Vampire Emerald's for Melissa (Chapter 12)

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alright i know you guys are gonna love this chapter. because i got so into it i wrote alot. i finished chapter 13 also but i will post that later today because it is 1:30am here and im going to go to bed. so Vote and deffinately comment cuz ya know i luv it. Enjoy :)


Chapter 12

*****Melissa's POV*****

I shook his shoulder.

"Max...wake up." nothing.

"Max...wake up." I said it louder while still shaking his shoulder harder.

"mmm....5 more minutes. I'm having a good dream." he said.

Why do guys have to be such a pain in the butt to wake up. So I decided to surprise him. I stopped shaking him. Rolled over to face him, and I full on kissed him. At first I got no reaction. Then he started to move. His eyes fluttered open. I tried to pull back. But his hand had already moved from my back to my head keeping me from pulling away. Kissing me back the whole time. I smiled under his lips. Finally he let me go so I could breath. My heart was racing, I was blushing I could tell and I was gasping for air.

"oh my god your ok." he actually looked like he was going to cry.

"yes I'm fine why wouldn't I be?"

"I was just so worried, you have been out for the last 4 days." he hugged me tighter.

"Max your crushing me. Let go. What do you mean I have been out for four days?" he released his grasp on me some but didn't let go.

"You have been asleep ever since the accident with Blake. We were all worried that you wouldn't make it. A few times your heart almost stopped beating. We have been up watching you the whole time. We went to sleep not but 40 minutes ago. If I had known you would wake up. I would have been there. I'm sorry."

In that instant I remembered everything that happened. Blake taking me from school, going to the park, him crushing me between the tree and his body, falling, and Max. Max was the one that saved me from Blake. He was the last person I saw.

"Max! thank you. I'm sorry you got involved in this, and I'm sorry that you were worried." I started crying. I don't know why I mean to me it seemed kind of silly. I knew I was safe but it just felt good to cry.

"Calm down Melissa. Everything is ok. Don't worry I'm here everything is fine." I sat there for what seemed like hours just crying on max's shoulder. I don't know how we managed not to wake everyone else up. They must be sound sleepers. I cried for 2 hours non-stop. When I finally calmed down I realized that I was tired. I had slept for 4 days I didn't understand why I was tired but I was.

"Max can I go back to the room? I'm tired."

"No. Either you sleep out here with me, or we both sleep in the bedroom. There is no way that I am letting you out of my sight. And are you wearing my boxers?" he looked at my semi matching clothes, well his clothes.

"Ok. I want to sleep here with you. And yes I am actually wearing your boxers. I couldn't find anything for me to wear when I got up so I borrowed some of your clothes." I wiggled my eyebrows. Which made him laugh.

"ok haha. We will go shopping when you get back up."

"ok." with that he kissed my forehead, my cheek, then finally my lips. And with that I fell asleep cradled in Max's embrace laying on the couch. I slept peacefully.

*****Max's POV*****

She was ok. I couldn't believe it. Not 40 minutes after we all had gone to sleep she had woken up. I was an idiot I shouldn't have left her alone like that. Here she was sleeping in my arms. I felt amazing. If my dead heart was still beating it would have raced faster than the cars at NASCAR. I stroked the hair from her face. I was happy to be able to hold her as I went back to sleep thinking about how she had woken me up. If I could wake up to that every morning I would be one very happy and luck vampire.

*****Derek's POV*****

I woke up and turned my head to look at the clock. It was noon and the other three...make that four were still sleeping. I couldn't believe Max had carried Melissa down here just so he could sleep on the couch with her. She hasn't woken up yet and he's already all over her.

"MA" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Knowing that I would probably wake the whole neighborhood within the next mile...not that we had neighbors within a mile of the house. But still.

Will fell off the couch. Rob woke up and looked like he almost crapped himself. And Max had his had over my mouth.

"I swear to go you wake her up and I am going to break your arm."


"shut the fuck up. God." Max Said

"mmm...." Melissa rolled over so she was facing all of us.

"see you dip shit. What is your problem." Max went back over and laid with her.

"Melissa honey, just go back to sleep I'm sorry that Derek woke you up. But he wont do it again will he?" Max said.

"No. I'm sorry Melissa."

"its ok....I want to eat anyway." she got up and went for the kitchen. "You guys want anything while I'm up. Bacon. Eggs. Toast?"

"umm....all sound good Melissa everyone will be in when you say that it's ready. Thank You. Sorry I woke you." I felt like a complete fool. I had just woken her up. But I didn't expect that she would have came down on her own. I looked at Max, Will, and Rob. They all looked shocked.

"What....what did I do?"

"Dude. You just said sorry and thank you. You never ever say that. To anyone." Rob said.

*****Melissa's POV*****

I could hear yelling. But it was a good dream and I didn't want to get up yet.


Ok. That was it I was done sleeping I wanted to get up and find out what was going on.

"shut the fuck up. God." Max Said

"mmm.." I rolled over.

"see you dip shit. What is your problem." Max cam over and laid down with me.

"Melissa honey, just go back to sleep I'm sorry that Derek woke you up. But he wont do it again will he?" Max's voice was like butter it made my heart want to melt.

"its ok....I want to eat anyway." I went for the kitchen. Which I assumed was behind the first door past the dining room. "You guys want anything while I'm up. Bacon. Eggs. Toast?"

"umm....all sound good Melissa everyone will be in when you say that it's ready. Thank You. Sorry I woke you."

I found a pan. And went to get the eggs, butter, and bacon from the fridge. The back of my throat was itching so I decided to find something to drink. I noticed a bottle filled with thick red liquid in the back. I took one of the about 20 in the fridge. It had a label on it. I didn't know the company but it said raspberry smoothie on it. So I shook it up. Then took a gulp. It was great. Cold, refreshing, and it made the dry itch in the back of my throat go away. So I grabbed three more and put them on the table with the guys plates once I was done cooking.

"Guys Breakfast Is Ready!"


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