Story of my life

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This is he new chapter. Sorry for any confusion. Please enjoy, again just tell me if you can't read it. This is a FLASHBACK chapter. It's not part  of the actual book storyline it's kind've just a reminisce that Britt and Trev embark on......a.k.a mixture of my previous chapters mixed all in one. I apologise for any mistakes or misspelling of Brittanys nickname. I always thought it was Brit until someone told me It wasn't and instead it was Britt lol. But yeah it just kind've proves how far I've come in spelling and grammar tbh 😂😂. Also if you don't want to read it all that's ok cause it's not a major section of this book. Just a summarisation. Anyways 😂Enjoy 💜

2020 - 2032

Brittany POV
I knew that I had to do it. I knew that if I didn't I would never know so I went down to the drug store and bought myself two packets just in case the first one didn't work. As soon as I got home I took the test knowing that whatever the result was would change my life forever. And after 10 minutes of waiting and 1 minute of screaming. It did. I had just found out that I was pregnant. How was I going to tell trevor? We weren't even married. Oh no!! And then I heard the door knob turn. I quickly threw the stick into the cupboard and rushed to the door.

Trevor POV
I knew as soon as Britt opened the door that something was up. He looked like she was hiding something that she knew I wouldn't be pleased about.
"Brit honey what's wrong?" I ask
"Oh nothing it's just I'm in shock"
"From what?" She rushes into the bathroom and comes out with her hands behind her back,
"Close your eyes" she says
So I do
"Now whatever I give you you promise not to be shy or mad or accidentally nervous?"
"I promise"
"Ok. I took this today......"
I take it from her hands and I look at it. On the screen it has |. | which means (as I look at the key) pregnant. Omg. Brit was pregnant. What was I going to say.
"Wow. Omg. Brit your pregnant?"
"That's amazing. That's the best news I've heard all day. I'm so proud of you! We're going to be parents"


Brittany POV
We finally got to the door way where I had to walk down the aisle. I took my fathers arm and gently took my step by step pathway to heaven. I passed lots of stunned and speechless relatives and friends- whom some i had never seen before and carefully made my way to Trevor who looked like he was going to faint. Finally the priest started.....
"We are gathered here today............................................. May we have the wedding vows.
" Trevor, I known you for what has felt like my entire life and my love for you is equal to those years times a million. I hope that our journey together is successful, hopeful and loving and I hope that we can share more love and compassion towards each other. Trevor I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you as I feel you are the best most wonderful man I have ever met and I love you trevor so so so so so much.
Then trevor did his vowels and we did the rings and the I Do's. then we both made our way back to the start of the church with Trevor scooping me up bridal style and kissing me before we left. We were finally ready for the reception and wedding night.


Brittany POV
So after everyone had arrived in studio a Trevor finally spoke up.
"Ok so first of all this isn't something we forgot to tell you lat night as we only found out this morning." He said smiling at me.
"Ammmm. I'm pregnant" i say smiling.
Everyone started cheering an screaming and saying congratulations.
" wait I'm pregnant too" vic says.
The boys just stared at each other.
Everyone started saying congratulations and well done and that's amazing timing and then they all started heading home. I looked at Trevor and then vic.. I was thrilled. It is so much how I had planned it. I just smiled.

Trevor POV

Finally it was time for Riley to come in and meet him. She came rushing into to hug both of us first though. She has been staying at my parents house while we delivered the baby so she was completely unaware too. Anyway she came in with this big smile on her face and the first thing she did was sit on my lap to hold the baby. She was so happy. I could tell by her face that she was just over the moon. For the next 2 minutes or so or she could do though was kiss the baby's forehead. I found it quite cute and funny. I was so glad we had a family

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