AMERICAN Premiere (I)

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Trevor POV
We arrive at the red carpet event- cameras and reporters EVERYWHERE. We were huge all over the world and this film was expected to make the most money for a kids film ever in film history. It's pretty exciting. I step out of the limo, my eye sight blinded with bright lights as I wave to everyone who are crowded upon the entrance. Lines upon lines upon lines of people are queued up just to watch this movie. It's huge. I smile for the cameras before I pick up James and Riley and hold their hands, then wait for Brittany and pat and Emma before we all walk down the carpet together. Stopping for interviews and photos and autographs every now and then. It's so cool. I smile over at my daughter who is laughing- probably at how much attention she gets while we all walk down the carpet together. I look over at my beautiful wife who is waving and smiling to everyone while holding Emma and Patrick next to her.

Brittany POV
"Yeah it's going to be great. So exciting to be part of such an amazing movie. I'm sure fans will love seeing us 15 years on. It's pretty unreal" I say to an interviewer
"Do you know when your other fellow cast members will show up?"
"Soon. Definitely soon. It's going to get very exciting soon. I can't wait!!"
"We'll go and enjoy the night with your husband and kids and we look forward to seeing you in the movie Britt. Thank you so much"
"My pleasure. Thank you" I say smiling a few more times before my eye catches Trevor's and I walk over to him.
"We going in now?"
"Yeah probably should babe. Let's go" he says and I smile, picking pat up and down on my waist as he laughs cheekily. We walk inside to the huge auditorium crossed with people filling in already.
"Hey!!" I say as we see the Lupien family at the screening area for the cast.
"Hi guys! Look James. Wife alert" I say and he smiles looking at Maddie straight away and I laugh as they hug each other. The kids make their way to the candy bar and jump on the bean bags making themselves comfy while we talk to Isaac and Vic.
"You look amazing tonight girl! You're so hot" Victoria says and i smile looking down at my perfected outfit.
"Thank you so do you though babe. Like WOW!!" I say and she laughs
"The bump ruins it. Being 6 months- this baby is hard to control" she says and I chuckle.
"I can imagine. You poor thing. Morning sickness stopped?"
"Yes thank god" Isaac says, butting in. I laugh at his anti-enthusiasm as he rolls his eyes, carelessly.
"I hate it. It's probably 95% of the negatives for being pregnant overall" I admit and Trevor pecks my cheek.
"Doctor Tordjman always comes to the rescue though, doesn't he babe?" I laugh at him before he goes to sort out James who needs to go to bathroom.

"He's such a show off. How was your red carpet walk? Busy? Do you feel blinded yet?"
"Oh my god yes. He amount of blinking cameras- ugh I swear to god if I had the chance to break at least one I would." Isaac says
"The fans were great though. Went absolutely nuts when Isaac stepped out of the limo"
"Yeah same with Trevor" I admit and Isaac chuckles.

We continue chatting as more and more cast members appeared one by one until soon it was time for the cast to appear on the theatre stage before the movie officially premiered in cinemas.
"These guys are cast mates, friends and now family. They have been through relationships, acting, friendship and residential drama while also dealing with marriage, pregnancies, kids and of course holidays and injuries all amongst them. They are a phenomenal group of dancers, friends, family, mums, dads, uncles, aunties, cousins and work partners. Please welcome the cast of The Next Step: The Reunion !!!!" Our host Jacqui says to the audience. We all run on stage, one by one with our kids trailing behind as we face the large audience seen in front of us. It truly is an overwhelming amount of kids and adults there. All lined up to watch out movie.

"Ahh hi everyone!! You all excited?" I say into the microphone before an echo of cheers and applauds and cast member names are all screamed out from the crowd.
"Well my name is Brittany Raymond--" I pause while the crowd goes off, clapping for an interval of around 2 minutes before I can continue.
"And I play Riley in this movie. For my character, she is pregnant in the movie and struggles to balance dance and the baby as well as her relationship with James and her friendships with the atroupers. I loved playing her, reminded me of when I was younger and I really hope you guys enjoy the movie. I love you all. Thank you for giving me this opportunity because it's been amazing. Thank you so so much." I say into the microphone as the crowd screams wild again before I give the mic to Trev and the rest of the cast, continue their thanks.

Part of movie....
(RILEY) voice over.
"Dear A-troupe,
The Next Step studio is celebrating their 15 year anniversary since competing at Internationals for the very first time in 2015. We will be inviting you all to join our new studio 'Shuffle and Groove' aimed to develop a new generation of dancers for the near future. As there will be drama and there will be jam-packed fun it will be great to see you all again and see how far you have come from when you were only 20 years old.

Hope to see you there,
Kind Regards,
Riley and James

.......and send" my character says over a voice over, as clips and scenes from the next step season 1-6 appear on the screen in flash back fast vision mode. It's pretty amazing. A great start to a great film. Let's just sit back and relax and hope that the audience will like it :)

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