Meant to be Family

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A/N: hey guys. This chapter is really really long. I have never really written this much before I don't think. This is because tomorrow I won't be updating. Saturday and Sunday I will of course but tomorrow I just can't. Like I said earlier, all of next week my Wattpad account with be closed until Thursday as that's when my exams are and end then too. I'm really nervous for them but I just have to focus and to do that, Wattpad will just have to leave my world. It's going to be hard but it's what is right.

Thank you for the lovely comments over the past couple days. I may be saying this a lot lately but the amount of times I have been accounted as inspirational is unbelievable. You don't know how incredibly thankful and appreciative I am of that comment. It means so much to me that I have inspired you guys to even write stories. So thank you thank you thank you. If you have any questions also, feel free to ask me or just talk to me in general. I'm always here for a chat. This is getting really long now so I'm going to shut up and let you enjoy my chapter. My 2000 word chapter......

Happy reading :)

Riley POV
I start drawing something that means a lot to me. Something that is hard to explain to people but not to me. You see since I was around 4 or 5 I remember having these visions. They are not normal and definitely not typical of a 5 year old but I can't stop seeing things I'm not supposed to see.

Last year before Halloween, the whole cast went on a camping trip together after mum and dad had finished filming their movie. It was so much fun and I even got a new friend too! We had challenges, went to beach, played games and slept in this triangle house. It was so exciting up to the night were we were nearly about to leave. We had just finished up for the night and were going to bed. I remember going to brushing my teeth and then going to sleep next to James and Maddie but after so long of waiting for mummy and daddy to come in, like they always usually do to come and say goodnight, they never came in.

I eventually remember falling asleep in the end but then waking up again moments later with this vision. I saw mum and dad in a car talking to someone on the phone. They were all of a sudden screaming and then everything to me went black and I couldn't see them any longer. Even I remember screaming. I woke up in my bed and Aunty Alex came in and told me about an hour later that we were all going to the hospital. It wasn't until the car ride there that I realised why we were going. No one had told me why until I had visioned it myself.

We got to the hospital and I was then told that mum was having Emma and dad was in with her. We were somewhat not allowed to go and see them cause they we weren't meant to see that much. I knew this wasn't true however. I knew the real reason why they were in there. In two separate rooms. And I know that I was meant to have another sister. And that's exactly what I drew.

Trevor POV
We have been still waiting in this room probably just short of an hour now. The kids are at home with Logan and Jordan. They are asleep probably as its now nearly 8. Logan and Jordan as well as the rest of the cast are crashing at our place until this mess clears up probably because they want to be there for Riley. Briar and myles are still over at the Northside hospital, still getting over their miscarriage in which some of us will go and see if they are ok tomorrow too. Although they are getting discharged tomorrow so it's probably fine.

Britt is still with the girls. They all must've done something really good to take her mind off this and whatever it is I want to know!! I'm with the guys at the moment, very silent but there is conversation from time to time.
"How are you and Britt going. Relationship wise?" Isaac asks. I weakly smile.
"We confessed together today that we want another baby. Obviously not now but definitely some time in the future. It may be our last but it will make up for the one we lost from the accident. Pats twin sister" I admit and they all smile weakly, looking extremely exhausted
"That's great for you guys." Lamar says and I chuckle
"Yeah it is" I say signing, running my hands through my hair, burying my head in my hands.
"What's wrong Trev?" Isaac asks, very sympathetically, exhaling deeply as well. I stand up, starting to get my adrenalin running and pace fast along the sides of the room.
"I'm just worried about Brittany that's all. Well and Riley but I'm worried about Brittany who's worrying about Riley. She's in such a overwhelming mental state right now that she can't actually physically control herself. She's so caught up over Riley's life that her head is just messing with her and she can't manage it all herself" I admit
"She just needs as much support as she can get. And I totally understand where she is coming from because this is it. Today we might loose our child. Our eldest. Our first born. Someone that is so close to us. Someone that made us get married. Someone that made us, us. Without Riley we probably wouldn't have James or Emma or Patrick or anyone?! I'm worried myself really. I'm petrified that my 7 year old daughter could die today" I say louder than I expected it to come out as. There is complete silence in the room again before I hear footsteps and then all of a sudden feel two arms tightly hug around me. A pair of arms that feels so familiar and so much like home. Makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside.

"I'm here for you Trevor. We're all here. We'll get through this ok. We are all hurting" I hear Britt say through crying herself. I hear and see everyone leave room until it's just me and Brittany in the waiting room, our clutched arms around one another her sobbing and me just staring blankly at the wall, just thinking 'what the hell are we going to do?'

Riley POV
I finish drawing and with just 2 minutes to go, write my family's names above each person and my name in the top right hand corner to symbolise that I drew it. It's what I do at school.
"I'm done!" I call out and Charlie comes over to me, smiling at what I've drawn (I tried giving you a (really bad) example that is shown above. The names were written with my left hand haha. At least it's something ;) )
" whoa. Does this have some meaning behind it? Can you explain missy?" He asks and I giggle
"Well I had a vision that my baby sister got killed in a car accident which is what happened so I drew a picture of my meant to be family. It's something that means ALOT to me and even though it's clear Amelia isn't part of it; she will for me always be part of my family. In my heart" I explain and he smiles
"Wow!! This is so good Riley! I love it. Well done. Do you want to know your score?" He asks and I smile
"Yes please" I giggle and he touches my shoulders and spins me around to face this massive gold sparkly TV.

On it has writing :
RILEYS JOURNEY BACK HOME in italics and it is lighted up by the mirror behind it. It looks so cool.
"Ok so your 9/10!! That's amazing. You can move onto round 2 now!" He says and I laugh, jumping up and down.
"Yay!! Thank you so much"
"No worries. Get preparing for your next activity though. It's starts very soon!" Charlie says and I giggle going to start what's next on this list.

Trevor POV
"Ok Trevor, it's alright to go in now. Her breathing is fine and back on track, just the other limbs of her body need to recover and that will require a lot of patience and strength from Riley. She needs to pull through and stay connected with us. She may be in a coma but she can hear everything you two say" the nurse says, touching Britts arm sympathetically.
"Thank you."
"No problem. You two are two very brave people. Just stay in there ok?" I nod and Britt smiles weakly as we take our seat next to Riley's bed.

"Hey baby girl" Britt says as we again stare at all of tubes and chords hooked up to her body. Bandages and cuts scared all over her skin. Her face staying complete still and the heart monitor is going at a now very normal rate.
"How are you?" Britt says again as we sit down, Brittany sitting closer towards Riley, me sitting next to Britt, almost comforting her more than Riley. This must be so hard for my girls.
"Listen Ri, we love you so much and no matter what you have to promise is that you will stay. You will fight though this and live to see us again. We can't lose you know Ri. You are way to important to give away. Please beautiful, just stay. Fight hard and stay strong ok?" I say to Riley as Brittany continues to sob quietly.
"Hey hey hey! It'll be ok Britt" I say pulling her into a hug
"I really don't want her to leave Trevor. I love her too much for her to die now. I just can't go through loosing another one of our kids. It's too much" she says and I give her a tighter squeeze, pulling away then from the hug.

I look her in the eye and wipe he tears away from her and slowly lean in kissing her lips gently and brushing them against my lips. I kiss her again and then leave her mouth to then find her pulling me in to get more. She kisses more and more until I whisper after a while that we will finish later. She giggles pulling away.
"I just think that making out in an ICU where our daughter is in a life or death situation really isn't the best idea" I say and she laughs
"Ok. But after this, whether she lives or not, I'm still getting the 'finish later' ok?" She asks and I chuckle
"You wouldn't skip it for the world. I love you too much to do that to you babe" I say giving her a hug again. She leans her head in the gap between my head and shoulders and slowly and quietly starts falling asleep. I don't realise it until I hear these deep snores coming from my shoulder. I slowly pick her up and place her on one of the joined two single beds that we requested to stay in tonight and then tuck her under the covers before returning back to my seat next to Riley.

"Stay in there Riles. Life is too much to end. You have so much a head of you and I can't bear thinking of the fact that you won't experience it. Me and your mum have shared some of our best memories together and I want you to have that too baby girl. I want you to share love and have kids of your own one day and find the special someone you deserve. I just want you to be happy. And you can't do that if you go.

Just please stay with us sweetie. The thought of loosing you right now is so hard to imagine. " I say starting to tear up a bit.
"Just please. Stay"

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