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Chapter 5 is here~ I don't own cardfight vanguard~


About Aichi throwing up, no he's NOT prego.... Lol.... The comment about that killed me (in a good way) anyway nervousness and unease can cause people to feel nauseous and eventually throw up if its strong enough~~

"I'd really be fine on my own though....."

The blue haired boy replied as he shifted his gaze towards the brunette, jades narrowed at this.

"No, no you won't Aichi, any normal person your age wouldn't be fine on their own after everything that has happened recently...."

The brunette reasoned, wondering why he was so keen on helping the young boy recover from his pain. The brunette mused that it was probably because he had once felt the same pain before.

"Kai is right Aichi..... It'll only be for a little bit"

Miwa added, hoping to further the brunette's reasoning.

Aichi was silent for a few moments before his expression of unease shifted into a blank face.

"Fine, I'll stay with Kai. For now at least......"

Aichi replied, his voice somewhat monotone, startling the two older teens at the boy's sudden shift in demeanour.

With the argument complete, the young boy seemed to spiritually drift away from them, seeming as if the boy wanted to avoid them but couldn't Which was, actually somewhat true for the most part.

"So Aichi...... Want to have a cardfight sometime?"

The blond asked as they all began to walk towards the brunette's apartment, for he wanted to cheer up the younger and he knew for a fact that Aichi loved to cardfight.

Sapphires narrowed slightly as the youngest drew his lips into a thin line as he looked at the blond with a blank face.

"Maybe sometime later....."

The younger trailed off, causing Miwa to smile and laugh awkwardly.

"Sure! just tell me when you're in the mood!"

The blond laughed, despite the evident concern within grey pools. He didn't like seeing that expression on the young boy's face, Miwa could tell that the brunette's slight stiffening in his posture also meant that he wasn't pleased as well.

"I'll make sure to do that......."

Aichi replied softly before murmuring something inaudible to both of the older teens.

"Eh, what did you say?"

The blond asked curiously, a sad smile made it's way upon the younger's lips as he shook his head.

"Nothing.... I said nothing....."

The last part was said slower, as if the boy was trying to make himself believe his own words. Jades narrowed at this.

"We should pick up the pace before it gets too cold out"

Kai sighed, not too fond of the awkward conversation between the two. However he felt lucky that at least it was Miwa feeling awkward instead of himself.

"Mmmmm I think so too..... I'm feeling tired......"

The blue haired boy replied as he sped up his pace so that he was walking a good distance ahead of the older teens, Miwa raised a brow.

"He suddenly started acting cold as soon as he gave up on trying to find a apartment for himself....."

The brunette nodded at the blond's whispered words.

"He seems to have temporarily shut off his emotions"

Grey pools softened as the blond looked towards the youngest.

"I hope it's only temporary..... He is probably trying to hide his emotions so that he wouldn't worry us......"

The blond sighed, wondering if he and the brunette had pushed too far in making the young boy agree to stay with Kai.

"Who knows, it's not like it affects me that much. it makes it more simple to take care of him"

Kai replied, resulting in Miwa looking at him as if he had suddenly dyed his hair neon pink.

"Seriously Kai?...... Is that what you really think?...."

The blond asked, somewhat shocked by his friend's words. The brunette shrugged.

"Yeah, it's not like we're close or anything"

The blond rolled his eyes, not impressed.

"Then why were you so persistent on making Aichi stay with you?"

"Who knows...... I don't really understand so myself......"

The brunette sighed, causing Aichi who had managed to hear the last section of their conversation flinch slightly, hurt by the brunette's words, yet he pretended that he didn't hear.

When the three teens arrived at the brunette's apartment, the youngest of the three immediately began heading towards his room, however Miwa playfully grabbed his wrist to stop him.

"Nope, you're not sleeping the day away!"

The blond laughed, causing a small frown to linger on Aichi's lips as he was pulled towards the couch.

"I'm tired though......."

The youngest sighed softly.

"Aichi you've slept most of the day away"

The brunette deadpanned.

"But it makes time pass without me thinking about mom or Emi...."

Aichi replied in a whispered, too soft for the two older teens to hear.

"Come on Aichi, it's gotten late out, at least stay awake in time for supper.... we've missed lunch after all.

The mention of food made the blue haired boy feel a painful twinge in his stomach as he remembered that he had thrown up the little amount of food that he had actually eaten earlier in the day.

"Fine....... Is supper soon?"


The brunette didn't know how to respond to the smaller boy's comment, for the boy was acting quite odd compared to his usual self.

"Since it is actually late..... I guess we could start making it right now..... How about omelettes since it's quick?"

The blond replied, looking towards the brunette for permission, Kai nodded.

"Sure, I'll cook, Aichi will chop peppers and Miwa will chop up some onions to go in the omelette"

The blond couldn't help but frown.

"But onions make me cry....."

His complain was ignored by the other two as the brunette pulled out cutting boards, onions and peppers before starting to prepare the eggs.

The blue haired boy immediately began cutting the peppers while the blond cut the onions, crying all the while and complaining about his own tears.

Aichi winced slightly when he accidentally cut his finger, he put it in his mouth and sucked on it to stop the blood flow, not wanting blood all over the food.

When it stopped, the blue haired boy realized that the pain had temporarily made him forget about the pain within his heart.

Me: hope you enjoyed the chappy~ berry is too lazy to do a skit..... Also my iPod is making my hand go numb from typing this all at once like how I always do it~~ the spur of le moment~~

Seemingly Alone - Cardfight VanguardWhere stories live. Discover now