Just get me outta here

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Alex POV

We wake up. Monday morning now. If we'd had all caught a different plane we would've been there by now. All my bones are aching and every piece inside of me just wants to go home. I am already homesick. Our water is going to be delivered to us now. As well as our apples. Our plan is to cut the apple up into small pieces between each family and so when we are hungry we can have as much as we want. I mean it is 3 apples. Chloe will get hungry otherwise but she'll just have to deal with it. This is our life for the next 3 days.

Britt POV
"Mommy! I wanna get out of here!!"
"Sweetie. We are trapped. We can't go anywhere" I say to a screaming Emma as I pile her on my lap.
"Why don't we play a clapping game? Yeah?" She smile and nods as we continue to clap before we hear this loud BANG.
"What was that?" I ask standing up and going near Trevor while holding Emma in my arms.
"I don't know. ASHTON!! What the hell was that?" He calls out to Ashton who is up a tree.
"I don't know. Probably a broken tree that's fallen down" he shouts back before groaning again. I sigh, continuing my game with Emma.

It's now 3pm on the Monday afternoon. We are still trapped here. It's honestly torture. The kids are so grumpy. They slept for like only a couple hours last night and have only had some apple and water all day. I mean they are 7,5,2 and 1. The poor kids. They're children to celebrities. They should be living better lives then this. It soon gets to around 8pm and the kids are all asleep, leaving the adults to around a fire that we lit with the guys' camping skills from late last year. Ashton is already knocked out. We made sure of it before. He told us today that we aren't going to get out of here any time sooner. He promised us in 3 days but today he announced that he feels like he can't trust us so he's putting us here forever until we can find rescue.

"Trevor" I whisper while everyone is talking around the fire. My head is leaning on his shoulder while tears drop down my cheeks
"Britt" he says and I just fall into his arms. I melt into his place and close my eyes, letting all the tears run down from my eyes.
"Trevor. I'm so scared" I whisper and by now everyone is looking at us.
"Guys we could be trapped here for months. Years. Honestly does anyone know when we are going to get out? This could be the place where we all die. We are being held hostage. We're not allowed out. We're trapped" I say and they all stare blankly at different places while I continue to sob.
"I don't know what's going to happen? What if they don't find us?" I say, my voice cracking as Trevor pulls me into another hug, Kissing my head every now and then.
"It'll be alright" he says and I look at him deeply in the eyes. I lean in for a kiss and my lips softly press against his as all the cast members look away.
"That's one thing about this trip. Is that there is no privacy. That means that Trittany can kiss all they like and we have to see it. They could make a baby here and we'd have to see it" Alex says and I giggle pulling away from Trevor
"Yeah I would really prefer not to see that" Isaac says and Trevor chuckles.
"Come on guys. We should get to bed"
"Yeah we probably should." Everyone agrees as I yawn, standing up to move to my bed.

"Goodnight Trevor."
"Night Britt. I love you so much"
"I love you more"

Sam (Britts sister) POV (SPECIAL)
"Mummy!!" Chloe calls from the living room.
"Yeah sweetie what's up?" I call back
"Aunty Brittany's on tv again!!" She says and I sigh, putting down the cheese grater and running to the tv room. She's always on it because of her career and people follow her around all the time but because they are travelling she's on it even more. It's probably just saying that she's gone to see the London Eye or something because they're in England at the moment. It's not going to be something too major.

"Breaking news. It's now been over a day since cast mates of The Next Step: The Reunion were supposed to touch down in the heart of London. Fans and friends and family of the cast are getting extremely worried as to wear they might be; with sources predicting that their flight could have been interrupted- possibly through a plane crash.........." The tv says as I zone out before hearing the next part of it where two words in particular come are very relatable.

"The cast flew a private jet that was expected to depart from Sydney Airport at approximately 6pm EST on Sunday evening and was scheduled to land 25 hours later at London Airport. According to sources, pilot Ashton McKay flew the cast and him, as well as his flight attendants, are no where to be seen as well. Back to you Katie."

The news reports and I turn to Chloe.
"Baby. This is not good. We need to do something" I say to Chloe.
"MIKE!!" I call out to my husband who is with max in his room reading him a story.
"What?" He calls back, running down the stairs.
"Goodnight mommy" Chloe says to me before I kiss her goodnight and she wonders off to sleep.
"The cast have gone missing" I announce to mike
"Brittany and Trevor and.....everyone?"
"Everyone. They were supposed to land yesterday but instead they are no where to be seen"
"I know who's behind it" I add
"Ashton McKay" we say at the same time as I nod my head.
"We're gong to have to do something babe. This is serious" I say, resting my head on his lap.
"I don't want my baby sitter to die. I can't live my life without her. We need to call someone"
"Alright well let's do it then" mike agrees but I shake my head.
"I'm just worried though." I say and he looks confused
"Why?" He tilts his head, kissing my temple.
"If we help plan their escape, then maybe Ashton will want us to be trapped too. He might plan something bad against us. And as much as I love my sister and my brother in law and my nieces and nephews and all their friends and cast mates, I'm just not sure if I can risk my life for them."
"Sam it's the only way" he says and I sigh.

"I know"

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