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Brittany POV

"What if they die Vic?" I sob looking at her in the eye, scared to death. We're currently at the airport waiting for Trevor and Isaac.
"Brittany?" She pauses looking at me straight in the eye "I'm sure that they won't die and besides, you two are no longer together anyways so why are you still worrying about him?" she looks at me unsure but I just stare straight at her- signifying my answer. She gasps, putting her hands over her mouth almost having the same expression on her face as I did when I found out that Trevor had cheated on me.
"Oh my god. You still love him don't you" she says quite loudly, louder than her usual voice. I just look at her though- giving her the same expression as before. I sit down, followed by Victoria as we just wait in silence for a few moments. I sigh after a while.
"I really don't" she giggles while I wipe a tear away.
"Yes you do!!"
"Victoria" she chuckles "I really don't ok?" she looks at me like I'm stupid but its clear that she doesn't want to mess with a 3 month pregnant, recently split with her husband friend so she just looks away.
"Ok" I sigh again making her turn back to look at me. "I guess he is cute. His big brown eyes that I used to stare into every single day, his hair how it is always so perfect, his abs that literally make me ask myself every time I see them to how I deserve him; how his qualities and all of his talents are just so......perfect" I say slowly and take my gaze back to Victoria who seems to be lost in thought.
"Hello?" I wave a hand in front of her eyes. I sigh and she immediately apologises.
"That's it. Thats the thing Vic" she looks at me sympathetically.
"I'm sorry- I really shouldn't have. That was over 9 months ago, I need to stop"
"Yes. Yes you do" I say and she giggles.
"Jealous about your new love are you?"
"Shut up! I only said why he's amazing in every single way possible. I never said that I lo--"
"Oh, my, god. Shiiiiiiiiiiiit! I am in love with him. I do love him" I say and Vic just laughs.
"What do I do now?!" I groan. "I mean surely he doesn't love me- after what I just put him through." she smirks again.
"I don't think you should worry about that. You had every right to be mad at him. He deserves every single bit of it"
"I guess so. God some shit's about to go down. And its going to be nasty" I declare but Victoria just laughs.

I know that I have some feelings for him, I just don't know if he feels the same way

Trevor POV

My breathing becomes heavier and heavier as I try to manage my panic as well as my breathing. We've been stuck under a blanket for so long now. I heard the driver take his off but I can't risk doing the same. I cant risk taking my family away from me. My job. My kids. My soon-to-be again wife. My entire life. I just need to know for certain that this attack is over. All of a sudden I hear another shift in the vehicle. Knowing it must be Isaac, I don't know whether to be more nervous or to say the least calm. For some reason, I feel myself mirroring Isaac and before I know it, I am faced with pitch black with only 4 lights- 1 covering each corner of the parking lot to keep the drivers in line. I cant talk, move, text or call any one. Only sit there. Breathing. breathing my life away, hoping it won't come to a stop.

"Guys. Its over" I hear the driver say after 10 minutes. I turn to look at Isaac who's looking as petrified as I am. We give each other a manly hug and bro handshake and before we know it we are shifted off to security and are quickly boarded onto a private jet and away from the attack.
"Bro, that was insane" I say to Isaac, my first words since it all started. 
"I know. You don't know how scared I was." he admits and I look at him straight in the eye.
"Well at least we're ok now. Should we tell the girls?"
"Nah, I say we keep it a surprise" he tells me and I smirk at him.
"Good idea" I chuckle as a news update of the bombings are shown on the Italian Tv news station appear on my screen. I switch {ENGLISH} language on and plug in my headset and listen to the devastating updates.

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