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Trevor POV
After we finished our as the kids call "little dance" we got dressed again and then told the kids to get out of the pool and start getting ready for dinner. We decided to just stay at home tonight as we only just got here and so we are using the ingredients we found in the fridge to actually eat something!

"Mummy!? Can we go in again please?!" Riley begs and I smile
"You like that did you?" She nods "well maybe tomorrow you can?" I offer and she jumps up and down, still dripping with water.
"Babe, can you run the bath please. They look really cold. The hot water will warm them up. I'll start on dinner" I say and he nods picking up both of them, cause now they're dry, by the waist and flipping them both over his shoulder and as they squeal with laughter, carries them to the bathroom.

I giggle preparing our pasta dinner with a salad. The kids come running in with Trevor closely behind about 20 minutes later, as they come and start eating my prepared meal.
"What's the time Trev?" I ask, twirling my pasta
"Quarter to 7" he replies turning towards the clock on the far left corner of the living room
"Ok. So you two can go to bed at 8:30 tonight. Quickly go and choose a movie once we are finished dinner and then I'll feed the youngest one and then put them back to bed. Gees they've slept all day!" I say and Trevor laughs as he finishes, putting his dishes as well as Riley's and James' into the dishwasher.

Next morning......
So where are we off to today mummy?" Riley asks as we are sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast.
"I'd thought we'd go and spend some time just us on the islands. I've hired a nanny to watch the younger ones while we can maybe go snorkelling or even canoeing maybe swimming around some of the islands here?!" I suggest and they look really excited, except James
"Mummy--- will, will, there be Sh--arks there?" He stutters sounding really petrified of them.
I silently chuckle. "No sweetie of course not" I say and he looks more relaxed now. I look at Trevor who is trying to hold in the laughter too but can't and bursts out laughing as soon as the kids leave the room.

"Bikini time Ri!!" I say as she squeals from the next room. I smile to myself as I see her make her way to her room. I go into my room getting changed into my new bikini that was Aqua and gold and then quickly come back out with a light kimono full of tassels to cover it up along with my flip flops to help walk against the hot sand. I emerge from me and Trevor's room, fully clothed and then join Riley in her room
"Wow!!! Mummy you look AMAZING!!" She says and I smile
"Thank you sweetie. So do you. Come on let's go" I say to her and she smiles
"Ok!" She squeals. I hear the doorbell ring and greet the nanny. She was a local from the nearest kids club, she was properly hired to do stuff like this. I welcome her in, she's about 40-50 looking with tanned skin and blonde locks streaming down her shoulders, wearing a summery sundress.

"Hey!!" I say to her and she smiles giving me a hug. It's her tradition I guess
"Lovely to meet you"
"Same as you. Thank you so much for
Minding Emma and Patrick. You're amazing. I considered taking them for a minute but I realised it was just too hard and they were way too young" I admit and she sympathetically looks at me.
"It's ok" she says
"So. There's 5 levels on this mansion. We are sharing with family hence why it's so huge. We have on this first level sort of the underground foyer. It has the kitchen and the lounge room, as well as a dining room and kids play room. Upstairs there are all the bedrooms- so so many. Level 3 is a spa/sauna area as well as a games room. Level 4 is a cinema and more bedrooms. There is also a bowling alley in the other side of the level. Finally level 5 there is a huge rooftop and bar area with the pools and whirlpools everywhere. Sort of a chill out area." I explain and she looks taken aback almost
"Wow! You're extremely lucky!!" She says and I smile weakly
"We're not the average family that's why. So be prepared if a bunch of screaming fans or people with cameras come up during the time" I tell her and she nods
"We're well known celebrities all over the world.....just not here I add and she covers her mouth
"OH MY GOD!! No no no you're really popular here. You're Brittany Raymond aren't you?" She screams almost fan girl way
"Ah....yeah. And this is Riley" I say Ponting to her
"Hey" she says casually
"Ok Maria calm down" she says to herself
"Ok ok. I'll show you around" I say leading her around the house.

"Ready to go now Britt?" Trevor calls from upstairs in James's room.
"Yeah babe. We're waiting. Let's go!" I say grabbing the back packs. Maria as well as Pat and Em are just in the cinema watching Peppa pig- poor
Maria- watching Emma's favourite show as a near two year old.

"Wow" he says as he walks down the stairs with James following.
"Mummy looks HOT!!" James says and I giggle looking at Riley who smirks
"Yeah buddy I agree" trev says not even looking at my face as he moves closer towards me
"Babe- eyes are up here" I say and I smirk
"Babe. Eyes are up here" I hear Riley mock to James making me chuckle
"Sorry. I couldn't help missing your sexiness" Trevor says move closer and closer towards me before smashing his lips onto mine
"Awwww. So mummy can be a man magnet cause of her extreme hotness" James says and I immediately laugh, pulling away from the kiss. Trevor does too.
"Oh really?!" I say to James
"Yeah. That's what daddy says" he says simply and I turn to Trevor who just stares at me still.

"Trevor!! EYES!!"

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