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A/N: you'll find out why this is important in the chapter but I have actually mistaken Riley and James' and probably all of the kids ages this entire book so I will just redo them now for you to destroy confusion: 

Emily: 10/11
Riley: 10
James: 7
Maddie: 7
Blake: 3
Emma: 3
Chloe: 1
Pat: 11 months.
Isla: 6 months old

Brittany POV

I hold my breath deeply as I look around the room. Everyone looking directly at me and then at Trevor. I'm nervous to know their reaction. Everyone is silent; only a pin can be heard dropping against the floor.

All of a sudden James comes walking towards me. Slowly. My heart starts racing. To be honest I don't know why I'm nervous. A fifth baby is good news.....isn't it?
"If you're pregnant then why did you want sex again tonight to try again?"
"Because....surprises so much better and if there's any chance, hence the fact that I was pregnant, to have sex with you, than I'll take it!!" I whisper and he laughs. He then leans in and kisses me. This is in front of everyone mind you. He smiles at me and kisses me again before the it around to everyone who is probably waiting for his reaction in eager anticipation.
"We're having a baby!!" He says and they all cheer again. They come up to me giving me hugs and congratulating us.
"Wow. Some big changes in the tns bunch!" Frank says and we all chuckle.
"Do the kids know?"
"Yeah they do. I told them this morning" I say and Trevor looks at me and pouts pretending he's upset.
"Sorry babe! But your reaction is always the best! And you know I always save the best until last" I say leaning in for another kiss. He pulls me in for a side hug before the party continues on.


Trevor POV
"Bro, I need your help" I say to Lamar, pulling him away from his conversation with one of the producers.
"What's up man?"
"I need to go out to put the rubbish away but there are bound to be loads of cameras and I don't want to be flashed. I am honestly sick of them so much. Can you help me?"
"Yeah sure. Just follow me. We can use our inner raccoon" I glare at him. Sarcasm intended look. He chuckles before walking further ahead of me.
"I'll distract them. Just hang on a minute"
"You sure? I don't want you to risk it?"
"Yeah yeah bro I'm fine. I love the limelight"
"Ok then" I sigh as I wait outside he door impatiently as I lean my ear up against it.

"HEY GUYS!! I heard through a source that Kim Kardashians kid died. You better go check if she's ok. Apparently she's really upset" Lamar shouts to all the cameras. Minutes later my phone buzzes. I stop listening to Lamar who by now is ushering the others away and check my phone.

A text from Kim. I laugh as I open it.

Kim: really North is dead?🙄
Me: it was Lamars idea!! 😂
Kim: too funny. Tell him pay back is a bitch 🤔
Me: will do

I switch my phone off as I decide it's enough time for Lamar to clear them off and so I go outside.
"Lamar. That's enough. I just wanna put rubbish out. That's all" I say as I wait outside. No answer.
"Where are you?" All of a sudden I hear a small giggle and a tussle in the bushes.
"Oh I see" I say moving towards the bush.
"I guess I'll just have to look harder for Lamar then. He's obviously not in the bush." I say on purpose and I hear him chuckle again. I laugh supposedly at the fact that he is completely oblivious to hiding. I move closer to the bush and then open it to reveal my best friend with his hands slammed over his face.
"Dude! I didn't send you out here to play hide and seek!!"
"I play that with my 3 year old daughter not my 36 year old best friend!"
"Sorry dad" he pouts shyly as I chuckle before I watch him walk inside.
"Naughty boy. You go to your room now" I say and he laughs before faking to walk up the stairs.

Wow this is a fun night.....


1 month later (somewhat in August)

Brittany POV
I groan as I sit up in bed. Now 4 weeks pregnant, the shows over with every little extra part filmed and all the premieres watched, the movie was a success. The biggest total of box office collection ever. Making the largest amount of money ever sold in cinemas in history. I smile as I pull out my phone. Yesterday we took the kids to the zoo. They're all smashed but they loved it. They saw all the animals and were squealing and skipping through the entire are all day. We've been before I think but when they were ALOT younger. They're older now and can remember more.

I posted the picture with the caption;
"You wonder where these kids are going to end up in 20 years time when your 10 year old daughter asks you if she can go in the Lions cage @trevorflanny #WeWontBeSweetie #ZooFun"

And already it's gotten over a million likes and nearly 5000 comments in just 9 hours. I mean being a celeb is hard but when you get that much support, it's hard to let go and see the negative sides. Today is such a special day. Me and Trevor's 10th Wedding Anniversary. It's a huge day and we agreed to just go out for dinner tonight and do stuff with our family and together and hopefully have some more fun of our own tonight.

"Morning babe" Trevor says as he rolls over to face me. The bird chirp in the nearby tree right next to our room and I smile before leaning over to kiss him, waking him up further.
"Morning. How is my hubby of 10 years today going?"
"Great! Happy anniversary though. I can't believe I have been married to you for 10 years! That's incredible baby girl!! I am so proud of us" he says and I smile.
"I know me too. Come on we better get the kids up" I say swivelling around but am stopped halfway.
"Actually. I have other plans" he says.

Should I be scared???

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