Predictions and Pregnancies (Part 1)

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Hey guys!!
A few things to say.
1) This is unfortunately my last update until Thursday 12th November. I'm really sorry to have to leave you on a cliffhanger and a 1/2 parts but I have exams all week starting Monday and I have an intense study day tomorrow which means that as of tomorrow night ++ my Wattpad account will be shut down. I'm really upset actually, myself about me doing this but it's a huge distraction and I can't let it get in my ways. So I'll see you all on Thursday. Wish me luck!! Haha I have maths first. Ewww :(
2) Thank you guys so much for the wonderful comments and DM's I have been receiving over the past couple days. You are all amazing people. Never stop believing that you can do something because as long as you have faith that you can do it, you have all the rights in the world to make that come true. You can do anything! Including writing and becoming an author. Any things possible.
3) Finally, before I'll let you read my chapter, the picture above. This actually came from Nikki's (TrittanyFeels on Wattpad) Instagram and I couldn't get over the fact either that someone could write what had been written. It was actually kind of funny and every part of me wishes it was true. Unfortunately it's just some creep writing random crap just to get attention. It's so stupid.

But anyways, have a wonderful week. And I'll be back on, Thursday xxx

Trevor POV
I snuggle in with Britt and soon fall asleep myself and around 12 hours later find myself awakened by my wife.
"Trev. Wake up!!! The nurse said over night she had more surgery and now there aren't as many broken bones!!" She squeals and I hug her, standing up.
"That's great babe! Do they know when she'll wake up?!"
"No. Not really. She's still asleep in a coma but since they are 2/3's of the way there, it should be over soon.....we hope. Hey Trevor I was thinking, when are we going to know the name of Jen and lamars baby? I heard it had to stay in hospital for a while at the north one where briar lost the baby but we haven't seen it since we left and we haven't heard its name..." She says and I chuckle
"I'll text Lamar. Or do you want to go out and chat to them maybe? Isaac texted me about 10 minutes or so, saying half of them were here and half of them were with Bryles" I say to her and she smiles.
"They are so supportive. Who's with us?"
"Well Jordan and Logan are at home with all the kids, so just outside we have Isaac and Victoria, Alex and Zac and Jennie and Lamar. The singles are all at the south and I think Jordan and Logan are taking the kids there" I say reading off my text
"Ok. We'll go out and say hi. Then we'll come back here to see if Ri's ok?" She says and I weakly smile
"I'm so proud of you Brittany. You have been so brave beautiful and I couldn't be any prouder of a husband. I love you so much you know that right?"
"I know" she whispers
"I love you too." She says leaning in for a hug
"We'll get through this gorgeous. I promise" I whisper through the hug and I feel her nodding while deeply gulping, probably holding back the tears.

Riley POV
Overnight, I completed the second task on my list which was singing. In 6 hours I had to make up a song with a verse and a chorus and sing it to Charlie who again would judge it out of 10 and if it was higher than a 7, would get me a pass to the third and final round. Dance. I ended up passing and I wrote a song myself. It wasn't actually my song though. It was daddy's song and he was going to give it to mommy for her birthday since its in February. A bit like what James did on the show, but different. He asked me to sing it for him so I was practising to say the least. It went well and he gave me a 9 so I'm guessing mummy's going to like the song too. Maybe, if daddy chooses to give it to her.

At the moment I'm resting as even Though i was supposed to sleep last night, I was up writing the unexpected song or what I could remember from the unexpected song so I'm super tired. Later on today, I have the dance aspect and it could be challenging I mean, even though I love dance and I have always love dance; what if today I mess up and get a 6? And just miss out on going home. I would be so upset. I miss mum and dad and James and Emma and pat so so much.

At least my favourite is at the end....

Jennie POV
Me and Lamar as well as Isaac and Victoria and Alex and zac are all waiting nervously in the waiting room right now. Most of us lost sleep last night thinking about our friends and how half of them have had so many problems over the past year. I mean in 2 months, the cinema release of our movie is premiering and to be honest I couldnt be anymore scared. Riley's in no where of a state to even stand, bryles have just lost their baby, we have just had a baby, Chloe, Alex and zac's baby is 7 months old, Victoria's pregnant, the kids have no idea what's going on. We have some roughly built drama in the TNS cast. It's not unusual though.
"Hey babe. Did you text Trevor that we were here?" I ask him and he cradles out baby in his arms. We got to take her home this morning so we dropped by with the 'singles' to pick her up. The others stayed there o stay with bryles who are still recovering over the miscarriage the poor things.
"Yeah I did. I think they're still asleep though" he says and I chuckle
"She is so adorable" Alex says and I smile as I watch her get comfortable on zac as she lies down, her head resting on his thigh, his arm on her stomach.
"I can't believe the kids don't know" Isaac says
"Emily would be so upset if she knew about Riley though" zac says and I nod
"She'd be a wreck. Knowing Emily" I add and they all weakly smile
"Not really an exciting episode really. When you see poor princess Emily upset, your life turns upside down" Alex says and I chuckle before I turn to see trittany walk through the doors
"Hey" they say, clearly upset. They both look terrible. Really tired and just physically and emotionally unstable.
"Hi you guys. You two alright?" Alex asks standing up giving Britt a hug.
"Yeah we're fine. Just worried about Ri though"
"Of course. Every married couple would" I say and she weakly smiles sitting down next to me
"Britt? You sure you ok? You look really pale and look like you're going to pass out" vic says and Britt just shrugs.
"I have been feeling like this for the past two days and it just wears off. This morning I have felt different though. I really need to pee though. I'll be back in a sec." She says and I chuckle looking around the room at everyone's guilty faces.
"Yes Jen" he says sleepily
"Can I ask a question?"
"Sure" he says and the room drops dead quiet.
"When was the last time you and Britt had sex?"
"About a week, two weeks ago...why?" He asks and I look at him like he's stupid.
"Trev, your wife and mother of 4 children just ran off to the bathroom looking extremely pale and nauseous. Do you think, maybe there's a slight, I don't know chance she could be a mother to 5 in 9 months??" Alex clearly points out sarcastically.

"Oh. My. God" is all he says before we see him on two feet in seconds, dashing off to the bathroom.

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