Chapter 5

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The following day, Dil felt relieved when he realised he didn't have to go to work. It was a Saturday, so he could finally freely relax and continue writing his story too.

Now in the story, Ryan was chasing Dil. Dil was an undercover spy and nobody was sure of who Dil was. For now, he used regular names but afterwards would change it because he couldn't be bothered. 

"Trust me." Ryan said, staring into Dil's eyes.

Dil glared back. "I don't know if I can."

"If I ever doubt you, may you call me a cut-throat dog and my life be no more."

Dil huffed. "What do you know so far?"

"They are after you. Not to kill, to torture. I can lead you to safety.

Ryan grabbed Dil's hand , running towards an unknown direction. And there the journey began.


Dil cracked his knuckles, yawning tiredly and stretching his arms. He was glad he had at least finished the epilogue of his story. He didn't really know where it was going himself either besides the nail shop.

Dil was about to finally get out of bed when his phone rang loudly making him quickly jump. He checked it to see it was Lissa calling.

"Yeah?" He answered. "What's up."

"Dil, can you do me a favour and drop by some herbal tea thing to my house. We're out and mum's out at work."

Dil paused. "Why can't you do it?"

The other end stayed silent until a slightly muffled cough could be heard.

"You're ill aren't you." Dil shook his head. Lissa was one of those friends who would never admit they were ill, or needed help so it was rare for her to call and ask for a favour.

"Okay I'm on my way." He said, hanging up.

He quickly got changed, about to leave when he remembered to call Megan and Ryan too. Five minutes later Megan arrived, out of breath.

"Why did you run? I said I would wait." Dil laughed, leaving the house and locking the door behind them.

"Elissa's never asking for favours." Megan said as-matter-of-factly.

Dil shrugged. They walked out of their front yard when he received yet another call.

Ryan said he would meet them there so it probably wasn't him. It was an unknown number.


"BUNNY! It's Jin! I'm super bored, where are you?!" A voice screeched on the other line.

Dil rolled his eyes. "I'm busy, sorry Jin. My friend's a little ill so me, Ryan and Megan are going to see her."

"WAIT!" Jin said quickly. "M-Megan?" He said in a whisper. "WAIT THERE I'M ON MY WAY IF YOU MOVE I WON'T BE YOUR FRIEND ANYMORE."

Dil rolled his eyes. "Hurry up and get here then, we're waiting at my house, be quick.

Dil told Jin his address and a further five minutes later Jin could be seen running towards them in the distance with someone slowly walking behind him.

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