Vampire Emerald's for Melissa (chapter 3)

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so i tried to make this one a little longer. i will try to put up chapter 4 in the next day or two. thanks to everyone who is commenting. i promise that the next chapter will be more exciteing.

Chapter 3

*****Derek's POV*****

As I Viewed into the mind of the class I noticed that only one seemed to be analyzing us. The rest were thinking how hot we were her mind was more complex. "if looks could kill the whole class would be dead" that made me smile. She looked shocked like I wouldn't be able too.

We all went to take our seats turned out the seats around her were empty so I took one behind her. Max sat in front of her, Rob to her left and will on her right. She froze when that happened. Her mind started to race faster than her pulse. Which from here was so tempting it sung to me and she smelled of vanilla my mouth started to water and I just wanted one little taste I felt a burning in the back of my throat my canines started to move into sharp points I was leaning forward when I heard Max.

"DEREK!" Max thought he knew I could hear him.

"dude you seriously don't have to yell. What the hell do you want?" I thought back.

"Don't you even think about trying that last thought sit back and quit breathing down her neck."

I felt him cut the connection. I sat back never taking my eyes off of her. Finally I decided I should at least talk to her. So I tapped her shoulder. She turned around.

"hi....umm what did you need?"

"I just wanted to say hi and ask what we were doing." she flushed bright red, which only caused the burning in my throat to turn into a scorching feeling.

"oh...were not doing anything its like a free period I guess."

"ok, so what's your name?"

"my name its...Melissa Fox" She stated it like it was a question but her voice was a smooth as velvet and seemed to caress the very air around her. Will, Max, And Rob all turned to look at her. I didn't understand what it was but her voice just called to all of us.

*****Melissa's POV*****

I was surprised when Derek had tapped my shoulder he was the last person I had imagined that would do that. When I told him my name the other three guys turned to stare at me. I couldn't help but blush. I pulled my hood up and put my face in my book hoping the other three would just turn back to whatever they were doing and leave me alone to bask in the glow that was my embarrassment.

"are you ok?"

I looked to in the direction of the voice it turned out to be Will.

"Um...yeah..... I'm fine." "ok I was just wondering. " was his reply. I put my face back in my book as I blushed again their eyes, smile and faces drew me in I almost stared at them. I realized that I shouldn't and had to mentally jerk my eyes away from all of them. I just hoped this period would go by faster.

*****Will's POV*****

The rest of the guys looked at to me to see if she was lying or telling the truth when she said that. They knew I had a power for empathy. I shook my head no and they all looked at her quizzically. Wondering why she had said that. The guys and me went back to what we were doing which was nothing but that didn't bother us.

*****Melissa's POV*****

The rest of the day went on like that. Lunch was ok. It was a normal lunch I sat with Angel, Morgan the rest of the girls from the cheerleading squad we all still had to make if back onto the team it was a requirement every year. So I ended up in a table with girls mindlessly talking which didn't entertain me at all and it was fine until I looked around.

Druggies moving to leave, the new guys talking in a table by them selves, Blake, the dance team, jocks talking.....OMG BLAKE.

My mom and my brother and I had spent 3 weeks of summer vacation in Hawaii. And in that time Blake and I had dated for the last week, only the day before I was supposed to go home I found him lip locked with some other girl. He said that it was a mistake. I didn't believe him. And told him I never wanted to see him again.


*knock, knock*

"Melissa.....come on please it was a mistake I didn't mean it. Please open the door." Blake said standing outside my hotel room.

"I'm not coming out I told you I didn't want to see you anymore now go away."

"Melissa...I said I was sorry what more do you want.."

"you to go away and leave me alone!"

"were not done Melissa. If I find you again I will get you back." with that I heard his footsteps retreating away from the door and out of my life...or so I though.


I didn't notice until then that he had seen me. But he didn't come near me. I wondered why. The bell rang in that instant. I gathered my stuff. Only sparing the guys and Blake one glance. It looked like they were having a glaring competition. Stupid hormonal guys.

Turned out that all 4 for the guys ended up in all 6 of my classes which only seemed to make things worse because I couldn't concentrate long enough in any of them to get what I was supposed to be doing. The guys ended up just sitting in I guess you could call it formation style around my desk. God it was like I had my own goon squad. School was finally over and I was free to go home. I ran out to find my car.

Under the wiper of the windshield I saw a piece of paper stuck there. I walked over picked it up shoving it in my pocket, unlocked my car and went home.

I unfolded the paper when I was finally in my room after setting my stuff down. It read.


I hope you have enjoyed the rest of your break. But remember what I said before I left your door. I will get you back.

I knew instantly who it was. Like he's going to do anything. I threw the note away in the basket and stared at the ceiling. My room was pretty. It was a dark ocean blue I had a four poster canopy bed with aquamarine curtains on it and navy blue comforter I went to bed thinking of the new guys and how I would get Blake to leave me alone.

It was dark. I knew I was still asleep. It was peaceful I just wanted to stay here for a little while longer to not have to deal with school, Blake, and my mom.


I jumped. There was no one here though. I knew that I heard something.

"Who's there?"

I saw a blue light then a man stepped through....who could be in one of my dreams. It finally clicked when I could see him properly. The light revealed a man who stood 6'3, black raven hair and topaz colored eyes. I knew who it was.

"Dad. What's going on? Why are you here?"

"Baby girl I know things are confusing right now. But trust me you will be protected."

"Protected from who."

"Not from who from what."

I woke up drenched in sweat, my hair sticking to my face. I looked at my alarm clock. 4:30 am great only another 2 and a half hours until school started. Just perfect.


Vampire Emerald's for MelissaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora