Confusion and Relief (2)

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Britt POV
"I now pronounce you husband.....and wife" Brennan says. Did you know he got his license to wed people? He got it before his best mate from New York got married. He was free and he is super sweet.

"Ok guys. Reception is back at our place. Drive there and we'll get photos before we meet you there in about an hour. Jennie. Here are the keys" briar announces as they head off together and Jennie leads everyone back to their place in their car.

"So I'd like to start off by saying thank you to everyone. The bridesmaids, groomsmen, flower girls, the band, Brennan, the wedding planner and stylists, the caterer and of course our family and friends for being here and for helping organize it. This day means so much to us and it's so great to have some people helping out to make this day possible so thank you. The wedding came earlier due to Myles' work and for a last minute cancellation so we really appreciate it.

I've known Myles for a long time and I mean a really long time. We met one day at our old dance studio when I was 11 and he was nearly 12. I remember walking in, feeling really nervous as it was my first day there and Myles came straight up to me, introduced himself and then showed me around and I felt at home straight away it was a really sweet moment.

A couple of years later we auditioned for a dance show and let me tell you now I would never have ever imagined me getting the part, yet me and Myles getting the part and considering we are both really close friends it was so incredible to be able to have that experience and share those moments together. And we did definitely have a ball. All those BTS's and Live On Stage Tours were times we would never forget and I guess without the show, we can't say that it allowed us to meet each other cause we did already know each other and that's trittanys line but we can say that it definitely brought us closer together. It came to about half way through the last season and the bryles shipping had been really big on the show and people really wanted us of together and at first we weren't influenced by it we know most mod the other couples were but we were just happy to stay friends. It came to the shows wrap party and it remember it really well. It was for sure one of the hardest days of my life but if that day wasn't real and didn't happen, I wouldn't be standing here right now giving this speech because on that day he finally asked me out and I guess that's where out journey started. Even though our TNS journey had finished, our relationship really wasn't anywhere near it and now here I am a worldwide celebrity, a newly wife and a mother to be and its all happened because of the man I just married. Myles, I can't express how happy I am for us and how excited I am for he amazing start we have created. So cheers to a new beginning, a fresh start and a happy life!" I end and they all clap before I raise my glass of water and then sit down.

Brittany POV
The wedding reception continues on and before we all know it we are all slow dancing. All the speeches and presentations are done and it's so so sweet. Then all of a sudden I get slammed with a question i know going to create a lot of drama. I mean press are already onto me.
"Are you pregnant?" Trevor whispers as we are slow dancing but before I can even look at him the music stops and we all have to stop dancing and start talking again.

Trevor POV
"So Britt. Number 5?" Lamar asks and I immediately look at him who is smirking at me
"Not cool bro" I say and he laughs turning away and back to Jennie who had her hands on her belly, obviously trying to feel her baby kicking
"Babe?" I ask Brittany
"Congrats on the baby Britt!!" Jordan comes over with Taveeta and says. It's going to be really overwhelming for her to handle. I know Brittany and she hates these types of situations. Soon enough the entire cast and family and friends are coming up to Britt, saying congratulations on the pregnancy and then that's when I suspect it's true. Britt still hasn't said anything though.
"Do you want me to come clean?" I ask her nicely even though I don't think she cares. Everyone is crowding around her and she hasn't even had a chance to speak yet. She just kids plainly and I take her off her seat and to a corner
"I know you're really upset about the whole baby thing because I knew you weren't ready yet and I'm really really sorry" I try to explain but all I get is a blank faces Brittany. The room suddenly turns quiet as they all want to hear what we are saying. No ones moving except for Victoria who just got up to leave for the bathroom.

"Why?" She asks and I look her dead straight in the eye
"It broke" I say and her eyes widen and I can tell that she knows what I'm talking about but the rest of the cast just sit there absolutely clueless.
"Ok. That's great Trevor but really lucky it didn't do anything cause I'm not pregnant" she announces and I look at her now really confused. The whole room almost shakes because everyone is probably thinking what the hell is going on here?"
"You're not pregnant? We're not......yet.....having baby number 5?" I ask her and she shakes her and I pull her into a tight hug
"Than god. I was really worried" I whispered into her ear. She smiles as she pulls out of the hug just as Victoria comes back in and the gossip of the all the rumors that Brittany was organon start to spread leaving Vic completely puzzled.
"Hey!" She yells and everyone turns their heads towards her, the room dissolving into even deeper silence then before
"Babe make sure you're sitting down for this" she tells Isaac who sinks further ok his chair.
"What the hell is going on here? Why is everyone confused? I left the roll for like 10 minutes" she says and we al start taking again
"Hey! Someone please explain" she asks again
"Brittany isn't pregnant and we all thought the pregnancy test we found was hers" Jennie explains and she raises an eyebrow and chuckles

"Yeah. That's because that was mine" she says plainly making the whole room rumble again.

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