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4 weeks later...
31st October, 2029

Trevor POV
The next couple of weeks fly by so quickly, everyone in the world soon knowing every single detail of me and Brittany's accident, our baby, Alex and Zacs baby and their mini fight along with the Becky G drama, the announcement from Alex's work as well as the announcement Jennie and Lamar shared to the world yesterday on their baby news. It has spread so fast and usually I don't like this much excitement but when the movie comes out things will get a lot worse- media wise and so I'm just grateful that it's not too much now. Taking the minority while I can 😂.

Today is Halloween and no one is up yet. It's pretty early about 8am and I've just come back from my morning jogs and a trip to Starbucks to get a coffee for me and my girl. Brittany and I have decided on a name for the baby which we are also announcing today. It's a bit late but we had an unofficial naming ceremony for the baby, preached by Lamar a week after we got back so at least he's named. Only the closest of friends and family came to that too so only they know. Not the entire world.

Last night we all had a family trip to Walmart getting last minute Halloween costumes. They had lots of sales on last night too so the kids were able to buy (well only James and Riley) like whole big baskets full of toys for the winter too. We also got some new onesies and blankets to keep warm. So far our costumes are;

Riley: Elsa....of course
James: Woody from Toy Story. He's costume is the full cowboy outfit with boots too so it's super cute. He has loved Toy Story for so long I swear when he actually gets married he will have a Toy Story themed wedding.
Emma: Britt decided to dress her up as a baby ballerina with the entire pink tutu and headband with a boy. She's adorable!! Riley has even painted her nails which I had to post on Instagram. It was sisterly bonding....why wouldn't I!?
The new baby: He is just wearing his Pjs as far as I know. We go trick or treating pretty late too....well for them anyway. That's what they think so spore toy he is just supposed to sleep the entire time in the stroller that I will be carrying. God help me!!
Me: Me and Britt have a joint costume with me going as Superman and Brittany going as Superwoman. We are having matching gold/red capes and body suits too so it will be super hilarious. We are all set to leave at approximately 7 at the end of our street  we meet. Everyone else from the cast and their kids are coming too so it's a big group with lots of cameras following us but it should be loads of fun.

"Daddy!!" Riley comes walking her Halloween costume. God you gotta love her!!
"Hey Princess. Already felt like being Elsa did we?" I ask and she giggles
"It's Halloween Daddy!! Have you already forgotten?" She teases and I smirk at her, tickling under her arms. She's such a cutie so I take a selfie with her posting it on Instagram
"This ones been waiting an entire year to be this cute Princess. Very excited girl. #HappyHalloweenElsa #MyMorningSurprise @b_raymond" I chuckle as she leans over my shoulder reading it. Finally about a minute later once she has read it all with a bit of help from me she giggles.

"Come on lets get breakfast Missy" I say and she laughs jumping on my back as I lead her into the kitchen

Victoria POV
We are all currently at my place.  It's 9pm and we finished trick or treating about an hour ago and now we are just having a party. The girls (Riley, Maddie and Emily) have all been at the door excitedly handing out all the candy to the kids that come by, screaming oh names when it's a camera. Some kids try and get a photo with Riley just because they know her mums Brittany and as soon as we hear squealing we know someone has a scary costume so we go to the door and scare them off with our famous reputations. Seriously it works every time. Once they see us walk through the door they get all scared that we will tell someone and that then they will be on tv for scaring our kids with their costumes. It's pathetic I know.

"Everyone ok? Need a drink or anything?" I offer making my way back to the sitting room where everyone was talking. They all refused for another as everyone was soon heading off back to their houses as they had younger children who need sleep. I mean Blake, Emma and Chloe as well as the mystery named child who I won't reveal yet are already asleep. That's when Trevor and Brittany nodded at each other getting their phones out at the same time.

Brittany POV
I nodded, smirking at Trevor who got his phone out at the same time as me. We were about to announce on Twitter the name of our new baby. We didn't want to do it on Instagram because we knew we had more followers on Twitter.

I open my app and typing what I had memorised with Trevor earlier, the caption.
"We know everyone has been waiting for this for over a month now but we are so please to welcome Patrick John Tordjman into our new family and of course our TNS family. Thanks everyone so much for the support. We really appreciate it. We can't wait for you all to meet him xx #NewArrival #Patrick @trevorflanny"

I smile as I look up at Trevor and he rest of the cast who are confused at what is going on before they all surround us with hugs, even though they already know they name, just in celebration.

I can't wait for the new chapter with this baby. And hey, at least he's got a name!

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