Vampire Emerald's for Melissa (Chapter 11)

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ok. so i know there have been some people today that were really excited to read the next chapter so i worked on some ideas and came up with this. enjoy. Vote. and of course my favorite Comment. :) luv hearing your thoughts and feelings on the story. so my friends and my fam have said that i should try to get this story published. lol my first one too. so leave me what you think. thx. :)


Chapter 11

***** Melissa's POV *****

"Blake!" I woke up in a room that was completely dark and I was covered in a comforter. I was startled to find when I woke up that no one was around. Which I was happy for and I had a slight lonely feeling. But all I knew at this point was that I was alive and Blake was nowhere to be seen or heard.

It smelled faintly of Burberry the smell was enough, I really didn't want to get back up again. But I wanted to see where I was and maybe explore if no one saw me. My head ached a little bit. But nothing compared to what it was before. It was that moment that I realized that I was hooked up to a drip bag of what looked like blood. I took the needle out of my arm. Got a cotton ball from the side table and some tape and covered the puncture mark.

I got out of the bed. Using the end to help hold myself up. Talk about getting up too fast. The dizzy feeling only lasted for a few seconds, looking around I walked towards the curtains across from me, moving it back. What I saw was amazing. The windows stretched from the floor to the ceiling and I had a perfect view of the back yard, the forest surrounding the edge of the yard, and the mountains in the back ground.

I turned around and noticed two doors. I picked the one closest one to me which happened to open up into a glorious bathroom. White marble counter tops, a huge roman bath tub, a glass shower with shower 3 different shower heads that pointed in towards the center with a docking station for my ipod on the outside wall to the shower, I thought about how great it would be to use that later. But this wasn't my house. I didn't even know who's house I was in. I quietly shut the door and headed for the next.

The next door I found turned out to lead to a humungous walk-in closet. There were all kinds of different clothes and colors, muscle shirts to collared shirts, jeans to slacks for suits. Running shoes, Dress shoes, Skate shoes, and everything had the faint smell of Burberry. Again I walked out and shut the door behind me.

It was at that moment I realized I was only wearing a bra and underwear. I knew I blushed I could feel my face getting hotter. I looked for something for me to wear but found nothing on the bed, around the room, or in the bathroom. So I walked back to the closet and found a dark shirt and a pair of boxers that all about swallowed me. Walked back out and checked the only door that was left.

It lead to a corridor. Straight in front of me was a staircase that went up to the attic I guessed. To my right was about seven other rooms, not including the one who's door I was currently standing in. I decided to head downstairs and towards the kitchen. I didn't know where it was but I was going to find it. With that I into the hallway, shut the door to the room that I was in and started walking towards the end of the hall.

As I went along the landing. I started peaking through doors. The first two doors on my left because they were closest both lead to empty rooms. Lacking any personal touches. Just plain walls and no furniture in them either.

The first door on the right held another bedroom same set-up but the room had red walls and all the furniture was black. The rest of the rooms turned out to be another bedroom, a study, a library, the last door was locked. I walked down the stairs looking around. I got about halfway down.

To my shock I saw four people crashed out in the living room. And not just any four people. Max, Rob, Will, and Derek were all asleep. Max on one couch, Will on the other, Rob in the chair and Derek at the foot of the couch with his head leaning back on the cushion.

I continued my way down the stairs trying to be as quiet as possible. They looked like they hadn't slept in forever. So I went over to Max and sat next to him admiring his features while he slept. How his spiked hair looked disheveled but still in order and gave great balance to his face, his high cheek bones, the way that when he smiled a dimple would appear on the left side.

Will looked peaceful yet still stressed somehow. His brown hair reflecting small amounts of red tint as it glinted in the sun from the window. Rob splayed out in the chair like he was about to fall out of it, made me smile. Derek....what could I say about Derek...And ass, rude, loud, sexy, muscled. It was that moment sitting there in the peace and quiet of the house that I realized that I loved all four of the guys.

But, did they love me? Did they even like me. Why was I here. I didn't get to finish with that thought because the next thing I know Max had rolled over in his sleep and in his quest for trying to find the blanket he found me. Which laded me were I was now. Wrapped in his arms like he was sleeping with a teddy bear. After about 5 minutes of struggling to get free I decided to wake him up.


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