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A/N: so my joint account with Imogen; chapter one will be put on hold until she is better. She is quite sick at the moment and is in hospital and can't really write much so until the end of that era, our book will continue. As for this book, things are about to get heated.

Happy reading!! Love you guys xxx

(Also- shoutout to @jileyloverforlife . I really hope you are ok too girly. England are really getting it now xx)

Jennie POV

My body is suddenly hit with a burst of unfamiliar pain and I really don't know what to do. Everyone is having a great time celebrating and chatting and I'm here clutching over in pain.
"Lamar!!" I scream as I can't hold on any longer.
"Yeah" he says all chilled. I don't even have the energy to reply causing him to get worried
"Jen. What's wrong you're scaring me!" He says and his facial expressions change in a heart beat.
"Baby. It's coming now" I manage to let out before screaming more into pain. The contractions are really hitting me now.
"Ow ow ow ow ow. Please babe this pain is killing me." I say quickly as Lamar looks really scared until Trevor comes over.
"Ok Lamar Carry Jennie over to the lounge, everyone give her some space. Britt can you call 911 and Alex can you get her some water. Lamar bro just calm down" Trevor says like its nothing
"Wow.....you're......good.....at.....this......stuff.." I say within breaths and he smirks
"4 kids and 4 well technically 3 times I've done it Jen. I've had so much prescribe with my partner in crime over there it's not even funny" he explains and I manage to get a smile out. Lamar sets me downstairs on the couch as it will be easier for the paramedics and the rest of the crowd stay upstairs apart from Trevor and Britt and Lamar.
"I'm so scared Lamar. I really don't want to loose it again"
"Jen. It's ok gorgeous. Everything will be fine. Like what I doing right now, just breathe big breaths in and out. We can do this. You can do this. Ok?" He reassures me and I smile as he grabs my hand and strokes my cheek.
"I love you so much" I say and he smiles giving me a kiss on the cheek
"I love you more" he says making me smile. Then we hear Brittany on the phone to the ambulances with Trevor in the background. They are talking in he kitchen and we can just hear them.
"Yeah hi....this is Brittany Raymond"
"Yes. The one and only Brittany Raymond. Yeah that's me listen--"
"Well no. Can I speak now?
"Ok so my friend Jennie Pappas and her husband--"
"Yes. She's on the next step too and yeah she's the one having a baby. Can I continue cause this is more important" I laugh at her words she's clearly frustrated.
"No! I'm not in labour. Can I please speak!!" She says infuriated
"It's fine. I get it so many times in used to it by now. Anyways so my friend Jennie is in labour at the moment. Can we please have an ambulance please? We have just thrown a baby shower and we've had a couple drinks so we're all not really in the state to drive right now" she explains and I groan as I hold on to another contraction as Lamar times it and writes it down.
"Yep! Sure! Thank you so much. Bye" Britt say as I hear her sigh before the two pairs of footsteps come racing in
"15 minutes they'll be here sweetie ok. Just hold in a little longer" Britt says stroking my back and I breathe heavily in and out more until another contraction comes.
"Shit shit shit shit shit" I swear as more pain comes through me. I hear Trevor chuckling
"This reminds me so much of Brittany's labour it's not funny!" He says and I weakly smile as britt slaps him across the arm.

Brittany POV
We are now at the hospital. It's just me and Trevor as the others didn't want to come until the baby was born. Jennie should be giving birth right now so me and Trev have been instructed to wait out here until he/she is born.
"You were so calm and chilled back then when it all started. You know that?" I component him as I lean on him; my head on his legs/thighs and my legs propping up against the long couch at the hospital.
"Yeah. But you made me practice it. Having 4 kids and 3 of them, from the labors you had I was there for, there's a lot more that I do then you think" he says and I chuckle propping myself upright next to him.
"Hmmmm. I just never recall you paying that much attention" I say and he chuckles
"Through all the swearing and screaming, I wouldn't expect you too" he says, chuckling making me slap him across the head again.

We soon settle down and it's silent again and only the screaming noise from Jennie fills the air.
"You ever thought about having another one Britt?" He asks suddenly out of the blue.
"Yeah it has flashed my mind a few times. Just seeing the kids play with one another is so sweet. I mean they all get along so well, they'd be no doubt number 5 would get along with them. We have a break now too for two months before premiere in cinemas too so it wouldn't be a bad time to you know give it a shot?" I reason and he smirks
"I love you, you know that?" I say quoting Riley from nationals in season 2. He immediately picks up the pun and smashes my lips onto his, copying exactly what James does on stage. Except what happens afterwards definitely doesn't happen on the show.

I pick up my phone and see its Alex. Oh god, what's wrong now??
"Hey al, what's up? Please do t tell me Riley's broken an arm or James's screwed his knee or Emma has--"
"Briar has lost the baby" she interrupts me.


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