Vampire Emerald's for Melissa (Chapter 33)

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I finally got my computer back and i will update the other storys asap. Enjoy, Vote, and Comment!!!!!


Chapter 33

*****Derek's POV*****

i woke up to the bouncing of children on the bed while they yelled in my ears apparently wanting to make a surprise for their mom and dad.

"Uncle Derek! Wake up can you help us make breakfast for Mom and Dad?" Marcus yelled in my ear while his sister jumped up and down yelling in unison with her brother.

"Fine!!! I'm up. Can you two just take and quit jumping up and down on the bed. I'm getting dizzy. Give me 10 more minutes." I rolled over and pulled the pillow over my ears as the bed continued to rock up and down to the motion of the twins.

"Get Up!" They chanted continuously.

Finally after not being able to stand it any longer i jumped up walking from my room with the twins in tow. jumping around my feet they danced and laughed soon we had breakfast ready and the kitchen was a mess but it seemed that for now the twins were satisfied. Two trays were loaded down with pancakes, sausage, bacon, egg's, orange juice, and toast. They walked towards their door that their parent lay behind. When i see the door crack open i can just almost see whats going to happen now.

"Iris, Marcus....Watch..." before i can even finish the twins walk right into Max, i watch as the twins along with all the food fall to the floor making a giant mess bigger than the one that's in the kitchen. I stood there trying to contain my laughter seeing the twins covered in juice, meats, and syrup dripping down their hair and faces as pancakes and egg's lay scattered all over the floor. Two more doors flew open followed by lots of laughing and multiple people falling onto the floor laughing so hard they started to cry.

"What happened to you guy's?" Will came out of the door closest to Iris helping her up to her feet. Looking at her brother who was already standing straight.

"Don't ask. long story short. breakfast turned into a disaster." he said as he walked past his father into the room. Iris stood there in shock at the sudden cold disposition of her twin.

"Sorry about the mess." Iris waved her hand over the general area of the mess and we all watched as every spot and speck disappeared into thin air leaving the faint scent of cherry blossom's in the air. She then pushed past her father from what i guessed she was going to go and find her brother.

*****Melissa's POV*****

I woke up to the sound of crashing plates and loud bouts of laughter. I looked up from the pillow that lay under my arms knowing fully who's idea out of the two that had been. In time to see two taller figures walk through the door. Each one standing roughly about 3 foot. Marcus headed for the bathroom, while Iris crawled back into the bed with me. Using the pillow that not but 2 minutes ago i had been hugging. i pulled her back to me as Max closed the bedroom door getting back into the bed. I moved out from under the covers and walked towards the bathroom knowing full well that Marcus had locked the door the one that i had just opened and re-closed behind me. He was sitting on the counter stareing at the back of his eyelids with his head tilted back against the mirror.

"You ok?" i asked my son.

"Yes and no. We wanted to surprise you two with breakfast. Which turned into a giant mess when Dad decided that at the most inopportune moment to come out and well you can guess the rest. it went from on the tray onto the floor."

I looked into the eyes of my son watching as his guarded expression changed from the shadow of what was the perpetual defeat of breakfast as his eyes gazed up at me looking for some sign of what to do.

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