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Merry Christmas!! Check out my special chapter I just published. I hope you have a wonderful day from wherever part of world you're from. Even a Merry Christmas Eve to those in the Northen Hemisphere. Pleasure writing these chapters for you. I've had such a great year. I'll see you January 12th. I'll be available for DM chats just no updates till then xxxx

Brittany POV
I'm waiting patiently in the waiting room. I've just been in for my audition however now it's Trevor's turn. I guess mine went ok. In fact better than I expected it. Really well. I made no mistakes and Trevor's kiss before it made me feel so confident. Almost as if I was doing it for him. All of a sudden my phone rings and it's Victoria.
"BRITTANY!!!" She screams as my eyes widen
"Babe. What's wrong"
"The baby is coming. Like right now. Isaac isn't picking up and I really need to get to the hospital. Can you please help me?!" She asks me, almost yelling. I can tell she's in pain. We're really close to them. We only live like a couple streets away, hence why we always are with them. The other people from the cast live further away and by now have other jobs in other places. K believe Alex and Zac are moving next month so they are really busy preparing for that. As well as Jennie and Lamar who are moving back to Australia.
"I've just finished my audition. I can come if you want? I'll try Isaac too. He might be in traffic girly"
"Brittany. I'm really scared!!" She says screaming
"Where are the kids?"
"Next to me. They keep getting me glasses of water, telling me everything will be ok."
"It will be ok. Just keep breathing and I'll be there in 10"
"Thanks B. See you soon"
"Bye!!" I say frantically. I pull out a piece of paper from my purse and a pen leaving a note on my seat to Trevor for when he returns

Victoria in labour. Gone to help her. I got a cab. Meet me at the hospital.
Britt xx

I also text him the same thing so he knows before rushing down the stairs, having no time to wait for an elevator, and then ushering a cab to come and pick me up. Within 10 minutes, long enough to attempt to call my best friends husband but not pick up, I get home to Vic and quickly jump in their family car forcing myself to take her kids with us, as we ride to the hospital.

Trevor 😘😘
Just found Isaac in his car next to my cab in the traffic. On our way to the hospital now. North or South? Xx

"Victoria!! Isaacs on his way. As is Trevor. He found him at the lights, on his way to pick us up.
"Marvellous! Now he can finally see the birth of his baby!" She screams before moaning in pain again.
"Ok Vic. Calm down babe" I say rubbing her back. We finally get to the hospital and I reply to Trevor the North hospital before taking the kids out of the car and running (Victoria walking) into the hospital. The nurses immediately realise who we are and we are automatically ushered into an emergency room. I leave Victoria to stay with the kids and it's not long before the guys get here.
"Daddy!!" Maddie says
"Hey gorgeous." Isaac says picking her up.
"Mummy's having her baby!!" She squeals and he smiles putting her down
"I know. We're so excited aren't we?!" He tells her and she nods. He turns to me, as I stand up, Blake with his hand in mine still.
"What happened to your phone??" I ask Isaac, extremely mad. He looks at me banging his phone
"No battery. Where's my girl?"
"She's in the emergency room"'I tell him and he nods before running away.
"Hey babe" Trevor kisses me before I smile retuning the kiss.
"Hi!! Did you get my note?"
"Yeah I did. Thanks" he says before Blake pats him impatiently on the hips.
"Hey little man! What's up?" He fist bumps Blake making him laugh.
"Where's mummy and daddy?" He cutely asks. I swear Victoria and Isaacs kids are the cutest you'll ever meet.
"Your mummy's having your new baby brother or sister and your dads in their seeing if she's ok!"
"Oooo a new brother!!" He squeals. Trevor looks at me, chuckling
"We don't know yet Blake. It could be a sister"
"But I want a boy!"
"I want a girl. It's going to be a girl!" Maddie says, adamant with her decision. Trev puts Blake down and the two of them continue to childishly argue over what the gender is going to be. I laugh
"So how was your audition?"
"Really good actually. Better than I expected. They said to not be worried about being pregnant as I wouldn't actually be pregnant when it starts shooting" he smiles
"See!! I told you- nothing to worry about. You probably went bette then I did!!"
"Why?! Oh no. You stuffed up didn't you!"I say disappointed
"Oh no no. I just didn't think I did well"
"I bet you did! Trevor you always say that when in fact you did amazing!!"
"I don't know though Britt" he says and I roll my eyes, turning away, causing him to peck my cheek. We turn to the kids in front of us- still fighting.
"So what do you think it's going to be?"
"I know it's a girl" I admit and be turns to me confused
"So does Victoria actually"
"What!!?! She knows!! How did she sneak into the file!"
"She's really quite an evil person when she's pregnant believe it or not"
"Oh I'm sure James will be too when he finds out that he isn't getting a baby brother"
"I know the poor thing."
"He has James though. He has nothing to worry about" Trevor says
"Oh yeah- just don't even worry about it" i shrug, mocking his character on TNS causing Trevor to this time roll his eyes, making me laugh.

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