Plan B

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I am buried in Emily's arms, tears strolling down my face wondering why in the world I went on birth control. It is so stupid now that I think about it. Riley and James love playing with Emma and pat and are so good with them, always lending me and Trevor a hand, dealing with them so another wouldn't hurt?!
I feel so guilty and so bad that I made Trevor feel this way. It's so rare that we fight. In fact we never fight and it's only just hit me with that sense of regret of those pills. Those damn pills that changed our lives. And at this time, when our daughter was on a life or death pathway, really wasn't the right time. I'm trying so hard to not cry loudly because my baby girl is asleep but I can't help it. Everyone has been sending me messages and calling me thousands of times if I'm ok and where I am. Probably since Trevor went home, he wouldn't do that without me so they'd think it's unusual.
Just then Riley wakes up and we are told we can go home back to our families again as she needs to be alone for a couple days. I say goodbye to my daughter and then Alex takes me back to her place.
"Britt!" Zac greets at the door where all of the cast are waiting in the background.
"Hey babe" he says going Alex a kiss.
"Hi" I say looking straight ahead at nothing else.
"Brittany. You ok? Why aren't you with trevor? Is he ok?" Jennie asks
"Trevor's fine. I'm fine. Physically. Not really mentally" I say, sitting down as Zac gives me a glass of wine.
"Whoa... You shouldn't be drinking that girly" Victoria says, taking the glass out of my hands.
I look down at the floor, tears forming in my eyes before biting my lip and then looking at Vic, taking the glass back out of her hands.
"Yeah. It's fine"
"Oh baby. You're not pregnant are you?" She asks giving me a side hug as I shake my head, tears now rolling faster and faster down my head.
"Where are the kids?" I ask looking around as it seems unusually quiet.
"With Trevor. Why?"
"Yeah that's good. He needs more kids in his life" I mutter under my breath.
"He came home looking really pissed off at something or someone. Just really--"
"So. How was everyone's day today?" Alex says quickly interrupting Logan who looks pretty taken aback.
"Ok. What's going on??" Isaac asks impatiently, obviously having enough of the secrecy.
"Me and Trevor had a fight." I announce and the room drops. Exactly what I thought because we never fight. No one really knows what to expect.
"He already knew the test was negative. But overheard me confessing to Alex that I really didnt want another baby" I continue while I bite the inside of my cheek, trying unsuccessfully to stop the dripping tears while Vic rubs my back.
"I really didnt want another one so soon. Especially after 'you know what' the last time" I say now crying with forceful tears.
"It's ok britt. We understand." Vic whispers and I smile weakly
"I confessed that I was on birth control and I guess after that he was just so mad. So mad he gave me one last gut reaching look and walked out. I've texted him, called him." I pause looking up at the ceiling with utter pain filling my body.
"I've done everything I can do"'i finish and the room remains silent so I stand up and walk away. Up to the spare bedroom, taking my phone and the clothes I wore yesterday and last night and eventually passing out on the spare bed. Exhausted.
Trevor POV
After reading that letter I honestly don't know what to say. Some part of me is wishing and regretting what I did but the other is so so mad. Frustrated. And angry. Full of words I can't even describe. I wanted this baby so bad, doing everything I could to make another one with Britt but little did I realize that she was doing everything she could to NOT make another one. And I can't get that thought out of my head. I can't dismiss it. I feel terrible and as much as I want to fix it with her, I can't allow myself to. At least not yet.

Victoria POV
"Wow" I say finally after the 5 minutes silent we had after Britt walked away.
"Poor Brittany. And Trevor really. Having a daughter in a coma too. Its pushed them over the edge. They just need a good nights sleep" Jen says and I nod, leaning back and then placing my head on Isaacs shoulder.
"Do the media know?" Brennan asks
"Knowing our popularity, they probably found out before it actually happened, bro" Lamar says and I laugh
"True" I chuckle. Suddenly I feel this kicking motion inside me.
"Babe. It's kicking. Feel it" I say outing Isaac's hand on my stomach right where the baby is kicking.
"I honestly cannot wait until it comes. That is so amazing beautiful" he says kissing my cheek while everyone awwws at us. It's silent for a minute. A comfortable silence while the cast just relaxes and thinks for a while. Jordan then suddenly pulls out her phone and shows us instagram. None if us wants to or has even had time to check our social media at the moment so it was quite surprising what was being shown.
"Trevor's picture. All the kids and look at his caption" she says directing our eyes at the words below
'Friends born together, stick together'
"Awwww that's nice. Kindve reminds me of Trittany though and how their relationship has always been strong and they have never unstuck themselves from being Brittany and Trevor" I say an they all look at me like I'm some sort of genius.
"I have a baby brain at the moment guys. I honestly cannot think so whatever I said, it's probably going to be a blue moon tonight" I say and they all laugh.
"It's not what you said Vic, it's what's behind what you said. I have a plan" Alex says suddenly, standing up.
"Spill. Captain" Zac says making her giggle before she starts explaining.
"Something tells me Trittany need to get back together. Not relationship wise, like she said- mentally wise. They need to put the past in the past and move on. And something is telling me that we are the only ones who can do it. Like Trevor's caption. It's not just aimed at them. It's aimed at our whole cast too. We can't keep going on in life, going to the cinema release of the movie, excelling in our careers without the whole cast. We need to be the team and the family we always were and still are. That's including everyone and Britt and Trev." She begins. Everyone nods and smiles in realization that its actually true. We are such a bit family.
"So what the plan?" Lamar asks
"I say we recreate their date in the alleyway in season 2. Because that was after they got back together and it made Riley and James 'click' again in the show so that's what we are going to do now. We are going to make Brittany believe that we are going on a girls night to forget about what has happened and the guys are going on a guys night to forget about all that's happened. We both go to the same place. Bam!! Magic. We leave them to realise that this was a set up and then after they kiss and make up, we leave them to have their date" Alex says and the whole cast agrees in soft cheers.
"Perfect! You're a genius Alex!" Isaac says
"Uh huh thanks babe. I thought I was" I say pretending to pout. He chuckles before giving me a hug.
"Who's in?" Alex asks as we all form a circle, placing our hands in the middle.
"1,2,3. TRITTANY!!" We all softly cheer.

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