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Hey guys. A bit shorter than usual but I'm really sick so I just didn't have the energy to write lots. I hope you have an amazing week. I can't even talk and it's killing me 😩

Brittany POV
We arrive at the picnic place when the girls say that they forgot something at the studio that they were meant to bring. It must've been pretty huge so I let them go and get it while I minded our seats; my back facing the road and my body turned to see the beautiful sunset pinned up against the sky.

Trevor POV
We arrive at the picnic place and I start to get out, looking at the scenery around me. The guys look freezing so I let them all grab their jackets while I mind the seats here. Well what's left of them. There's this girl already here and I thought it was just us guys tonight.

Brittany POV
"Ah, excuse me--" He says patting me on the shoulder until my face fully turns around. I look at Trevor for one slight second and then turn it the other way.
"Why are you here?" We both suddenly say at the same time.
"You go"
"The girls wanted me to get my mind off things. You know everything that has happened over the past couple days." I say while he sits down the spare chair.
"Same the guys were planning to give me light amnesia just overnight" he says and I couldn't help but chuckle.
"I though you were at home with the kids. That's what I got told" I ask going back to seriousness
"And I thought you were having a girls night at Zacs place" he says and I sigh before there is a moment of silence.
"You do know we have been set up right? Do you have any clue where our phones are?" I ask and he shakes his head.
"Maybe they got taken away because of what you did?" He fires
"Of what I did?" I say loudly but calmly. "Maybe it's because of what you did. I mean you weren't supportive." I say louder
"I didnt do. Anything wrong." I say softly a huge lump in my throat before there is a huge amount of silence, consisting of both of us looking across and out at the beaming sunset against the water
"Britt what happened between us?" I sigh and there is a long break of silence.
"I'm sorry Trevor. Ok? I really just didnt want another baby. Not yet anyways" he says something but I can't hear what he says so I keep going.
"After what happened last time and the fact that its way too early--" I start again before I am cut off again by lips that are awfully familiar.
"I said I know, I was so stupid" he says pulling away and looking around. But I just turned his head back around and kissed him. Harder this time. And rougher. Smiling against our kisses. It was so good to finally be back with him. We pull away, me sitting on Trevor's lap as we kiss more in front of the sunset behind me.
"Hey guys! Oh, ok. Right. Well we better get going then" Alex says smirking as me and Trevor stop kissing. I get of his lap and start running up to her giving her a huge hug.
"Thank you" I whisper in her ear.
"Thank you for everything. So much" I continue and she smiles into the hug before I pull away
"You two are too cute. We have never really seen you fight before in the 8 years you've been married and that's why we can't stand vein the bystanders and just watch you continue to fall apart. You're trittany. How can we pull you guys apart?" She says and I smile looking back at Trevor.
"Oh also we got a call from the hospital. Riley is allowed to come home tomorrow. Really quick recovery I know and so much has happened today but the doctors said that while she was in a coma they did most of it and now she's just in an arm cast and a neck cast for 4-6 weeks and then she'll probably be done with everything by the cinema release of TNS reunion." She says and I smile
"That's wonderful! I'm so happy" I say while I kiss Trevor again. In front of everyone.
"Ok let's go home. I don't really want to stay here. I really want to see the kids though. Why don't we have a party at our place? It's nearly 6 and we're all dressed fancy." I start teasing them and they all eventually agree as we get all the cartons of champagne and beer and bring them over to our house to celebrate.
"I really appreciate what you guys did for me. It means alot" I say and Alex smiles from the drivers seat.
"No problem girly. It'a so worth it"

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