Amelia Erin Tordjman

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Hey guys. Set up a new email - if any of you want to email me about anything pictures or comments whatever but yeah.....ill let you read now hahaha ❤️ 10 chapters to go after this one and then the books finished m 😭🙈

Myles POV
"Awww I want one" briar says. I turn to her, her figure slouching in the arm-rest chair. Her hairs messy but it's as cute as ever and the dress she was wearing last night made me feel so unbelievably lucky that I have her. Shame we couldn't use that hotness this morning in bed but I think all of us are saving that for tonight. Briar and I have extended our trip to New York, like Trittany have as we thought we needed some extra time. The others have kids they need to help. But they leave tomorrow morning anyways.....cause of the new baby.

"What do you want baby girl?" I ask her as she stands up, coming over to sit on my lap.
"A baby" she pouts. I laugh
"Awww we can have a baby" I say finally and she looks at me and the rest the of cast who are also looking at us, smiling.
"Really?" I nod
"Yeah! Why not!?!"
"Well I just thought you might needed some time after the miscarriage that's all?"
"No, I think Even though the thought that that child won't ever be in my life again is so unbelievably devastating, I'm kind've now at the point where we need to move on. I really want to try for another baby Briar" I admit and she smiles, leaning in for a kiss
"So do I" she whispers, kissing me.
"We could try again tonight?" I ask quickly
"Sounds good to me" she answers and I chuckle whole hearing the rest of the cast mates yewwwwing and whistling in the background. I smirk to look at her who's laughing as well.

Brittany POV
"What do you mean it's a Christmas miracle? Christmas was a week ago!?" I ask my mother
"She's now perfectly alive and breathing Britt! She's ok!"
"Yeah that's what Trev said, except he said it was a nee years miracle"
"Well that would make sense if it was a real thing, Hun, but it's not so I win!" I laugh at her competitiveness.
"Anyways how are you Brittany?"
"Me? Yeah I'm ok. Just emotionally drained. I mean I really just want to go home and see my kids"
"Well they're ok don't worry about that, you just need to relax. You're on holidays! You know what?! When you get discharged, ask the nurse to look after your baby while you and Trevor go and have some fun. Seriously Britt! It's all you need right now!"
"Mum! I gave birth like 7 hours ago"
"I know baby girl but you just need to chill and enjoy New York - while you're there, you know?"
"Yeah ok. Thanks mum. Anyways I better go, speak to you later"
"K bye Brittany. Love you"
"Love you too. Bye" I say, hanging up. Trevor comes in afterwards

"Briar and myles are trying for another baby!" He announces
"Oh yay! Oh that's so great! I'm so happy for them!" I say as he sits down on the chair next to me
"Yeah I'm happy for us too- that we're not in the room next door to us tonight in our hotel"
"Ditto" he chuckles
"I got you some tea"
"Oh thanks babe. Have you had any food? You look really pale"
"That's cause hospitals freak me out. And everything that went on between  you and Amelia- just creeped me out. I honestly had this gut-reaching feeling at one stage that you were both going to leave me. Which reminds me actually" I nod, sipping my tea as I listen to him
"I called Ri earlier as I though as she's our eldest girl, she could pick Amelia's middle name. I told her I would have to check by you first, but she came up with Amelia Erin Tordjman" he tells me and I smile
"That's a cute name! I love it" I say and he smiles
"I know I really like it too. So is that it then? Erin?"
"Yeah. I guess so."
"Cool I'll go tell the others"

Trevor POV
"Alright guys. So we have a name" I announce as everyone excitedly gathers around, sitting up properly
"Amelia Erin Tordjman" I say and they all awwww and smile coming up to congratulate me.
"How's Brittany?"
"Yeah she's good. You can go see her if you like" I say and they all squeal before running off. However myles stays behind. And he looks kinda scared.
"Hey man. What's up!" I say enthusiastically. He shrugs
"Bro, are you alright?" I ask, now more seriously
"Briar wants another baby, and I don't know how that's going to turn out?"
"Well you know how a woman goes into labour and then they have a--"
"No! No not that part. I meant the making of the baby part" he says and I laugh
"Well I guess you just have to be confident. Take the lead and do only what's comfortable. Bro, you've done this once before. You'll be fine. Just imagine it's your wedding night and I promise man you'll be all good" I say and he looks up and sighs
"Thanks Trev. I really do appreciate it. You've always been my mentor and guide about the ladies ever since we did the show. You really do know a lot about them!" He says and I get a laugh out Of him making me chuckle too.
"Er, thanks but I mean it's no big deal. I sometimes just picture them as my best friend. And then nothing can go wrong because I'm so used to them and I can trust them more than anyone. It's easy" I admit and he smiles before patting me on the back and standing up
"Well thank you"
"Good luck man. You're going to make an amazing father" he smiles, looking down
"Thanks Trevor" he says before walking off, leaving me by myself.

Britt POV
"Heyyyyyy girl!" Vic says walking into my room. I smile
"Hey you guys"
"Oh it's so great to see you again"
"You too" they say, giving me hugs
"How are you feeling?" I nod
"A lot better actually. I feel a lot more emotionally stable than earlier this morning. It's all happened so fast you know?!" I say and they nod as well as we hear a knock on the door
"Oh hey Myles" I say casually as he walks over to me
"Hey B. You ok?" He asks giving me a hug and a side kiss on the cheek.
"Yeah yeah I'm fine now. Still a bit overwhelmed but I'm stable now and that's all that matters" I say and he nods, sitting down next to briar
"Well that's good news"
"Do you by any chance have any idea where my husband is? He left to go get you guys and he's not here right now..." I trail off
"He just needed some time to clear his head" I nod
"Oh, ok" I speak and hen there's complete silence for a moment.
"Listen guys, I'm so sorry I ruined your New Year's Eve. I really am. We should've all been waking up right now after a good night out and instead you've all spent the start of 2032, being dragged into such a sickening hospital. I'm so sorry" Victoria sighs, sitting up
"Honestly girl you don't have to worry about us. We came here as a team and a group and to us whenever a new member of our family comes into the world it's always so exciting, so to be here when that happens- I couldn't be more blessed and honoured to be here. Yes Britt we could've gone home and 'some some stuff' but we wanted to be here supporting the people we love through such a difficult time. Why would we still be here if we didn't feel that way?" She says calmly, walking over to me and giving me a hug
"You guys all really are the best cast. Thank you so much"
"It was our pleasure Britt" she says and I smile as there's silence again before we are met with yet another knock at the door. And this time it wasn't Myles.

"Heyyyy" Trevor says walking in.
"Oh hi babe, I was wondering where you were, you kind've just--- OH MY GOD!" I say freaking out. Behind Trevor, my precious fighter of a daughter was wheeled in, still in the cubicle from the ICU.
"I didn't know you could do that!?"
"She was doing so well, it was only fair" the doctor says as he brings the cubicle to my side of the bed. Trevor comes round to me and places a kiss on top of my head and the other cast mates are standing around.
"Now you won't get to hold her, she's too delicate but we thought you would at least like to see her" I nod as my tears become large sobs
"She's beautiful" I say softly looking up at Trevor who's squeezing my hand. He even somehow looks like he's crying too. Once the cast had seen her they kind've left.
"We'll go back to the hotel, give you guys some space, congrats you guys, she's gorgeous" alex says as they all give me hugs and kisses and make their way out of the room together. The doctor also goes out so its only us two in the room. I turn to Trevor.
"I can't believe we did it yet again. Number 5 babe" I say and he smiles, leaning in for a kiss. I take my phone out and snap a picture while I can of her, to put on social media later. Trevor smiles.
"I'm so proud of you baby girl. She's so amazing. You're so amazing" he says sweetly, sniffling a bit.
"It takes two to make a baby Trevor. It wasn't just me" I say and he laughs
"I know. God I love you so much" I say leaning in for yet another kiss
"And I love you" I say kissing again.

The doctor soon comes in and takes Amelia away as she needs some more medical attention, not too serious though. I hope.
"Do the kids know?" I ask
"Ri does. the rest of them don't. We'll have to stay here for 2 months though Britt so once we've had our fun, then I'll ask someone to out them on a place and they can visit her and then come back with us" I nod
"Okay. Sounds good" I whisper.
"I'm going to go and extend the check out at the hotel before it's too late. I'll be back in a sec. You'll be ok by yourself?"
"Yeah. I'll be ok" he nods before walking out to the hotel.

After he's gone I take my phone out, posting the picture of Amelia on Instagram
"So proud of my survivor. 2 hours ago this one was predicted to not live another minute but now she's here and she perfect. Welcome to the world Amelia Erin Tordjman. I can't wait to see you grow and live such an incredible life. Mommy and daddy love you so much. We are so proud of you. #familylove @trevorflanny "

And then I sent it. After that I check my Twitter feed. News about Amelia is spamming every celeb gossip site all over the world. I've got so many texts from news reporters it's actually not even funny. Been tagged in as many particles of air there are on earth and so many people have texted me to see if I'm ok. My 'scene' on the New York fireworks event went viral this morning and so many people have tagged me in it.

It's starting to get me worried. In 5 months I'm leaving to go to L.A to film a dream movie of mine. But I have to leave everyone behind. And that's going to be so hard. So hard. A 5 month old baby , technically only supposed to be 3 months, left without a mother for over a year. How can I do that to such a amazing newborn?!? And such an amazing family........

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