Without you....

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We jump in the plane and fly straight to Sydney. It's a fair way. Over fifteen hours so I strap in, leaning my head on mikes shoulder as it takes off. We left the kids with my parents as they couldn't come with us- too dangerous. Our plan is to basically travel the same way they did but slower. Travel the exact same route and pass over the exact same places as them do then we can look down to see if they are there, if they have been trapped or worst of all if the plane has crashed and their bodies are lying there.

"Yes Hun"
"I'm really worried"
"I know sweetie but we just have to pull through. We have to have hope and believe that they are ok"
"I love you. So much" I say, kissing him softly. He smiles, kissing me again before the head police officer ones into our part of the plane.
"Er, excuse me Miss but we have some evidence."
"Ok then"
"It seems that through GPS tracking devices and top secret search and rescue technology, there is an apparent report that a young group of people have been spotted in the deep southern jungle of India. We are estimating that their identical are the cast members of The Next Step" he announces and I feel a smile rise
"You think so?"
"I'm almost certain Sam" he says and I look at mike who is beaming.
"Wow. I don't know what to say"
"There is no need to thank me. I mean, not yet. These people could not be the ones we are looking for. It's only an assumption"
"It's ok. Is it ok if we take a detour?"
"Go straight there?" He clarifies
"Yes, most certainly. I will let the pilots know. We'll be there in another 18 hours miss" he says and I smile
"Thank you so much sir" I say and he bows
"It was my pleasure" I purse my lips and grin to Mike as he walks away.

I have a good feeling about this. Positive vibes and energy that are telling me that we are going to find them. And unlike the officer, I'm 100% certain.

Victoria POV
It's now Day 2 of this terrible nightmare. I'm starting to get a bit worried about my baby. I have been throwing up for consecutive hours and I have no idea why. All I can do; all we can do is hope. We have been extremely bored on this land. Playing TNS survival which we made up ourselves, playing hide and seek with the kids, charades. We even made an "SOS" sign so that any people flying above could help us. I really want out. This is torture. And Ashton McKay is going to pay for this.

Brittany POV
19 hours later....

It's around 9pm at night. The kids are asleep and the adults are just sitting around the campfire talking, finishing off the last pieces of Apple left for the day.
"Do you think we'll ever be rescued?" Lamar asks
"I don't know. I'm scared though" I say and Trevor puts his arm around me, pulling me close.
"Just this whole environment. It's daunting being in a place with snakes and spiders everywhere, living on banana leaves and hammocks made out of sticks and large leaves, surviving on apple and water, playing charades in our spare time. Not that we never have any. I mean compared to our celebrity life at home; it's not right. It's so different" I admit and everyone nods

It's silent for a minute before Jennie speaks up
"Did you guys here that?" She says and everyone shakes their heads
"What was it?" I ask, sitting up eagerly from Trevor's shoulder
"It sounded like a helicopter" she said and I smile. This could be our way out.

I whisper to Trevor;
"I have a plan. We need to distract Ashton. This is our way out. He can't get out of his treehouse tower. Or wale we won't be able to get out of here" I say and he smiles nodding.
"Great idea. I'll go with the boys while you get the kids" he whispers back before motioning with the boys to go with him. I turn to the girls.
"We need to wake the kids. Someone is coming to rescue us" I say before I really hear the helicopter flying noise. The noise louder than a trumpet. The wind blowing in all our faces, as I shake my kids lightly, getting them all up one by one and holding their hands in a line. The guys are still up with Ashton, God knows what they are doing.

All of a sudden a rope comes down and I find myself pulling up my kids one by one. They go up; Riley, James, Emma, Pat somehow with Jordan's help goes up too. The single girls follow before Jennie and Isla go and then Alex and Emily and Chloe. Up next is Maddie followed by Victoria who struggles but manages to get up there with Blake in front of her. It's now just me left and I can hear the screamings up in the tree house.

I know I have to leave and go up myself but what about Trevor?! Slowly I see the boys come down and I breathe a sigh of relief. I watch them all climb up the rope as I see them quickly running. Brennan, Myles, Lamar and Zac all climbing up their but still no Trevor.

"Where's Trevor?" I say to Isaac who's still on land.
"He's trapped. Ashton caught him. He's unable to get out of there" he says and I start screaming
"Brittany it's ok." He says putting his arm around me.
"No it's not ok. I need him. We can't just leave him here Isaac" I say pulling away from him very quickly
"I'm going after him. Help him escape" I say trying to run away before Isaac runs after me.
"No. There's no time. We need to go Brittany" he warns me.
"It I want Trevor. I need him" I say, tears stumbling down my face.
"I'm sorry Hun, we have to go" he says and I look at him in the eye.
"He will be ok. He will be able to get back" he comforts me
"I can't do this Isaac."
"It's up to you" he says through the wind before walking up the ladder. I cry more, this time louder as I take one look back of this land and sigh to myself before shakily taking step by step up the ladder and into the rescue plane.

Without Trevor.

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