Vampire Emerald's for Melissa (Chapter 26)

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so here is chapter 26. i am trying to decide the fate of this novel/continuative story/book. i love all the great things you say but i get very few comments on what people think. i really want to know your opinion. so the more votes and comments the faster i write chapter 27 so vote, and COMMENT!!!!!

Chapter 26

*****Melissa's POV*****

I was running through a meadow the wind in my face. The smell of grass, wild flowers and dirt brushing past me. In the center was a big boulder I ran towards it. Climbing to the top but when I looked down instead of seeing a meadow of flowers and grasses I looked down and what I saw shocked me so much I found myself looking upon a battlefield strewn with bodies uniforms of chain link from the middle ages, armor of knights, samurai's all laying dead across the field. I stood on the top looking all around I realized I held a sword in my hand. A shining silver colored blade the pommel engraved with a spiraling pattern reaching to the top where 4 stones shined. Green, Blue, Honey, and Brown. I looked behind me and there stood all 4 of the guys, Max, Rob, Derek, and Will. Each dressed in a different type of armor. Each in turn covered in blood. The sword dropped to my feet sliding from my hands I looked down I was wearing a white dress halfway up my thigh, a golden chest plate covering me front and back my hair in a high ponytail, knee high black boots on. I felt a burning rage course through me then fear as I realized each one had a look of pleasure. A look of actual enjoyment for what I thought they had done. Then they turned and started to walk away.

I followed my curiosity getting the better of me. I stepped over older men, guys in their 30's, and younger boys in their teens. They sprinted faster. I rand after them looking around until I slammed into someone. I looked up to find a red eyed Dante. He reached down grabbing onto my windpipe. He twisted my head to the side grazing his teeth against the skin over my jugular. No matter how I pleaded or struggled I couldn't do anything my powers wouldn't work. And then he bit down. Sucking blood from my veins. Blood filled my lungs I gasped drowning in my own blood and then it hit the pain. Fire rushed through my veins sending a wave of pain through me.

I sprang up straight my hand resting on my neck as tried to slow my breathing, tears leaking from my eyes I noticed I was alone the clock said 6:00AM. Max was gone. Is side of the covers pushed aside the door open slightly. I sank back down into the bed resting against the pillows pulling the covers over my head. I curled into a ball crying. I felt the bed move I jumped out of the bed pulling the covers with my still naked body. Landing in the corner.

I didn't care who it was I just wanted to sit and cry for a little while. I soon I felt arms wrap around me picking me up and carrying me to lay on the bed blankets and all. My crying slowly subsided. I looked up to see Derek Cradling me.

"You ok?" he asked very gently.

"Yeah I will be fine." I sniffled.

"You want to talk about it?"

"No...its ok. I'm sorry for ruining your shirt." Derek was wearing a black pull over and a pair of boxers.

"That's fine. You hungry?"

"No. Not right now. Where is Max?"

"Max went hunting he thought that you would still be sleeping when he got back. You sure your ok."

"Yeah I am sure. Can I just go back to bed?"

"Ok. Just call me if you need anything." he left looking at me as he shut the door. I rolled over flipping my hand at the door as the lock flicked.

*****Derek's POV*****

I heard the lock click as I closed the door. I guess she didn't want anyone in there including Max. I walked back out into the living room flipping on the TV. I sat back and waited. An hour and a half later Max walked in the door and headed back towards Melissa's room.

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