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**SHOUTOUT TO pacomermelax for becoming my 400th follower. Like promised I would give you a shoutout as I was desperate, it being my goal so THANK YOU so much for following me. And 'gracias' in Spanish. Means a lot girly thank you xx

Brittany POV
Me and Trevor went a little bit too far the other day. We had a lot of fun and were left alone for a lot of hours which was amazing for parents of 4 but I am worried now that I might be pregnant again. After what we went though a couple of months back I don't know whether I'm ready to have another one yet. I just don't know. Today is Christmas Day and I don't really want to focus on a baby right now, just out already born babies and their Christmas surprises. We are going to let all of the kids open their presents soon and then we are going to face time the entire cast afterwards as after all it was 7:30 right now and then we will have our Christmas dinner with our own families in bora bora.

"Merry Christmas beautiful" Trevor leans over and kisses me as I wake up slowly.
"Merry Christmas Trev" I say and he smiles.
"Hey. If you're worried about last nights round two, you don't need to be. I used protection and I promise you that there won't be anymore children until you're ready." He says and I nod looking up at him with hopeful eyes
"Ok. Thank you" I say and he smiles
"No problem" I hold tightly into my grip around Trevor's waist as we hear footsteps coming down the hallways. I groan as Trevor chuckles and i see Riley and James's head pop through the door.
"Hey guys" I say excitedly and Riley smiles
"It's Christmas mummy!! Santa came Santa came!!" She says and they come running over to jump into bed with us. Luckily we were already fully clothed. Made sure of that this morning at 4am when I realised it.

"Maybe. Have you been good? Are you on his nice list or naughty?" I tease and she laughs
"Mummy!!" She squeals and then I start to tickle her as she smiles and we all get out of bed and head downstairs. All nod he other families are there waiting for us all except Charlotte and Emma and Pat but they're way too young.

"Ok. Instagram snap before you open them. Kids stand in front of the tree" I instruct and they all squeal in excitement, joining hands around the tree as I take a photo
"Family is my present at Christmas time. Couldn't be more happier and grateful with all of my family this Christmas. Love you guys xxx #HappyChristmas #MuchLove #HoHoHo" I tag everyone and send as I look up to see the kids have already gotten into their presents.

Trevor is filming everything on his phone set up as we love seeing the kids faces as they open it. I take a few more pictures and send out more message to my celebrity friends including the cast back home a merry Christmas before going into the kitchen to make a Christmas brekkie for us all.
"Look mummy!!" I hear Riley come in as she shows me her Disney Descendent Dolls that talk to you and do human interactive things. I smile at her while tossing over the eggs as she sings with the doll in much delight.

Trevor POV
"Hey guys!! Merry Christmas" I say as we gather around the computer, FaceTiming the cast and their families which we are 6 hours behind. It's currently 8am here- us still in our pjs, whether it's 2pm there so they are in early afternoon. I personally love time zones but Britt isn't too sure of them (A/N: jiley_TLA 😂😂😂)

"Merry Christmas guys. Wish you were here. It'd be great to see you but we all
Know Bora Bora is much more important than us" Lamar says sarcastically and I chuckle. He's hilarious
"Sorry guys. Bora bora is amazing though. So cool. Having a ball. Thanks for asking" Riley says all sassily and I chuckle still gobsmacked that my 7 year old daughter actually said that to my cast mates.
"Riley!!" Britt warns and she giggles
"Oh. Bryles wedding is now the 31st as myles has a meeting on the 2nd of January in L.A and won't actually be here" Alex informs us and I nod
"Wow! Another wedding for the cast. Who's next guys?" I tease and they laugh
"You guys still in your pjs huh?" Isaac laughs so does Britt
"Haha yeah. We've been really busy all morning" I admit
"We saw your posts" Jennie says
"Jealous means a lot of things right now" myles says and I chuckle
"3 days left alright?" Riley days and I chuckle again at her sassiness. Sound exactly like Britt when she was little though so I'm really not that surprised.
"Ok. We better let you get readying see you guys soon" Victoria says as he others wave goodbye and we hang up.

"Ok I'm getting dressed and waking up the younger ones. They've been asleep all day" I say and Britt nods
"Yeah ok. You get dressed first babe and I'll manage the kids. Ri and James. You two need to get dressed as well ok?" Britt says and they, typical kids, look at me pleadingly hoping for refused emotions from me but I nod my head I agreement with Britt. They moan obviously wanting to play with their toys and then eventually heading off to their room, getting dressed.
"I'll tag after about 20 minutes?" I negotiate with Britt and she nods as we go our separate ways.

I walk into our walk in robe and choose out my clothes for the day, stripping off my pjs and changing into a nice collared shirt and pants as well as shoes that Britt made me polish ;)
I feel the urge to Pee and as soon as I start I look at something I really don't want to see. Something that will change     Everything and makes me extremely worried.

A broken condom.

The Next Step: 16 Years OnOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora