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Hi!!!! I just wanted to give you an update on this story as I haven't updated in like.....forever. I know- it's terrible. Spam me and rant on about me as much as you like. Express your anger. I'm really sorry.

This past week has been hectic for me and it may sound like I'm over exaggerating with this because many people say that when they have one big thing on in their lives that they just can't control but this time I'm not. I actually have been super busy.

As many of you may know it was my birthday yesterday (16/12) and let me just say I was blown away by the amount of not just spams by 3 innocent little writers *cough cough* jiley_TLA dancer_tns_jiley Hufflepuff_Stepper but by the unbelievable amount of birthday message that I'd like to just say thank you for. I honestly burst into tears when I opened Wattpad last night to find at least over 124 birthday messages from people in all these different counties. So overwhelming yet so appreciative. I thank you all. So much xxxx

I've also had my sisters birthday which was the day before mine. My brothers which is 4 days before mine, my end of year awards night, parent teacher info evening, my last day of school, my siblings parties, sleepovers, my party, my brothers graduation, Christmas parties, family dinners/catch ups and many more activities that are just so exciting and fun but overall get exhausting hence why I have had NO time to update.

Is it too late now to say sorry? 

I'm really sorry guys. Like I feel so bad. I have tried to update my other book- Lost and Found about a Trittany relationship but this book has just been forgotten about and I know hat most of you love this book and I apologise so so much. Xxxxxxxx

I hope you have an amazing next few days leading up to Christmas. Can't wait to put my bikini on and go swimming like every single day this summer. Going to be awesome :). As for my book, stay tuned for my lore updates including a special special special one at Christmas. Wow my first Christmas in Wattpad that's exciting!! Stay safe guys and warm for those in the northern hemisphere. Love you guys heaps. Thanks for voting and commenting. Really am so sorry once again.

Grace xoxoxoxoxoxo 

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