Something Else

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Trevor POV
I have absolutely no idea where I am. I'm trying so hard to open my eyes but I just can't. It's impossible. I can't even speak. No matter how much I've tried asking what is going on, nothing will come out. No one can hear me! I can see what's going on around me and by the looks of things I'm not in a very happy environment. I'm in a hospital. Well that's what it looks like anyways and 3 boys are with me. It's a very strange area. White walls, I look around and there are tubes sticking out of me and my blankets are everywhere and the cast around my arm is itchy. Really heavy too. At the moment it looks and feels like I'm part of a jelly mould. Everything is around me. I can't move. I can't speak. What is going on!?

Victoria POV
We're all at the hospital right now. Absolutely in dead silence. The room is filled with nothing but air and cries. The kids have crashed on the floor with blankets and pillows and the guys are with Trevor. Us girls Taveeta, Jennie, Alex, Sam, Jordan and I are all here in the ICU and are all sitting in the room around Britt who has been stretched out along the bed; wires, tubes and drip chords are hanging over her.

It's 3am. We called the hospital 2 hours ago and since then we have been scared to death. At 2:30 am we realized that they had to be placed in a coma and if they would wake up or not is completely up to them. We also found out that Brittany was having twins. If she knew we have no idea but if she did why didn't she tell us!?
She was rushed in here and got a c section cut and both of the babies survived. Turns out they were having a boy and a girl but about 2 minutes later; 2:41 am the girl died of heart failure and only the boy survived. I, nor any of the boys or girls from the cast, know how to break this news to them. Trevor or Brittany. If they wake up. I can't stop crying and all I want right now is Isaac.

"I'm just going to get a coffee" I lie. Still sniffling. I quietly make my way across hall of the ICU to Trevor's room where all the guys are and sneak in.
"Hey" I say softly and they all look up looking utterly pale and upset. I've never seen any of them like this before. No one has.
"Hey Vic" Lamar says weakly
"Hi babe. What's up?" Isaac says sadly but I cut him off by just sobbing into his chest, giving him a side hug while I'm at it.
"Shhh" he says soothing me. I don't even think the other boys care. That's probably what they'd do with Jennie and Alex. For Lamar and Zac anyway. Actually no. Him and Alex still haven't worked out whatever is going on between them. No one knows. I think.

"You ok Vic?" Brennan asks and I look up at him and shake my head
"I'm just shocked. Do you know how it happened?"
"No sweetheart. No idea" Isaac says and I kiss him. This turning into more short tough kisses and making the other guys look away. I chuckle, pulling away from him.
"How are we going to break the news to them?" I ask them all
"I have absolutely no idea. No clue whatsoever." Lamar says shaking his head and burying it in his hands. These guys look wrecked. Beyond upset and annoyed. Just extremely in pain. I get it though. I'm feeling sympathetic. They might've lost a best friend. That's a very tough and painful thing to go through.
"Ok that's it. You boys look almost dead yourselves. I'll be back. Brennan- come with me" I instruct, leaving them all clueless. I stand up and Brennan follows me to Brittany's hospital room, just across the hall.
"Hey. I'm back from my coffee girls. Brennan you stay here. Alex, Jennie. Come with me" I tell them
"Mummy..." I hear Maddie say. She's woken up
"No honey. You need to fall back to sleep" I soothe her walking over to her.
"Where am I?"
"We're at the hospital sweetie. Aunty Brittany is having the baby remember? You feel asleep. Mummy's just going to see the baby. We'll be back soon. you get some rest. Ok?" I lie. I hate lying to my kids but it's the only ways we can't tell them the real reason. It would scare them too much if they actually understood what a coma was. Cause they probably don't, it's just easiest to not confuse them. At the worst, they could predict that they were dead. We don't want anymore tears today though. Trust me. As a cast we agreed not to say anymore than they were having the baby. Riley and James would be he hardest to persuade though. But that's later. No ones thinking about that now. We just want their mum and dad to wake up.

"Can you guys take care of the little ones for us? We just need time with our partners that's all. We'll swap again soon" I tell everyone who looks more than puzzled. They all nod as me, Jennie and Alex all walk out of the room and back into Trevor's room.
"Hey we're back." I announce and the remaining boys look up. Mixed emotions spread all over their faces. I thought they would be happy to see their girl. Obviously not.
"What now?" I ask groaning, sitting down next to Isaac as do Alex and Jennie next to their husbands.
"Trevor's awake." They says but my face remains the same as I know if it was just that, they would be happy. I have a pleasing look on my face now as I want to know what else has happened.
"He just can't remember anything" he concludes

And at that moment. My hearts drops. He doesn't remember anything- his wedding day, the day his children were born, getting the job on the show, getting engaged. Not even Brittany.

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