News and Love

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Brittany POV
"Hey babe. I was thinking." I say to Trevor. We are in the car at the moment. On the way back from our camping trip that turned into an extra long hospital trip.
"Mmmmm" he says and I chuckle
"Do you reckon Alex is still going to London. You know after all this. I mean it's nearly October and she leaves in April- after the month of premieres and stuff. She Will miss the cinema release in June but it is great opportunity for her career. what do you think?"
"Mummy. I'm hungry" Riley whines from the back
"Sweetie. Just wait a minute. We're nearly at Starbucks ok?" I reason with her and she smiles
"Ok mummy" she agrees and turn back to Trevor
"Well. I think she won't but it's not my decision. It's hers so I'm not entirely sure yet Britt. She does have another baby now so it's different. Why don't you call her?" He suggests and I nod.
"Great idea. Alex? Hi it's--" I start but get cut off
"Emily. Stop playing with her head. You're damaging it by the second" I hear her say and I chuckle
"Alex?" I ask again
"Britt? Oh hey! Sorry you had to hear that" she says and I sigh
"It's alright. We have worse in our car. Listen I was just wanting to know whether you were still going for that movie role in London in April next year?" I ask and there is silence
"Oh. Ahh well I haven't really thought about it for while but the other day I was considering the fact of me not going." She tells me and I smile in relief
"You do have two children now Alex. What does Zac think?" I ask her
"He's telling me to go. Only one who is. What do you think?" She contemplates
"Honestly Al it's up to you babe. If you want to go then go but I know if I was you I would be staying here. You can always get another movie role here and you can be with your children too. Maybe I'll try for a role with you?" I try her to see if she's buying my persuasion. To be completely honest I don't want her to go but I just can't tell her that because then it will decrease her confidence.
"Ok. I think that's it then. Thank you Brittany. It will be good to stay here with everyone." She says and I laugh
"No worries Alex. You are like a sister to me and it would kill me if you left" I admit and she giggles
"Haha thanks Britt. See you soon. Where are you?" She asks
"About 2 hours away. Half way really. Just about to stop at Starbucks" I say sliding my sunglasses on my eyes
"Wow ok lol we're not even 1 1/2 hours from the hospital yet. Slow drivers we are but we are stopping there for lunch too." She says and I smile
"Good minds think alike. Maybe announce you're staying on Instagram or something. The fans would love to know but make sure you tell your boss first" I tell her kindly
"Ok thanks so much gorgeous. Bye" she says
"Bye Alex" then I hang up and turn to Trevor
"What did she say Hun?" He asks nervously. I can hear it in his voice
"She's staying here on Toronto." I announce to him excitedly and he grins
"You must be really excited" he says as we come to a red light. I kiss him on the lips and he smiles as we decide to then put the radio on for some karaoke. While we were in hospital we were kindly given a brand new car from this donator. Even though we are richer enough to buy it ourselves; we were both in the verge of dying at one point and the fans were just dying themselves so they somehow all pitched it and purchased a brand new family car for me and Trevor. It was so sweet and not only made frank and the rest of the cast and crew jealous, it is a really nice car so it just makes out experiences in a car more enjoyable which is what we need after what we have been through before.

"Say what you wanna say. And let the words fall out. Honestly. I wanna see you be brave!" Riley sings as I press record on my phone. We have been singing constantly non stop since out Starbucks break and now we are only half an hour away from home.
"That was great Ri. You are so good at singing baby" Trevor encourages and I hear her giggle from the back seat
"Daddy can we have a boy singer now please?" James begs and I chuckle, plugging into Bluetooth and switching on INXS 'Never Tear Us Apart'. Trevor's absolute favorite song of all time.

He actually starts singing and I put my phone on the holder at the front of the car and since James is directly behind him, film both of them singing to the song. I record it and then post it on Instagram with a caption
"Families like these always stick together. A couple of days ago, we were nearly all drifted apart but now no one or nothing will Never Tear Us Apart 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👭 #LoveMyFam #CarKaraoke #OurStarBucksBreakWasntLongAsTheyAllWantedToKeepSinging @trevorflanny" and then post it on Instagram and Twitter.

I immediately get lots of amazing comments some from the cast

• @albeaton "You guys are too funny. Rock on boys 🎤😂 @trevorflanny
• @jenniepappas "OMD @frankvankeeken you need to see this Lol 😉"
• @isaaclupien "Love the Tordjman's. Always bring such joy to my own family car ride"

Ahhh gotta love them altogether. I hope whatever happened on this TNS camping trip never happens again because let me tell you now; I can't ever risk loosing these guys. They are and always will be my family. 💛

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