Vampire Emerald's for Melissa (Chapter 23)

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ah. for those who love this story i made it more interesting. enjoy, vote, and COMMENT!!!!!!!


Chapter 23

*****Melissa's POV*****

August 25th. The day of my 18th birthday had finally arrived although I wouldn't tell anyone that. The sunlight played off Max's hair perfectly. I had been up for about a half hour and already had to use my powers. I had left Max in bed to go downstairs and get something to drink after I threw a robe on. Both Will and Rob were laying by the side of the couch. I moved Will into the reclining chair and Jake had been moved to the couch. Rob slept peacefully on the couch his shoulder had healed nicely although it may be sore for a few days. My rib had already healed its self leaving only a faint bruise on the skin. I didn't see Derek so I decided now would be a good time to go look for him. I went back to the room which I shared with Max threw on some clothes, grabbed a backpack threw some granola bars in and a couple bags of blood incase needed. Walking to the be I left Max a note.


Hope you slept good I didn't want to wake you up. Rob, Will and Jake are all downstairs sleeping. I decided that since Derek hadn't come back yet and everyone was still sleeping that I would go and look for him. See you soon.


Melissa 7:48 Am

Max wouldn't be happy that I had left without him. But I would be fine for a few hours. I picked up my bag, slung it over my shoulder. Kissed Max good bye. And walked from the house.

*****Derek's POV*****

I woke up jumping to my feet. I remembered what had happened and Max would so pay for what he had done last night. Not only was I pissed but he had endangered Melissa's life. What had happened anyway. One thing I hoped for was that Melissa was ok. I looked around remembering my surroundings. I ran towards the house. I was about halfway from where I had started when I had crashed into something or rather someone.

"Oww. Next time you could warn me when you decide to come crashing into me Derek." I looked up from where we both lay on the ground staring into Placid blue eyes. I smiled. I knew those eyes. It was Melissa.

"Sorry. I just thought fall should some early this year." she laughed. I couldn't help but laugh also. It was probably one of the corniest lines I had ever used. I would have to thank Rob one of these days.

"Ok. So where were you going when I crashed into you unannounced?"

"Back to the house."

"Have fun with that." she smiled and walked away from me and even farther from the house.

"Where are you going?"

"For a walk. Everyone at the house is still asleep. Where are you going Derek."

I wasn't about to leave her when I had just found out she was fine. Max had been spending way too much time with her lately anyway.

"I guess that I'm going with you then. Because I am not going back to an empty house."

"Ok. But can you keep up with me?" she took off her laughter lingering in the air like the tinkling of bells.

She bounded through the trees like a deer, with the sleekness of a cheetah. With the predatory instincts that all carnivores have. She was a top predator I could see that.

"I'm going to catch you." I called out to her.

"In your dreams." she leapt from the forest floor into the trees easily clearing 50 feet. Sailing across the forest. I followed on the floor. She stopped at an out cropping of rocks. "You wish you could catch me."

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