Vampire Emerald's for Melissa (Chapter 22)

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alright so this one is way more exciteing. so who do you think Melissa will end up with or will it be more than one guy. ha. dont worry about the end of this chapter yes the story does still continue. but anyway read, enjoy, vote and COMMENT!!!!!


Chapter 22

*****Will's POV*****

Today was turning out to be one of the most tiring of them all. Pretty soon everyone was settled down. Derek had taken off to who knows where, Max had run after Melissa most likely. He truly loved her. So did Derek. But my love for her was the same. The more we saw of her the more she affected all of us.

"Earth to Will.....Come in Will OVER!" Rob shouted. I jumped so high I could have touched the ceiling if I tried.

"Omg what do you want. You scared the shit out of me."

"What are we all going to do?"

"Sit and wait."

There was a knocking at the door. We all looked at each other. Rob went to the door.

"who is it...." the ringing sound of a gunshot flew through the door. Rob fell to the floor. Jake was up and moving already. I was in shock. A bullet wouldn't kill us but it did hurt while our bodies healed.

The door burst open. In the door way stood Dante.

"Oh Shit. Jake Run." Jake scooped up Rob and ran for the back door. Me close at his heals.

"Jake now would be a great time to think of something." he stopped and moved off the path.

"What are you doing. We cant stop he is right behind us."

"Just shut up and get over here." Jake crouched behind a bush me at his side and rob in his arms. His face took on a serious note as I felt something move over me. I looked around but nothing happened. Then I saw Dante. He had stopped where we had gotten of the path. He looked everywhere finally his eyes resting on the spot where we sat. I bent to run. Jake grabbed my shoulder with his free hand.

"Don't move he cant see or hear us as long as you don't move."

"How do you know?"

"I discovered it the other day. Just don't move."

*****Dante's POV*****

I had finally been able to return to the states once I found a village that had boats that transported me to a city with some kind of telephone. I hoped a train to a city and from there a commercial plane back. I landed and headed back to the house that had started this whole problem.

I knocked hoping that the girl would answer the door. She humiliated me the last time and also made me look like a blundering fool. The had shipped me out to the Amazon. I had brought with me a Ruger P345 once she came to the door I would shoot.

"who is it...." with a loud crack I sent a bullet flying through the door. Hitting someone. I threw the door open turns out it was only one of my brother friends.

They ran like I expected them too. I followed close behind until they dissolved into thin air. I knew the boy couldn't teleport like his sister so where had they gone. No matter I would find them anyway. I went back into the city to find a nice spot to think. When who should I happen upon...none other than the werewolf prince Blake. Who looked overly glad.

"Hey mutt what's got your fur all shiny?"

"I am going to either kill this girl named Melissa or make her my mate. Its actually quite funny. If she doesn't consent then I will enjoy the feeling of her life draining away in my hands. So yes I am quite happy."

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