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Chapter 2 is here~ I don't own cardfight vanguard~~

The brunette frowned when he looked at the clock, the blue haired boy had been in the shower for almost two hours, he knew that the hot water would have ran out quite a while ago.

With a sigh, the brunette knocked on the door, he waited a few seconds for a response but got none. He decided to check on the boy, he knew that it would be an invasion of privacy but he figured that it was fine, after all, they were both boys.

Just as he expected, there was no steam inside the bathroom, instead there was an Aichi staring off into space as he sat on the bottom of the shower that undoubtedly was pouring cold water.

Concern tugged at the older as he grabbed two soft fluffy white towels and approached the closed shower, the younger unaware of his presence.

The brunette knocked on the shower door so as to not startle the younger.

"Aichi I'm pretty sure that its not good for you to sit in cold water for too long"

The sound of the brunette's voice made the younger jump in surprise, pained sapphires flickered towards the brunette before recognition sparked within the sapphires and pushed away the pain so fast that the brunette wondered if he had imagined the pain.

"Ah sorry...... I got lost in my thoughts....."

The younger whispered as he accepted the towels and wrapped one of them around his waist to cover himself up.

Jades softened slightly in understanding, he understood the pain of losing one's family all too well.

"It's fine, it's only natural...... Hurry up and get dressed before you catch a cold"

The brunette sighed before leaving the younger in the bathroom alone so as to give him some privacy.

Kai could easily inference how the small boy may be feeling at the moment, however comforting wasn't something that he was good at. thus he was a little confused as to what he should do with the younger after today.

Obviously he could tell that Aichi was by no means able to love by himself, at least in his current state. He also knew that he couldn't kick the boy out for it would go against normal morals.

The brunette sighed as he ran his finger's through his hair, the bathroom door opened to reveal Aichi wearing slightly oversized clothes.

"Thank you...."

The younger whispered softly as he looked around, seeming a bit confused.

"You can stay here for now, until everything settles down for you"

Sapphires widened in surprise at the older's words, for the younger hadn't expected that the brunette would actually give him an offer him to stay.

"Ah no it's fine.:.... I'll find somewhere.... I wouldn't want to trouble you Kai"

The younger boy replied softly as he began to slowly make his way towards the door, only to be stopped by the older teen carefully grabbing his wrist.

"Where? You're house is gone and I doubt that you have enough personal money saved for renting a place since nobody expected what had happened to actually happen"

The brunette replied gently, careful to not mention the deaths.

Sapphires narrowed towards the ground as the younger pursed his lip.

"I'll find a way....."

"......... At least stay for a few days to settle down"

Kai sighed, wondering why he was so keen on helping the young boy, sure they were teammates but he still felt as if he was being uncharacteristically generous.

Aichi contemplated the offer for a few moments before nodding timidly, looking extremely frail to the older at the moment.

"Thank you for the offer Kai, I'll try to stay out of your way....."

Jades narrowed slightly at the response, Aichi seemed more timid than usual at the moment, he had no doubt that it was due to his recent losses, he really felt uneasy at the change in demeanour of the boy.

"There's a futon in the spare room, you can sleep there"

Sapphires blinked thankfully at the older.

"Thank you..... Do you mind if I turn in for the night?..... In sort of exhausted....."

The brunette raised a brow but nodded, even though it was only 5pm, he doubted that the boy would have an appetite anyway.

With that, the younger slowly made his way over towards the spare room and noticed the futon already set up on the floor.

Aichi wondered if the brunette had already been planning to let him stay. He flicked the lights off and closed the root before curling up in the futon so that he was out of sight.

"I miss them so much....... It's not fair......"

The young boy whispered softly before closing his eyes to allow his exhaustion overtake him to send him into the dreamworld.

"Wake upAichi!"

A soft groan escaped Aichi's lips as he sat up on his bed, blinking sapphires gazing at a peach haired girl.

"Why couldn't you have let me sleep in?"

The blue haired boy yawned as he stretched his arms, Emi sighed softly before smiling at her older brother.

"Mom already made breakfast, it's going to get cold"

The peach haired girl replied as she headed down the stairs, a half asleep Aichi following behind.

"There you are sleepyhead"

Shizuka beamed when both of her children sat down at the table, the older rubbing his eyes.

"It's too early......"

The blue haired boy yawned once more, causing the cyan haired mother to chuckle softly.

The three of them ate breakfast together peacefully. However when they finished the blue haired boy suddenly found himself all alone in the kitchen.

"Emi? Mom?"

The boy asked softly, looking around for he was curious as to where they had went.

Suddenly the scenery around Aichi shifted so that he was now in front of his house, or to be more precise, the remains.

Aichi gasped and sat up, his small frame trembling slightly, panicked sapphires flickered around the unfamiliar environment.

A shaky breath escaped from his lips as he tucked his knees up to his chest when he realized that the destruction of his home and death of his family hasn't been a dream.

Sapphires blinked at the clock on a nearby end table, it read 3am, he doubted that he would fall back asleep.

Me: aww poor Aichi realized that the reality is real~~

Aichi: they're gone......

Kai: ........

Me: hehe I'm so excited to write this story~~~~|

Kai: I have a bad feeling.....

Me: hehe

Aichi: *sigh*

Me: hope ya people enjoyed le chappy~~

Seemingly Alone - Cardfight VanguardOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora