky enough to try and rob my house.

I reached the door. It fit in with the suburb look that all the other houses had. But our house actually had and underground extension so instead of being that quaint white 4 bedroom, 3 bath house it was supposed to be it was actually big enough to have 80 people over and each of them have their own room and bath room. There were 8 kitchens, a barber shop, swimming pool, and almost everything else possible to fit in that much space without it being crowded.

I headed through the lower part of the house looking for my parents. I spotted a butler heading out of one of the rooms and asked him where my parents were. He said that he didn't know. So my search continued. Pretty soon I had looked through many rooms, kitchens, even the pool room. Still no parents. Finally I checked one of the last places I thought they would be. They rarely even spend their time in that room let alone sit in the chairs.

"Mother. Father." I said.

"Ah. Blake where have you been for the past week?" My Mother said.

"Trying to court the young maiden that I met while we were in Hawaii."

"Vivienne. Leave the boy alone. You know as well as I do that he wouldn't do anything stupid. Would you?" My Father said.


"Blake........What did you do?" Vivienne said.

"It wasn't my fault. The annoying bloodsuckers fault."

"BLAKE! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO." my father's rage flowed. His eyes expanding to the size of grapes, the hair on my neck standing on end knowing that this wouldn't be good.

"Nothing. I took her to the park. I told her that I wanted her back but she refused. I told her that he couldn't say no to me. I would have had her if it wasn't for them." my face turning into a sneer at the smallest though of them.

"That still doesn't answer Lawrence's question. Now what did you do Blake."

"The girl Melissa, I'm sure she is dead. She hit her head when she ran from me and after I got her they showed up but she had already slipped into unconsciousness. When I woke up she was gone and all that was left was a giant puddle of blood."

"Did you see if she was at home with her family." Lawrence said

"Yes. And no she's not there, her brother asked if I had seen her. I told him no that I hadn't seen her, and that I didn't even know that they lived here."

"You had better make her where a bout's known fast. We don't need this affecting anything that happens concerning this family. We don't need a repeat of what happened the last time." Vivienne said.

"I will. Thanks you for your insight. I will see you for dinner."

"No you wont. Your mother and I are going to meet with the southern clans and wont be back until late tomorrow."

***** Will's POV *****

We deicide to go find some thing to eat before we would go back to the house because it was the most logical place that Max would take Melissa. So we found a cute Chinese restaurant. That would serve as a great distraction.

We Sat there for about 2 hours doing practically nothing waiting for max to contact us, to give us some sigh that it was ok to go back to the House. Little did we know It would be another two And a Half hours before we heard any thing from him.

"Will, Rob, and Derek could you guys come back to the house? I wanna talk to you guys. I understand if you are still mad at me. But I would appreciate it if you guys would come home and talk to me." Max said

"Were on our way. This time try and keep your hands, fangs, and temper to yourself." said Derek.

"I'm sorry man I didn't think that I would over react like I did, I didn't mean for that to happen. I'm sorry Derek." Max said.

"Dude chill I was just teasing you. I know you didn't mean it." said Derek.

"...ok. I will see you guys when you get here." Max said.


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