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Hey everyone!

I have some news. As some of you may know TNS 16 Years On is finishing once it reaches 100 chapters. It's going to be really hard to say goodbye to such an incredible book but I thought to lighten up the spirits a bit I would create a little competition for you all.

The cover for this story at the moment is terrible. It really sucks and has no creativity to it whatsoever so I'm asking anyone from any fandom to create a cover for me to put up on this book forever. Without any change. Ever. You're prize is obviously the chance for your cover to be shown on my book.

I'd like you to make it for me and then create a book on your account and post the picture cover on their as an attachment. Also add the hashtag #TNSCOVERCOMP to the story so that I know it's in the running to win or simply DM me that you want to compete in the competition xxx

Thank guys! Please try and enter! If you know anyone that is willing to do a book cover, even if they don't read this book, to please enter its going to be loads of fun trust me! Entires close April 1st. Love you guys. Thank you so much.

@_tnsreality xxx

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