Vampire Emerald's for Melissa (Chapter 16)

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so i am happy to say that i like how this part turned out. New twists and turns. Along with some new and interesting developments. Read enjoy, Vote and Comment. like i said more comments the faster you get to read the next chapter.


Chapter 16

*****Melissa's POV*****

I waited for her to tell her story from the beginning no more lie's, no confusion on what was real, and an explanation to what was happening.

"ok. I will start from the very beginning when your parents met up until now. Your mother and father both went to school in the human world. And I say human would because you and your brother are not human, and I am not your mom. I am actually your aunt. Your mother was a angel literally. No I don't know how she became one. But I do know that she developed her powers rather quickly. She was wandering around the city when she met your father. She could sense that he was a vampire. She pleaded for him to kill her, telling him that the things that were happening were driving her crazy. Like you she didn't know what was happening. He told her that he would help her to learn to control her powers. Be able to use them without getting hurt. They were inseparable from that day. They got married and then she became pregnant with you two." She said.

"wait what do you mean us TWO?" Jake said.

"well if you will let me finish Jake then you will know, now wont you? Anyway back to what I was saying she became pregnant with you two. You and your brother are actually fraternal twins. They didn't want anyone to know afraid for the safety of you two. Jake is only older by a minute instead of a year. Your mother and father got themselves involved in the feuds between the vampires and the clans of werewolf's along with the shape shifters. They brought you two to me and told me to raise you, and not to let you know about your past or your powers until you displayed your powers and came asking. As you can see from what is happening now your powers are coming into themselves. I have no idea why you got your powers before your brothers Melissa. All I know is that he should be getting his soon too." My aunt said.

"You mean I will actually be able to do the stuff Melissa can do too?" Jake said.

"yes, eventually I am not sure if you will get her same powers, different ones or a combination of both. Just listen to her and she will help you become in control. Seeing as she already has amazing control over hers already." she eyed me looking like she was actually pretty proud of me.

"so when Melissa didn't come home 4 days ago I guessed she had come into her powers and needed some time. But I knew you wouldn't understand and I was to explain it to you both not just one of you. Melissa why do you smell like werewolf?"

"what do you mean werewolf? Where I have been the only people there are vampires. " I told her.

"that's not possible you distinctly smell like a werewolf."

"the only other person I have been around that has been close to me was Blake."

"what is Blake's last name?"

"Edwards, but I see no reason that should make a difference." Her face paled.

"You two need to leave. NOW."

"why? What's going on." Jake asked.

I suddenly realized why. Blake was a werewolf, but why we had to leave.

"Blake is a werewolf." I told Jake.

"how do you know that?"

"ok she said I smelled like werewolf. And I have only other person I was around was Blake. But I see no reason that we cant just stay here and talk some more." I said my gaze traveling back to my aunt.

"He is the Prince of Werewolf's and you need to leave. Your parents told me this day would come. That the werewolf's would try to take You and Jake. He was to be mated with the princess by his 18th birthday, and you to Blake. You must go. Run away from here. If you can make it past your 18th birthdays they will leave you alone. Pack and leave. And don't come back until then. "

"fine." I had no arguments about leaving this house. The thing that actually hit me in that moment was that I was a Twin. "Jake pack your things your coming with me."

Jake looked like he was glued to the floor. "Jake GO!" I lifted him off the floor and pushed him out the door. Only to hear him bolt up the stairs.

"Melissa remember this your parents loved you. And what ever you do let the light shine through. Now you must go." she placed something in my hand I was going to look but at that moment Jake burst back through the kitchen door duffle bag in hand. I went up to her and did the only thing I could. I hugged her goodbye.

"we will be back." I let her go, Jake taking my place in her arms. He pulled away and started walking towards the door keys in hand.

"Leave the car. We can get it later. Lets just go." I walked over and grabbed his empty had.

"I was trying to leave. What are you doing." he said.

"Just be quiet. Were leaving. Take a deep breath I don't know how you will react to this." I pictured the living room in the house. The windows with the sun flowing through, the couches, the TV, the entire room and how it smelled earlier today when I had left. It was now around 7 in the morning. I told them I would be back today. Jake took a breath, a second later we were back at the house.

*****Jake's POV*****

I couldn't believe it. My sister my little sister was actually my twin. But what was even more amazing was being teleported to where ever we were going. The feeling was great. It was like flying but being wrapped in a soft and warm blanket. It was great I wanted it to last. But sadly it didn't. the blanket was gone. I was now standing in what looked like some kind of living room. But I didn't know where.

Melissa let go of my hand.


Out of nowhere a guys with black hair and red tips swung my sister from my side, pulling her into a hug kissing her everywhere from her forehead to her chin.

"MELISSA!" he was still swinging her around laughing. Her holding onto him legs wrapped around his waist arms around his neck. She leaned in some and kissed him. He stopped dancing around long enough to start kissing her back.

"Hi Max. Miss me much?" she laughed teasing him.

"Nope...." she put on a dejected face.

"Aww... maybe I should stay gone longer next time." she gave him the puppy eyes.

"Ha. Nice try your not leaving my side again. O also Will, Rob, and Derek missed you too."

"ok. Where are they anyway?"

"all of them went hunting knowing that you would be back sometime this morning they were being cautious. But they should be back in a little while."

I was tired of this mushy crap. I cleared my throat. Max turned my way. Setting Melissa down not letting go of one of her hands though.

"And who might I ask are you?" Max said.

"I could ask you the same thing." looking at how my sister gazed at him I didn't like it. I didn't like him. There was no way that I could allow that to become anything more than a friendship.

"Stop it you two. Max this is Jake and vice versus." Melissa said.

He came over and shook my hand. More like tried to break it.

"its nice to meet you." he said loud enough for her to hear. Then added "you do anything to harm her and there will be consequences." only so I could hear it.

"no problem seeing as my SISTER is also my TWIN. I have no reason to harm her, but as for you I'm not so sure. Just keep yourself in line and everything between you and I will be smooth." I returned his handshake with a crushing one of my own.


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