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Hey guys!!
This may be a bit sad or it may be a bit boring- please comment what you think. This scene is now in March at the movie premiere. It's more of a filler if you'd take it like that. THank you guys so so much for all he amazing comments and views and votes on me and jiley_TLA 's joint book. Really means a lot guys. You're all so amazing. Thank you xxxx

Ok the chapter:

In movie:
Riley POV
It feels so great to finally be a whole team again, I mean after all that drama and all of that tv shooting issues it's finally now turned out the way it should be.

James pov
It's great to end this year on a high note watching Michelle and Eldon get married. With everyone knowing them for so so long and now it's really hard to believe that they are about to get hitched. It's really hard. But this wedding is gorgeous and it's so good to see them happy.

Michelle POV
I can't wait to finally call Eldon my husband. After everything we've been through, this is the end of our problems hopefully but definitely not the end of our journey. I can't wait to start a whole new chapter of our lives. It's going to be so amazing.

Riley POV
We're family again. And in the end that's all I've ever wanted

~~~ end of movie.

Brittany POV
After the applauding had finally died down in the large entertainment center/arena that the premiere was held in, the thousands of hundreds of fans still kept screaming as cast mates one by one stood up to do their speeches. The cast were first and then it was everyone else bts so it's a bit nerve wracking I guess but it's a lot of fun being here in front of so many people. My whole family are here too and it's just great to see all these fans of the show. It's awesome.

"Ok. And finally. Again we are going to get the joint pair to come up and read their speech. Trittany, can you please take the stage please? These two play Riley and James on the show who actually have performed on of the more you could say harder scenes of the movie I guess. They had never acted that before but I guess with 4 kids guys and 4 times experienced, it wasn't that hard. Only joking. Can you all please give a hand for the lovely Brittany Raymond and Trevor Tordjman please?" The host, Katie announces:

"Ah thank you so much Katie for that. Ah hi everyone. I'm Brittany"
"And I'm Trevor"
"Like Katie said we play Riley and James on the show. We were the originals from S1-S6 of the next step series and then we agreed to do this TNS movie reunion for everyone as well. Coming together and reuniting for one last time, even though this cast is put family and we see them all the time, it was amazing to catch up altogether and do one last movie for everyone. The Next Step was a huge part of our lives, it won't be ever forgotten and I'm sure the rest of these weirdos can agree" I start
"Brittany and I are very lucky to have come across some amazing talent of the years with the Next Step. From meeting actors and dancers which are these incredible people over here that firstly we are inspired by and secondly have become extremely close with, to embarking on one of the most breathtaking journeys anyone could ever have taken on. We know a lot of casts say that their cast is amazing and it's the bet and blah blah blah but this time there is no mumbling. This is the best cast and this movie wouldn't be a movie without them. Without any of us. We are all so close together and every minute, every second of this movie; of this entire series of shows we have enjoyed thoroughly and we couldn't of done it without you guys. So thank you so so much" Trevor says and I smile continuing my part
"Of course this movie wouldn't of been possible without the behind the scenes action. Huge thanks to Frank, Chloe, Amy our choreographer, rach; everyone who has been involved in the writing parts the amount of goes spent is insane. To the hair and make up- if we came to set every day and payed you for every flaw we have before the magic you display, you'd be rich. To the props and the managing of the actual set studios you guys are freaking amazing and produce unbelievably awesome sets so thank you for your hard work" I begin
"To everyone else on set of be next step. Guys there are so many people it's unbelievably unreal. It's outstanding how many people pitch in to make this show possible. Finally to our friends and family. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for supporting us all the way through this. You guys are sensational and have always been there for us 24/7 even now as we are adults. To our kids Ri and James and of course Em and Pat. You guys are out world. We've gone through this whole journey with you guys by our sides. We've had some amazing adventures as a family and I can't believe how much we've grown together. Mummy and daddy love you so so much and we hope your lives can be so full of amazing people like who we've come across because you deserve people like the. Last but not least our fans, who spend insane amounts of time supporting our show and now movie. Without you we wouldn't be standing here today. Thank you guys so so much"
"We love everyone who has contributed to this movie. For changing our lives, for revolutionizing our family that me and Trevor have created because we wouldn't of met without the show being possible, for forming the cast closer together and making us a team; a family; a close magnet with attractive forces that can't grow apart." I start but get teary. Trevor puts his arm around me and gives me a peck on the cheek making the crowd go insane but I still continue
"Thank you everyone so much. You seriously don't know how much of a difference you have all made to our lives. You have switched them upside down and have directed us on the right paths for the future, set us up with amazing careers, life long friends and an incredible partner that we won't ever forget. This family is unforgettable. You'll always remain in our hearts and now as our era closes and finally comes to and end; this chapter of our lives will never end. It won't leave us. Ever. Because you will always be family. Our Next Step family." I finish and then pause as I stare out at the crowd and the lights and the applaudes and the. To Frank and Chloe who are standing with Riley and James who are clapping like mad as they watch me and Trevor up on the stage. I glance at my husband, wiping the tears away and just jump into his arms, wrapping my hands around him an hugging him ever so tightly. I lean in and kiss him even in front of the media. Even in front of my family; my kids. Even in front of Frank and my parents and the cast. In front of those thousands of cheering fans that I swear won't come back with a voice tomorrow. But as I pull away from Trevor and o stare into those big brown gorgeous eyes and his face, looking so sympathetic and gentle, all I want to do is just hold him in my grasp forever and take him with me. He's my one and only. This show means as much to me as him and after all we wouldn't of met and we wouldn't of been Trittany if it wasn't for The Next Step.

I can't even start to imagine what a life without Trevor would be like. And that's it. I can't. He is so incredible and beautiful in every way possible that it's just physically impossible for me to imagine.

Because he's all I ever want now.

The Next Step: 16 Years OnOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora