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After ALOT of DM's sent out to ALOT of people we as a fandom have done extremely well at spamming Imogen on her birthday. If you haven't already PLEASE go and wish er a HAPPY BIRTHDAY. She's awesome and deserves it 200%. Otherwise though- it worked guys!!! Thank you so much.

Imogen told me that she didn't like her birthday. Which is crap. Who doesn't like your own birthday?? It's now 9:00 here so nearly the end of the day so for the last time HAPPY AUSTRALIAN BIRTHDAY. Seriously you are an incredible author, person and friend. I couldn't thank you enough for everything you've done for me on my time on Wattpad. We're extremely close internet friends, co-writers (everyone go follow tns_TLA  hehe) , boyfriend/girlfriend, parents (Kevin go to sleep now please 😂) and extremely amazing crazy llamas.

So I dedicate this chapter to you jiley_TLA  because even though you may not like your birthday and the spams that I obviously needed to set up because why wouldn't I??! , you are an amazing person. Full stop. That's it. You seriously lighten my day, make me laugh when I'm upset, when I was in the rain crying last night- you freaked out. That makes a friend. And you may be 10,000 miles across the world but seriously we are so close it feels like you're almost next to me.

I hope you have an incredible day. You deserve every second of it. Never stop being you.

Grace. A.k.a Brittany ❤️🙊

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