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Trevor POV

Currently we're on the private jet to Italy. We have decided to go for 10 days- it allows us enough time to explore the sites and eat some Italian food and also get our minds fixed off everything back in Toronto. I haven't spoken to Brittany; all I did was leave a message on the kitchen table telling her we were off to Italy. Isaac did the same.

"So you want to try some Italian gelato or see the Colosseum first?" Isaac asks energetically. I chuckle.
"Mmm I think I am just going to sleep for the time being."
"Yeah I'm up for that" he sighs
"I promise we'll sight see- just after I've caught up on some 'zzzzz" he laughs
"Whatever bro"

9 hours and 19 minutes later.... Thanks so much http://www.travelmath.com/flying-time/from/Toronto,+Canada/to/Rome,+Italy ;)

"We hope you enjoy exploring the heart of Italy and have a safe trip. Thank you for flying with Private Jets Toronto" the pilot says and I smile as me and Isaac grab our luggage from above and make our way out of the plane. We put on our disguises and get an immediate cab to our hotel where I check my phone and start unpacking.

"Have fun in Rome. What you did to me I can't even remove from my head any second of the day Trevor. It's broken me completely. You need to chill. Think about what you've done. See you in 10 days." Brittany writes. Attached are pictures from the kids and a letter that they wrote together.

"We will miss you Daddy. Hope you come back soon. Have fun in Italy. We love you. Love from Riley, James, Emma and Patrick xxx" Riley writes. The there sign their name but the letter is from her. I flick over the other side to see a picture they must've painted themselves. It's of what looks like me and Britt, and then the kids lined up next to one another in order of their age. Riley, then James, Em and of course Patrick all so small. I need to talk to them. It's 7pm there/ the kids just getting to bed. Britt would've picked them up. So I call them.

I take a spot on the balcony. The view almost too breathtaking to look at. It's amazing. The fall nights with the moon glowing above the tall skyscrapers and old cottages. I sigh sitting on a deluxe chair and pull out my phone and wait as it rings.
"He-wooo?" Obviously it's Emma. I smile but am a little confused. How can a 3-nearly-4 year old with speech problems pick up the phone? Is Brittany even there?
"Hey sweetie. It's daddy." I say anyways
"DADDY!!!" She squeals. I chuckle. All of a sudden I hear footsteps.
"Hi Daddy!"
"We miss you Dad" I hear James sand Riley say. I smile.
"I miss you guys too. How are you?"
"We're good. Wish you were with us though. Mummy's gone out with Victoria. On a holiday....to get over.....something. Oh I don't know. I forget. But anyways we're left with Mrs Hucklesberry" Riley says, sounding somewhat annoyed. I am too. Just not at that.
"WAIT WHAT!!!" I say in a louder voice.
"I know right. She didn't let us have desert!!!" She complains
"No. I mean your mother. She went on a holiday!! With her best friend? On a Saturday night? Oh no no no. This is really bad!!" I say starting to panic.
"Why daddy?" James asks.
"Something has come up guys. It's partly the reason why I'm in Italy with Uncle Isaac right now."
"Oh ok dad. If you need any help, just give us a call. We're all about to go to sleep though" Ri says and I sigh looking out at the view again.
"It's alright beautiful. I think I got this one. Anyways I love you guys. Have a good sleep. No bad dreams. Say hi to mommy for me. Bye"
"Ok! BYE!!!" They all say together. I hang up and exhale deeply looking out one last time before going in, back to see Isaac.

"Trevor!!" I hear my best friend call me from the bedroom. We have two single beds luckily.
"Yeah bro?" I ask walking in there to see him with a very worried expression on his face.
"There's been a terror attack. It's about 30 minutes from here. It's going to hit us Trev. We need to get out of here" he says and I start going in to panic mode as I see that he's right.

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