Vampire Emerald's for Melissa (Chapter 6)

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ok so here is chapter 6 hope you guys like it. like i said before comment and enjoy.


Chapter 6

*****Blake's POV*****

It was almost too easy. I didn't like the interruption from his royal pain in the ass but I always go what I wanted in the end. And sooner or later he would pay for that mutt comment. I was the prince of the werewolf's who did he think he was. Melissa was mine. And there was no way I was going to let some vampire take what I already wanted. Either I would have her or no one would.

By pure luck or stupidity I ran into as she walked out from the bathrooms, in that exact moment I made my choice either she accepted me and wanted to go out with me again and be mine, or I would kill her.

I knew that it would take some manipulating to get it out of her. Threats and maybe a little smacking around and she would give in. I would break her spirit one bone at a time.

***** Will's POV *****

I didn't know what had gotten in to any of us. But all three of us dashed after Max. The only thing was I didn't know how he kept going faster. All three of us had ran as fast as we ever could but he kept putting distance between us.

"Max wait for us." I could feel that he was mad and worried.

"No, I have to know that she is ok." the fury which he had installed in those few word made me think that Blake had better watch whatever he did. In this state I didn't know if the combined power of the three of us would be enough to stop Max from doing something he might regret.

***** Max's POV *****

I knew once I got there I would have to control what I did. I didn't want to expose us to anyone or anything. That would be the last thing we needed. I didn't want to have to move Rob, Will, and Derek again because someone's stupid actions made people suspicious.

I don't know how I did it but I got to the park at least a good 30 seconds before the guys would be able to.

I didn't know where to look I couldn't help but take off again I raced along the edge of the park.

"Max wait for us." Rob cried.

"I cant, I have to find her."

"you need to stop and wait for us" Will said

"NO!... go back to the school I'm going to find her."

"fine...but your going the wrong direction so you know" Derek said

"where is she."

"veer off to the right about 40 degrees...and hurry all I know is he's going to catch her before you can get there."

Panic raced through my body, then fury. It ripped through me like a bullet. I was worried for her safety and then all I could think about was how good it would be to get to her. And be the crap out of that mutt that even though of trying to talk to my Melissa. What was I saying she wasn't mine, or a possession. But I would win her heart eventually.

***** Melissa's POV *****

Blake had tripped when he tried to grab me the first time. I kept on running hope-ing that someone would be able to help me or that when someone found me after Blake had left me that I would still be alive.

I hid behind a tree that had a clump of bushes around it. And laid on my stomach. I could hear him getting closer

"Melissa you might as well come out. If you do I wont hurt you." he was right in front of my hiding spot. If I reached my hand out I would be able to touch him.

"come out come out where ever you are." I don't know if I made a sound or if a stick had cracked from my weight. But he knew where I was for sure. I jumped up and took one step back to try and leave but he pounced and caught me this time.

"found you." I felt the wind rush out of me as he and I both fell into a sprawled out mess on the grass. I felt a sharp sting on the back of my head. It hurt and I felt something hot running down the back of my neck, black spots started to cloud my vision I knew I would only get one chance to scream and I was going to scream bloody murder if it would get someone to hear me.

"HELP!" I cried with all my strength knowing that if someone hadn't heard that that no one would, and never would again.

***** Derek's POV *****

I couldn't help but stop I almost doubled over in pain. Rob and Will were at my side in less than a second.

"what's wrong Derek?"

"not me, Melissa she's hurt I can feel it she's scared Blake caught her. She can feel something running down the back of her neck."

I got to max he had felt that something was wrong.

"Derek are you ok...what happened?" he was worried

"Melissa's hurt, Blake found her. She hit her head on something I don't know on what. But if your going to do something you had better do it fast."

***** Max's POV *****

I felt Derek stop I didn't know why. I touched his mind to find out what had happened to them.

"Derek are you ok...what happened?"

"Melissa's hurt, Blake found her. She hit her head on something I don't know on what. But if your going to do something you had better do it fast."

I pushed faster. Trying going in the direction in which Derek had pointed me the park was huge I didn't know how big the park was but it did have a lot of bushes and trees. I finally spotted her.

Blake was on top of her. The blood colored her hair red. She was pushing on him, but she wasn't getting anywhere. He had her by the throat with one hand the other was trying to get the button of her pants undone.

"Melissa!" I saw her look towards me.

I saw her head tip towards me they were calm and sort of glassy, her hands slipped from his chest dropping to her sides. She took one last look at me and her eyes fluttered closed. A smile edged its way across Blake's face when he saw that she had stopped moving. I closed the distance in less than a fraction of a second ripping Blake's grasp on her throwing him into the closest tree. I reached for the guys. They were 5 seconds away.

"I found her, she needs help bad. She's still breathing but I don't know for how much longer."

I went back to Blake knowing that when the guys got here they would help her.

"if she doesn't make it out of this I am personally going to rip you limb from limb. You got that."

"you cant do anything, she's my girlfriend."

"No. she's your ex girlfriend and if I ever catch you even trying to talk to her let alone looking at her, I'm going to kill you."

"whatever your not gonna do shit"

With that little smart ass statement from Blake I let the fury that had reached its boiling point flood out. I resisted killing him but that didn't mean I wasn't going to hit him. I threw a punch to his face knowing that I probably broke his nose in the process. He went limp in my hand and I let him drop to the ground in an unconscious heap.


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