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Trevor POV
I can't believe it! I don't know what to think or say or do right now. Except Pee but I cant even do that. Brittany specifically told me she wasn't ready for more kids yet and I specifically told her I used a condom. But this one broke. This one broken part is more then just breaking itself into pieces. It could definitely ruin today, my family's relationship, my kids relationship with me and more importantly me and Brittanys relationship.

I am just praying to god right now that whatever has happened is in the past and that Brittany is NOT pregnant. That would ruin everything and especially on a day like this. On a moment to remember, not something to ruin. It's not something to spoil. Whatever happens, this is not going to be good.

Brittany POV
I walk down the stairs to see everyone. I've gotten dressed and down my make up and hair already. It's pretty amazing what a girl can do in half an hour with a screaming baby.
"Whoa. You look amazing Britt" Trevor says as I join him at the table.
"Thank you!" I say giving him a kiss as he twirls me round. The others, especially the kids comment on my dress too. They must like it.
"So. I wanted to do spending special for today so I have a few things planned" Trevor says unexpectedly and I'm now really confused.
"As a Christmas present to you I have our wedding tape to watch. Well technically this isn't just your present its part of it. It was a pretty incredible the search itself but in the end I got it." Trevor announces and I smile at him and he winks at me and as the kids run off I feel the sense to urge into the Christmas spirit. It's our day now.

"Also. Im going to hand your gift to you while the movie is going on" Trevor says and I feel a little tear in my eye as the tape starts rolling. Sams already crying. Me- I'm just trying to hold it in as its not even up to the second minute yet. Beautiful wedding. I remember it so well.

"Ok so this is from me to you" Trevor says sweetly as the he hands me the small box.
"Oh my god babe" I say, tears forming in my eyes now too. The Raymond family do get a little emotional on days like this.
"What is it?" Mum asks me and I  smile showing everyone. It's an infinity ring with 'T & B 4ever' engraved on it. I smile as more tears run down my cheek, as does Sams.
"Trevor that's so sweet thank you so much baby. I love you more than anything in the world" I say and Sam smiles as we kiss and I slip the ring onto my finger.

Briar POV
"Ok. Secret Santa" Victoria says and we squeal as we all get our presents from the tree vic and Isaac have in their house.
"Ok so first we will all exchange gifts everyone just stand up and give them to people. No one open anything yet" she instructs and I smile, standing walking over to my beautiful fiancée and giving him his present.
"Merry Christmas babe" I say kissing him and he smiles
"You had me?" I nod as he takes his gift.
"Thank you beautiful" he says and i smile before turning around to See Brennan standing there with a present nearly wrapped
"Aww thanks Brennan" I say and he smiles going me a hug
"Merry Christmas from your secret Santa!!" He says and I laugh thanking him and then sitting down.
"Ok so everyone got a present. Alright we'll start with Alex. Who did you have? And who gave that gift to you?"
"So I had Lamar and myles gave me........" She says slowly opening the gift.
"He gave me some handcreams and moisturisers" she finished and I chuckle. That sound so like Lamar.
"Thanks Jennie!" She says and everyone laughs
"You know! This one I thought of myself. You should actually be proud of me Alex"
"Oh gosh. Wow ok. Then yes I am. Thank you very much" she says giving him a hug
"Ok. Lamar what's in the bag?" She asks
"Well this is from Isaac and he got me a voucher to this trampolining place. Thanks bro."
"Merry Christmas!!" He says and I smile. Their friendship is so funny sometimes.

It comes toward the end of the swapping of gifts. The list going some what like this:

Myles- Alex
Alex- Lamar
Lamar- Isaac
Isaac- Jennie
Jennie- Victoria
Victoria- Logan
Logan- zac
Zac- Jordan
Jordan- Sam
Sam- Brennan
Brennan- Taveeta
Taveeta- briar 
Briar- myles

and so far it's gone in this order and all that's left is taveeta , me and myles to get a gift.
"Ok Brennan. You next" Victoria says as she brings out more drinks
"Alright so this is from Brennan and I got a voucher to this pedicure place. Thanks Brennan."
"No problem. Enjoy" he says kindly. I smile as I know it's my turn to open one.
"Alright this is from taveeta. Wow a deluxe hair straightener. Thank you so much! I love it that's awesome!" I Squeal and she smiles
"Merry Christmas hon" she says kindly and I go over to give her a hug.
"Ok ok my turn. Gees im so impatient" myles says and I giggle
"I actually just want to interfere if that's ok. Don't worry babe I'm not going to steal this" I say taking the present of him
"This present isn't a present and I have a real present for you after but this one im sure you'll appreciate a lot more. I know you'll love it just as much as I do. So myles. Merry Christmas" I announce and he smirks looking at me in the eye and then slowly taking the box and unraveling. My heart itself is pounding. Fast. Hoping he will agree with me.

"Oh. My. God" is all he says and I smile as he just looks up at me and kisses me, leaving the rest of the cast completely speechless.
"You moved our wedding so I could be here?" He asks me and I nod kissing him and falling into his arms.
"I can't wait to marry you" I say and he smiles kissing me again.
"Me neither" he says
"Ok your next present" I say intriguing him
"This" I say giving him a small box.
"A watch?" He asks really confused. I nod revealing the engraved part on the back. Similar i know to what Trevor gave Brittany today. It had ~B + M 02.01.30 ~ engraved on the inside with a little heart next to it.
"That's our official wedding date. You can wear it them too" I say and he smiles, picking me up and twirling me around.

Myles POV
Best. Christmas. Ever.

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