24 of chapter

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Chapter 24 is here~ I don't own cardfight vanguard~~

The sound of a doorbell shook the blue haired boy out of his thoughts, he sniffed softly before rubbing his eyes with his sleeve before standing up to answer the door. It turned out to be the furniture delivery man, he paid him and watched him settle down the bed and other pieces of furniture before leave.

He was thankful that he no longer had to sleep on the floor anymore.

His thoughts wandered towards how his old bedroom had been set up and a pang of sadness hit him before he shook it away.

"I shouldn't think about things like that..... I don't think that I could afford to relieve my troubles once again today...."

Aichi murmured as he began to set up his room, when he finished it, he settled down into the new bed, crinkling his nose at the unfamiliar scent of the sheets, he noted to wash them with his favourite detergent later.

Eventually Aichi drifted off into a fitful sleep filled with painful memories of his family.

He awoke once more at 6AM, his body feeling as heavy as lead and his eyes feeling dry as he blinked them.

He hiddled himself further under the blanket and trembled, he had dreamed that he had actually been caught in the fire as well, that he had died with his family.

He couldn't help the pained gasp that escaped from his lips as he remembered the pain of the flames licking his skin.

However he quickly froze as his thoughts wandered away from the growing sense of fear within his stomach. He forced himself to get up and leave the bed, feet feeling shaky underneath him as he made his way towards the washroom, hand covering his mouth.

He quickly emptied his stomach into the toilet and began to dry heave once there was nothing left inside of him.

Sapphires started to blur as the boy passed out in front of the toilet after flushing it and putting the seat back down.

Meanwhile the brunette woke up from his sleep, a gnawing sense of dread pulling at his stomach, he tried to go back to sleep but his body wouldn't allow it so he ended up getting up.

Jades blinked tiredly around the room before Kai yawned and headed towards the kitchen to make himself something to eat.

His anxiety continued to grow as time passed, by the time that it was around noon, the brunette felt somewhat sick to his stomach.

His thoughts trailed back towards the blue haired boy, he really wanted to see the younger, however he doubted that the boy would appreciate another visit from him.

He was seriously beginning to feel like some kind of stalker.

"I'm sure he won't be too upset with another visit....."

The brunette mused to himself as he remembered the younger's lack of eating, he wondered if the boy had eaten properly since leaving.

With that in mind, the brunette put on his shoes and coat and headed out towards the younger's apartment, he couldn't help but frown at the greying sky, for it made him feel as if a storm was coming.

And true to his thoughts, the rain began to pour down just before he entered the apartment building.

He quickly climbed the stairs up to the young boy's floor. He knocked on the door a few times before frowning and trying the doorbell.

"I wonder if he is even here?"

The blue haired boy murmured as he tried the door only to blink in surprise when he found out that it was unlocked.

"Aichi I'm coming in....."

The older called as he cautiously stepped into the apartment, closing the door behind himself before removing his shoes.

He blinked in surprise at the newly added furniture as he looked around, feeling concerned when he spotted no sign of Aichi in the bedroom.

He passed the bathroom before pausing to look in side, jades widened in shock as he spotted the form of the young boy on the floor in front of the toilet.

"Aichi!, hey Aichi!"

The brunette called as he moved over towards the younger and shook the boy, he felt dread rise within him as he noticed how dangerously light the boy was compared to an average teen.

He also noted the paleness, the only thing that stopped him from panicking was the streaky rising and falling of the boy's chest.



The brunette hissed and settled the younger back onto the ground before turning on the sink and cupping his hands together to capture water, he then splashed the cello water onto the younger's face earning him a few splutters of surprise from the smaller teen.

Sapphires blinked open tiredly to gaze into deep jades, the boy was silent for a few moments as he gazed into them before kicking the older and moving away.


The younger called unintelligibly as he blinked at the brunette in surprise who was rubbing his shin.

"I found you passed out and I woke you up"

The brunette explained, not upset that the younger hit him.

"Kai?... Wait how did you get in here?"

Aichi murmured as he looked around in confusion.

"The front door was unlocked and I was worried"

Sapphires narrowed slightly before the younger stood up, only to stumble slightly and lean on the wall.

Concern flashed in deep jades as he rushed over to help steady the younger.

"Are you okay?"

The brunette asked softly, noting the wince in the boy as he accidentally grabbed the boy's arm too tightly.

"Yeah I just feel weak...."

"Aichi murmured as he tried to snap out of the semi-daze that he was currently in.

"Why would you feel weak?.... I think you should see a doctor"

Sapphires gazed tiredly at the brunette as a bitter smile crossed the younger's features.

"No it's fine, I know what's wrong with me..."

Aichi replied, Kai frowned at this.

"Then what is it?"

Aichi shook his head tiredly.

"Nothing that concerns you Kai....."

Me: that's the end of the chappy~ hope you enjoyed~~ hehe no note cause I'm currently busy.....

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