Chapter 23

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Chapter 23 is here~ I no own cardfight vanguard~

The brunette let out a sigh as soon as he arrived at his apartment, for some reason he felt extremely tired, he guessed that it was due to his unease concerning the blue haired boy.


Kai jumped and spun around to see Miwa casually sitting on his couch in the living room.

"How did you get in here?"

The brunette questioned, for he remembered locking the door specifically.

"I climbed in through the window"

"....... You didn't really did you?"


"I see....."

The blond flashed a toothy grin and hooked his arms behind his head and hummed at the brunette's reaction.

"Don't worry I actually used the spare key that you left under the mat"

"..... How long have you known about its location?...."

The brunette asked, A little disterbed about the fact, the blond shrugged.

"I don't know.... maybe a few years now?"

"......... You've been sneaking into my house for years"

Kai stated, feeling quite annoyed when he remembered when things had randomly gone missing in his apartment only to appear out of no where a while later.

"Hehe...... It's not that bad...."

The blond laughed nervously as he got up from the couch and backed away.

"You've been sneaking into my house-"

"Oh I know! what about Aichi? you were just with him right?"

The blond asked swiftly, trying to change the subject so as to pacify the brunette's annoyance. However he quickly regretted the topic when he noticed the brunette frown slightly.

"Because you placed thoughts into my head I messed up and said some things without thinking first"

"Hmmm?........ Oh......."

The blond trailed off as he realized what the brunette was implying.

"Yes, it's that....."

Grey orbs blinked in surprise before avoiding contact with the brunette.

"Well isn't it good at least that your subconscious came put and helped you realize your feelings towards Aichi?......"

Miwa replied cautiously, knowing that he was treading unsettling grounds for Kai.

"Sure if you count probably creeping Aichi out and making him want to avoid me as much as possible....."

Grey orbs softened as Miwa placed a reassuring hand on the brunette's shoulder

"I doubt that Aichi thinks like that, he's not the kind of person to judge like that"

Jades narrowed in confusion before the brunette nodded as he thought about how accepting the young boy is.

"I guess your right..... But then why would he act so strangely?...."

Kai murmured half to himself.

"Maybe he's uneasy around you because he feels the same way but doesn't know? Or he could have felt really awkward about the sudden confession and didn't know how to respond?"

The blond mused as he rubbed the bottom of his chin.

"Maybe..... but he had been acting weird before I blurted out my feelings....."

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