Dix et cinq

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Chapter 15 is here~ me no own cardfight vanguard~

•^• for some reason this chappy no published before...... Weird...
*republishes and hopes it works*

Sapphires dimmed slightly as the blue haired boy traced his cuts that lay upon his arms, tempted to have a shower and add even more to their ranks.

After all, he wanted to forget his troubles as he watched the crimson flow down the drain, though he knew that it was only a temporary relief.

The sound of footsteps approaching the door causing the young boy to hastily cover his arm before peering curiously towards the door.

"What do you want?"

Aichi said softly, his voice carefully calculated so as to filter out any and all distress that may seep through. Jades blinked.

"I just wanted to check on you, to make sure that you were okay...."

The brunette replied as he shuffled his feet awkwardly, wondering why he had entered the room in the first place.

"Why wouldn't I be fine?"

Aichi replied with a reassuring smile, despite the bubbling feeling within him.

Jades narrowed slightly before softening as the older cautiously walked over towards the blue haired boy.

"You sure?....... I would have thought th-"

"I'm fine....."

Aichi cut off the older, blue locks shadowing his face from the brunette's jade gaze.

"......I see..... Well if you change your mind..... you can talk to me...."

The brunette replied before retreating out of the room, sapphires narrowed in hurt once the brunette had left. He tucked his knees to his chest and wrapped his arms around them tightly, laying his head atop of them.

"Lies..... I'm just in your way...."

Aichi murmured darkly, his thoughts flickered towards the knife under his bed, he was craving a shower even more than before.

Aichi shook his head and brought out a cell phone, it was a cheap one that only had basic functions, which of course included Internet. He frowned realizing that the pre-paid monthly contract was going to end soon. He knew that he needed to find a place to live with his phone before that happened.

He pressed a few buttons and began searching the web for affordable housing, anywhere was fine as long as it was cheap. Well anywhere that was sanitary and legal of course.

After a few hours of browsing, sapphires lit up as the boy found the perfect place, he called the number listed on the website and waited for someone to pick up.

A sad smile crossed the blue haired boy's face as he heard an answer.

"Hello.... I'd like to talk to you about the apartment that you're currently renting...."

For some reason the brunette was feeling uneasy ever since he left the smaller boy's room, he didn't know why he had entered it in the first place.

He shook his head and sighed in annoyance as he cooked himself some ramen, he left out some fruits and crackers in the smaller boy's spot. He made sure that he didn't prepare anything out of concern about the boy unconsciously rejecting any cooked food due to anxiety.

He sighed when he finished eating and decided that he'd have to go and get the boy to eat.

He walked over towards the door and his brow furrowed when he heard the boy softly talking. He opened the door to see Aichi talking on the phone, a solemn look etched across his face. Sapphires flickered towards him before the boy hung up.

"Who were you talking to?"

Kai asked, curious for he didn't know that the boy had a phone in the first place.

"Just settling a few things..."

Aichi shrugged as he looked away from the older.

"I see..... anyway its time for you to eat, I left out some fruits and crackers"

The brunette replied uneasily, unsettled by the smaller boy's strange actions, Aichi nodded and walked past the older towards the kitchen.

His stomach growled when he caught sight of the food, he cautiously took a few bites of an apple and paused to savour it's taste, glad that his body wasn't rejecting the sweet taste.

Aichi felt oddly calm. He had found a place to stay, now all he had to do was leave the brunette's apartment and not return, then everything would be settled.

A small frown covered the young boy's face as he wondered if things would really be okay if he were to just leave. He shook his head, remembering that he was against staying in the first place.

"Yes.... It would be for the best....."

Aichi whispered as he finished off the apple and ate a few crackers, he then went towards his room and spent a few moments in it before exiting once more.

He silently slipped on his shoes and left the apartment, most likely not returning.

He shivered at the cool air as he made his way towards his new 'home' even though he knew that he probably wouldn't think of the new place as his 'home' for a good while.

Meanwhile the brunette frowned when he didn't see any sign of the blue haired boy, he didn't even see the boy's shoes near the front door.

He didn't like this, for it was around midnight and yet the boy had decided to go for some sort of walk.

However, he felt uneasy that the smaller boy had taken all of the few possessions that were actually his. He noted this when he gazed around the smaller Boy's room, it seemed as if the boy had cleaned it before leaving, again he wondered why.

That is until he spotted a note on one of the dressers.

To Kai

I found a place to stay, sorry for taking up room and being a bother. now you don't have to worry, thanks for lending me a place to stay, and I won't bother you anymore.


The brunette snatched the note and crumpled it in his hands, angry for some reason and concerned at the same time, for he knew that the blue haired boy wasn't ready to be alone yet.

He sighed and went to go fetch his phone book that was stored under the boy's bed, for he wanted to check housing numbers.

Seemingly Alone - Cardfight Vanguardजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें